Council Chamber, City Hall
  • His Worship, Mayor C. Clark, in the Chair
  • Councillor C. Block
  • Councillor T. Davies
  • Councillor R. Donauer
  • Councillor B. Dubois
  • Councillor S. Gersher, via teleconference at 10:10 a.m.
  • Councillor H. Gough
  • Councillor D. Hill
  • Councillor Z. Jeffries
  • Councillor D. Kirton
  • Councillor M. Loewen
  • City Manager J. Jorgenson
  • City Solicitor C. Yelland
  • General Manager, Community Services L. Lacroix
  • General Manager, Transportation & Construction T. Schmidt
  • General Manager, Utilities & Environment A. Gardiner
  • City Clerk A. Tittemore
  • Committee Assistant H. Janzen

The Chair called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirmed roll call. He also noted that the first City of Saskatoon Round Dance and Feast that took place on March 28, 2024, was a powerful event and thanked everyone who helped out to make it happen.


This item has attachments. 
  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Block
    1. That Item 8.2.1 be moved to the City Council Public Hearing Meeting Agenda; 
    2. That the following letters be added to Item 9.1.1:
      • Requesting to Speak
        • Aaron Beres, Loraas Disposal North Ltd., dated April 22, 2024;
      • Submitting Comments
        •  Jason Aebig, Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, dated April 22, 2024;
    3. That the following letters be added to Item 9.2.1:
      • Requesting to Speak
        • Jason Hanson, Saskatoon Cycles, dated April 18, 2024;
        • Tod Fox, dated April 19, 2024;
        • Greg McKee, Bike Doctor, dated April 22, 2024;
        • James Dobson, dated April 22, 2024;
      • Submitting Comments
        • Scott Wieting, dated April 18, 2024;
        • Miles Yohnke, dated April 18, 2024;
        • Nicholas Pollett, dated April 18, 2024;
        • Tyrell Harder, dated April 18, 2024;
        • Jennifer Wood, dated April 18, 2024;
        • Chris Gelineau, dated April 19, 2024;
        • Dawn Winterhalt, dated April 19, 2024;
        • Siobhan Brennan, dated April 19, 2024;
        • Dylan Carr, dated April 19, 2024;
        • Daniel Kuhlen, dated April 19, 2024;
        • Gordon Sarty, dated April 20, 2024;
        • Tom Gode, dated April 20, 2024;
        • Ella Ophir, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Arika Block, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Sheila Ragush, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Megan Daschner, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Eric Lamb, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Erin Edwards, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Nancy Howse, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Stephanie Siemens, dated April 21, 2024;
        • Lynne Meredith, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Bonnie Weisbeck, Saskatoon Cycles, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Emily Ostapovitch, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Caylin Lee, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Jared Stephenson, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Merlin Toth, dated April 22, 2024; 
        • Emily Hopkins, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Robert Cleveland, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Rahatjan Judge, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Murray Gross, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Robert Patrick, dated April 22, 2024;
        • Daniel Fuller, dated April 22, 2024;
    4. That the items with speakers be considered immediately following consideration of the Consent Agenda:
      • 9.1.1
        • Aaron Beres, Loraas Disposal North Ltd.;
      •  9.2.1
        • Jason Hanson, Saskatoon Cycles;
        • Tod Fox; 
        • Greg McKee, Bike Doctor;
        • James Dobson; and 
    5. ​That the agenda be confirmed as amended.
    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

There were no declarations of conflict of interest during this time, however Councillor Gersher later joined the meeting and declared a conflict on item 11.2.3, noted within that section of the minutes.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    ​That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on March 27, 2024, be approved.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

Mayor Clark recognized the loss of Diego Aguirre and spoke to his time as a transit operator. He passed along condolences to his wife, son and family, followed by a moment of silence.

This is a standing item on the agenda in order to provide Council Members an opportunity to provide any public acknowledgements. 

Mayor Clark

Mayor Clark acknowledged that April 24, 2024, was Administrative Professionals Day and recognized all staff, including Mayors Office.

Mayor Clark noted that General Manager, Community Services Lynne Lacroix has announced her retirement for 2023.  

Mayor Clark congratulated the Saskatoon Blades on their current playoff run and wished them good luck in round 3 against Moose Jaw. 

Councillor Gough

Councillor Gough also acknowledged Administrative Professionals Day and the City Clerk's Staff and Councillor Assistants. 

dee Hobsbawn-Smith, Saskatchewan Poet Laureate, was in attendance and presented a poem in honour of National Poetry Month.  

Councillor Donauer asked about the recent news articles regarding violence on the transit system and what we are doing to make it safe for residents and operators.

General Manager, Transportation and Construction Schmidt responded that transit has undertaken various initiatives and undertakings to address some of these issues that have been brought up. As well, Saskatoon Fire is working to implement the new Community Support Officers program.

Councillor Donauer asked about potholes and an update when the program starts for the season. 

General Manager, Transportation and Construction Schmidt responded that crews are out, and the work is underway. He encouraged residents to report potholes or utility cuts to Customer Service at 306-975-2476. 

Councillor Dubois followed up from Councillor Donauer's question on transit safety and if there will be 6 dedicated Community Support Officers on transit. 

General Manager, Transportation and Construction Schmidt responded that it would be a targeted approach with all 12 Community Support Officers on a community wide basis.

Councillor Dubois asked for an update on the fire at the Gabriel Dumont Park pedestrian bridge and when/if it will be open. 

General Manager, Utilities and Environment Gardiner responded that there was a fire that damaged the bridge. Repairs are starting the week of April 29th and the bridge is anticipated to be open by the middle of May. 

Councillor Davies asked about what level of training the Community Support Officers would get.

City Manager Jorgenson responded that the level of training and education will be elevated.

Item 8.3.2 was removed from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved By:Councillor Davies
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1 to 8.1.3; 8.2.2 to 8.2.4; 8.3.1, 8.3.3, 8.3.4; 8.4.1 to 8.4.5; and 8.5.1 to 8.5.6 be adopted as one motion.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

    Item 9.1.1 was considered next.

  • That the 2024 Work Plan for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee be received as information.

    1. That Capital Project P.00901 – Park Upgrades, Enhancement and Repairs be reduced by $216,000, with a decrease in allocation of the NIF funding; and
    2. That Capital Project P.01619.06 – Storm Sewer Trunk and Collection Capacity Program be increased by $216,000, to be funded by an increase in allocation of the NIF funding, available through continency NIF program funds.

This item was moved to the City Council Public Hearing Meeting Agenda. 

    1. That the proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 7200, The Traffic Bylaw, 1991, as outlined in the report of the Community Services Division dated March 5, 2024, be approved; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to make the necessary amendments to Bylaw No. 7200, The Traffic Bylaw, 1991.
  • That the 2024 Work Plan for the Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee be received as information.

  • That the direction provided at the March 26, 2018 regular meeting of City Council which resolved, “That additional billboards on public right-of-way not be installed due to public safety reasons” be rescinded.

    1. That a capital project of $130,000 required to purchase 47 golf carts, be approved; and
    2. That funding for the capital project from the Golf Course Capital Reserve, be approved.
  • That the 2024 Work Plan for the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee be received as information. 

  • That the 2024 Work Plan for the Public Art Advisory Committee be received as information.


This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Davies introduced the item as Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services.

General Manager, Community Services Lacroix responded to questions of Council.

  • Moved By:Councillor Davies
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
    1. That the budgeted annual transfer of $34,000 to the Public Housing Subsidy account cease in 2024, with the funds returning to the Public Housing Subsidy account; and
    2. That the funds remaining in the Pleasant Hill Village Capital Budget account, estimated at $137,000 be divided as follows between:
      1. $50,000 to Capital Project P.02519 in support of the Pleasant Hill Rink Project;
      2. $50,000 to Capital Project 2652 the Washroom Navigator Program project component, to the Assistance to Community Groups Grant – Social Services Cash Grant Social Program for Washroom Accessibility Grant(s) to support public washroom initiatives or similar community project(s) that aims to improve community well-being;
      3. The remainder (est. $37,000) to the Affordable Housing Reserve.
    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

    Item 10.5.1 was considered next.

    1. That the application from Drake Meats Inc. for a five-year tax abatement on the incremental portion of taxes at 919 71st Street East, as a result of its development in 2024, be approved as 100% for Year 1 through 5; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare the appropriate agreements, and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the corporate seal.
    1. That a bonus payment of $112,250 to SREDA be approved; and
    2. That SREDA’s 2024 Key Performance Indicators and Targets be approved.
    1. That the Administration be authorized to acquire a 0.014- acre portion of ISC Parcel Number 204030144 from Saskatoon Food Bank Incorporated for $6,930.00 as per the terms outlined in the report of the Corporate Financial Services Division dated April 3, 2024; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreements and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the Corporate Seal.
  • That Karianne Morin be appointed as a citizen representative of the Métis Community to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to the end of 2025.

  • That Anne-Marie Cey be appointed as an agency representative on the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee for the Broadway Business Improvement District to the end of 2025.

  • That Karthik Babu Menon be appointed as an agency representative for Spinal Cord Injury Saskatchewan Inc. to the Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee to the to the end of 2025.

  • That Terance Monteith be appointed as a citizen representative to the Municipal Planning Commission to the end of 2026.

  • That Chad Woolsey be appointed as a Trustee to the General Superannuation Plan – Board of Trustees.


The following letters were provided:

  • Requesting to Speak
    • Aaron Beres, Loraas Disposal North Ltd., dated April 22, 2024.
  • Submitting Comments
    •  Jason Aebig, Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, dated April 22, 2024.

Councillor Gersher entered the meeting at 10:10 a.m. 

Councillor Loewen introduced the item as Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services.  

General Manager, Utilities and Environment Gardiner noted that since the report there has been an update and the Federal Funding Application was not successful.

Council heard from Aaron Beres, Loraas Disposal North Ltd., who also responded to questions of Council. 

City Solicitor Yelland, Director of Water and Waste Operations Lemke, City Manager Jorgenson and General Manager Utilities and Environment Gardiner responded to questions of Council. 

The meeting recessed at 11:14 a.m. and reconvened at 11:31 a.m. with all members of Council in attendance. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Gough
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    The City Council go In Camera.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton

    The City Council Regular Business meeting convened In Camera at 12:01 p.m. in Committee Room A with all members of Council present (Councillor Gersher via teleconference).

    Also present were:

    - City Manager Jorgenson

    - City Solicitor Yelland

    - City Clerk Tittemore

    - General Manager Utilities and Environment Gardiner

    - Director of Water and Waste Operations Lemke

    - Environmental Projects & Protection Manager Gauthier

    - Committee Assistant Janzen

    The In Camera portion of the meeting concluded at 12:42 p.m.

    Council recessed at 12:42 p.m. and reconvened publicly at 1:31 p.m. with all members of Council present (Councillor Gersher and Councillor Davies via teleconference).

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the information and discussion remain In Camera under Section 17 (1) of LAFOIP.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the Administration pursue Option 3 – Build a City-owned Organics Processing Facility.

    In Favour: (6)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (5)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Donauer, and Councillor Dubois
    CARRIED (6 to 5)

    Councillor Gersher declared a conflict of interest on Item 11.2.3 as she was not present during consideration of that matter.


This item has attachments. 

The following letters were provided:

  • Requesting to Speak
    1. Jason Hanson, Saskatoon Cycles, dated April 18, 2024;
    2. Tod Fox, dated April 19, 2024;
    3. Greg McKee, Bike Doctor, dated April 22, 2024; and 
    4. James Dobson, dated April 22, 2024.
  • Submitting Comments
    1. Scott Wieting, dated April 18, 2024;
    2. Miles Yohnke, dated April 18, 2024;
    3. Nicholas Pollett, dated April 18, 2024;
    4. Tyrell Harder, dated April 18, 2024;
    5. Jennifer Wood, dated April 18, 2024;
    6. Chris Gelineau, dated April 19, 2024;
    7. Dawn Winterhalt, dated April 19, 2024;
    8. Siobhan Brennan, dated April 19, 2024;
    9. Dylan Carr, dated April 19, 2024;
    10. Daniel Kuhlen, dated April 19, 2024;
    11. Gordon Sarty, dated April 20, 2024;
    12. Tom Gode, dated April 20, 2024;
    13. Ella Ophir, dated April 21, 2024;
    14. Arika Block, dated April 21, 2024;
    15. Sheila Ragush, dated April 21, 2024;
    16. Megan Daschner, dated April 21, 2024;
    17. Eric Lamb, dated April 21, 2024;
    18. Erin Edwards, dated April 21, 2024;
    19. Nancy Howse, dated April 21, 2024;
    20. Stephanie Siemens, dated April 21, 2024;
    21. Lynne Meredith, dated April 22, 2024;
    22. Bonnie Weisbeck, Saskatoon Cycles, dated April 22, 2024;
    23. Emily Ostapovitch, dated April 22, 2024;
    24. Caylin Lee, dated April 22, 2024;
    25. Jared Stephenson, dated April 22, 2024;
    26. Merlin Toth, dated April 22, 2024; 
    27. Emily Hopkins, dated April 22, 2024;
    28. Robert Cleveland, dated April 22, 2024;
    29. Rahatjan Judge, dated April 22, 2024; 
    30. Murray Gross, dated April 22, 2024; 
    31. Robert Patrick, dated April 22, 2024; and 
    32. Daniel Fuller, dated April 22, 2024.

Councillor Dubois introduced the item as Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation. 

Council heard from the following:

  • Dr. Jim Arnold, on behalf of Saskatoon Cycles, who also responded to questions;
  • Tod Fox;
  • Greg McKee, Bike Doctor, who also responded to questions; and
  • James Dobson, who also responded to questions.

Director of Transportation Magus, General Manager, Transportation and Construction Schmidt, City Manager Jorgenson, City Clerk Tittemore and Director of Finance Smith responded to questions of Council.

The meeting recessed at 3:41 p.m. and reconvened at 3:55 p.m. with all members of Council in attendance. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Hill

    That the Administration continue with implementation of recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
  • Moved By:Councillor Hill
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That recommendation 8 be added and implemented through an increase of $60,000 to capital project P.02288 from RCE.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (1)Councillor Donauer
    CARRIED (10 to 1)

    Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That Administration also report back, in alignment with BRT route planning and the campus connector study, on Option 9 or another more complete solution to fully accommodate all modes of transportation at the intersection of Wiggins and College Drive.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton

    Moved By:Councillor Gough
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That Administration report back on opportunities for the City and Council to support changes to commercial vehicle standards and relevant regulations that would reduce driver blind spots.

    In Favour: (6)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (5)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Donauer, and Councillor Dubois
    CARRIED (6 to 5)

    Moved By:Councillor Gough
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That the report also include potential opportunities for a pilot project to retrofit some City vehicles with enhanced visibility measures to evaluate their effectiveness.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton

    Councillor Gersher excused herself from the meeting at 4:45 p.m.

    Item 8.3.2 was considered next. 

Director of Corporate Revenue Voth presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9989, The Saskatoon Property Tax Bylaw, 2024 and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (9)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (1)Councillor Dubois
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
    CARRIED (9 to 1)
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9987 and The Business Improvement District Levy Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9988, The School Division Property Tax Bylaw, 2024 and give same their FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That Bylaw No. 9989 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (9)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (1)Councillor Dubois
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
    CARRIED (9 to 1)
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Kirton

    That Bylaw Nos. 9987 and 9988, now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9989 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw No. 9989 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (9)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (1)Councillor Dubois
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
    CARRIED (9 to 1)
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Kirton

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw Nos. 9987, 9988, read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw Nos. 9987 and 9988, now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaws be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9985, The Capital Reserve Amendment Bylaw, 2024; and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Bylaw No. 9985 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9985 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw No. 9985 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That the City Clerk repeal Council Policy C09-019, Properties (City-Owned) Required for Major Projects.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the hour of the meeting be extended beyond 5:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Hill

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9963, The Adult Services Licensing Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9966, The Business Licence Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9967, The Cannabis Business Licence Amendment Bylaw, 2024 (No.  2); Bylaw No. 9968, The Drainage Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9969, The Fire and Protective Services Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9970, The Private Swimming Pools Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9971, The Property Maintenance & Nuisance Abatement Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9972, The Saskatoon Appeal Board Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9973, The Sewer Use Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9974, The Traffic Amendment Bylaw, 2024 (No. 2); Bylaw No. 9975, The Tree Protection Amendment Bylaw, 2024; Bylaw No. 9976, The Underground Encroachment and Sidewalk Safety Amendment Bylaw, 2024; and Bylaw No. 9977, The Waste Amendment Bylaw, 2024; and give same their FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Bylaw Nos. 9963, 9966, 9967, 9968, 9969, 9970, 9971, 9972, 9973, 9974, 9975, 9976, 9977 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw Nos. 9963, 9966, 9967, 9968, 9969, 9970, 9971, 9972, 9973, 9974, 9975, 9976, 9977 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries

    That Bylaw Nos. 9963, 9966, 9967, 9968, 9969, 9970, 9971, 9972, 9973, 9974, 9975, 9976, 9977 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaws be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That City Council instruct the City Clerk to make the required amendments to Council Policy No. C09-006: Residential Lot Sales - General Policy, effective January 1, 2025.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

Councillor Gersher declared a conflict of interest on this matter during consideration of Item 9.1.1 due to her family being involved in a business that could be seen to be in conflict with the Taxi and TNC industries. Councillor Gersher was not present for consideration of this matter.

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9986, The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw, 2024; and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw No. 9986 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9986 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Bylaw No. 9986 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher

The City Clerk reported that in accordance with Section 65 of The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 9170, Councillor Dubois provided the following Notice of Motion:

"Whereas the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation at its April 2, 2024 meeting considered a report Public Right-of Way Billboards and resolved:

That the direction provided at the March 26, 2018 regular meeting of City Council which resolved, “That additional billboards on public right-of-way not be installed due to public safety reasons” be rescinded.”

Whereas a notice of motion is required to rescind previous direction;

That the March 26, 2018 resolution of Council “That additional billboards on public right-of-way not be installed due to public safety reasons” be rescinded."

Councillor Dubois introduced the item.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That the March 26, 2018 resolution of Council “That additional billboards on public right-of-way not be installed due to public safety reasons” be rescinded.

    In Favour: (9)Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Kirton
    Against: (1)Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Gersher
    CARRIED (9 to 1)

The meeting adjourned at 5:08 p.m.

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