Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall

  • Recommendation
    1. That the request to speak from Chris Guerette, Saskatoon & Region Home Builders' Association, dated November 15, 2019 be added to item 8.1.7;
    2. That the letter submitting comments from Randy Pshebylo, Riversdale Business Improvement District, dated November 18, 2019 be added to item 8.1.9;
    3. That the request to speak from Randy Pshebylo, Riversdale Business Improvement District, dated November 18, 2019 be added to item 8.4.3;
    4. That the following letters be added to item 8.4.2:
      1. Submitting Comments
        1. Robert Kavanagh, dated November 14, 2019;
        2. Gail Stevens, dated November 14, 2019;
        3. Jan Shadick, Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, dated November 15, 2019;
    5. That the following letters be added to item 9.4.1:
      1. Request to Speak
        1. Robert Clipperton, Bus Riders of Saskatoon, dated November 14, 2019;
      2. Submitting Comments
        1. Benjamin Ralston, dated November 14, 2019;
        2. Peter Gallen, dated November 16, 2019;
    6. That Request for Budget Adjustment - Capital Project #2266 - Highway 16 and 71st Street Intersection Upgrades be added as item 9.4.2;
    7. That the following letters be added to item 10.1.1:
      1. Requesting to Speak - Randy Pshebylo, Riversdale Business Improvement District, dated November 14, 2019;
      2. Submitting Comments - Brian Smith, dated November 17, 2019
    8. That the letter requesting to speak from Laura Zink, University of Saskatchewan, dated November 15, 2019 be added to item 10.6.2;
    9. That the items with speakers be considered immediately following consideration of the Consent Agenda in the following order:
      1. Item 8.1.7 - Chris Guerette, Saskatoon & Region Home Builders' Association
      2. Item 8.4.3 - Randy Pshebylo, Riversdale Business Improvement District
      3. Item 9.4.1 - Robert Clipperton, Bus Riders of Saskatoon
      4. Item 10.1.1 - Randy Pshebylo, Riversdale Business Improvement District
      5. Item 10.6.2 - Laura Zink, University of Saskatchewan; and
    10. ​That the agenda be confirmed as amended.
  • Recommendation

    ​That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on October 28, 2019, be adopted.

The City Clerk reported that this is a standing item on the agenda in order to provide Council Members an opportunity to provide any public acknowledgements.

Mayor Clark expressed congratulations on behalf of Council to the Saskatoon Hilltops on their six straight Canadian Bowl title.

Mayor Clark indicated that a letter was received from Mayor Bowman, City of Winnipeg, expressing gratitude to the City of Saskatoon for its support during the recent storm clean up. A copy of the letter will be available with the agenda for viewing.

Councillor Gough acknowledged the opening of the Enchanted Forest and the success of the recent Saskatchewan Blue Cross Light Walk.

Councillor Hill congratulated Councillor Block on a personal special event.

Items 8.1.3, 8.1.7, 8.1.8, 8.1.9, 8.3.2, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 were removed from the Consent Agenda.

  • Recommendation

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.4 to 8.1.6; 8.2.1 to 8.2.2; 8.3.1; 8.4.1; and 8.5.1 be adopted as one motion.

  • Recommendation

    That the Civic Naming Committee provide twice annual reports to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee for feedback with particular reporting on diversity in naming progress and opportunities for support.

  • Recommendation
    1. That adjustments to the 2019 Parks and Recreation Levy rate, as outlined in the November 5, 2019 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved; and
    2. That the 2019 Community Centre Levy rates for each developing neighbourhood, as outlined in the November 5, 2019 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved.
  • Recommendation

    1.  That an adjustment be approved to the 2019 Prepaid Service Rates, as submitted under Appendix 1 to the November 5, 2019 Report of the General Manager, Transportation and Construction Department.

  • Recommendation

    2.  That the Preliminary 2020 rates be set at the 2019 rates, and adjusted in late 2020 based on actual 2020 contract costs.

  • Recommendation

    That the Administration report back to the appropriate Standing Policy Committee on options for regular auditing of the adjusted Prepaid Servicing Rates. 

  • Recommendation

    That Option 1 – Status Quo City of Saskatoon Funded Supports to Special Events, and increase the budget by $75,000 in 2020 and an additional $75,000 in 2021 to a total $230,000 as included in the proposed 2020 and 2021 Preliminary Operating Budget and provide civic services to eligible publicly accessible events, be approved.

  • Recommendation

    That Administration meet with Tourism Saskatoon in regards to the opportunity to use DMF funding for funding of civic services at special events.

  • Recommendation

    That exemptions laid out in Option 4 – Expand Exemption to the Established Neighbourhoods (Excluding University of Saskatchewan Lands), restricted to the zoning districts laid out in Option 5 – Expand Exemption Based on Zoning of the November 5, 2019 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be implemented. That once implemented, these exemptions be reviewed alongside the results from the levy audit currently underway.

  • Recommendation

    The Council suspend its rules and bring forward items 10.7.1 and 9.5.4 to be considered in that order.

  • Recommendation

    That the hour of the meeting be extended beyond 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to consider items 10.7.1 and 9.5.4.

  • Recommendation

    1. That the application from Axiom Industries Ltd. for a five-year tax abatement on the incremental portion of taxes at 3615 Burron Avenue, as a result of its development in 2020, be approved as follows:

       o 100% in Year 1;

       o 80% in Year 2;

       o 70% in Year 3;

       o 60% in Year 4;

       o 50% in Year 5; and

    2. That the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare the appropriate agreements.

  • Recommendation
    1. That the Administration be authorized to purchase NE 32-37-4 W3 Ext 58, SE 32-37-4 W3 Ext 59, SW 32-37-4 W3 Ext 0, and NW 32-37-4 W3 Ext 61 (ISC Surface Parcel Nos. 131838712, 131838723, 118558615, and 131838734), comprising of approximately 550.81 acres, from 590028 Saskatchewan Ltd. at a purchase price of $9,000,235.40; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.
  • Recommendation

    That the request for a sanitary sewer charge exemption for the Arbor Glen Condo Corporation, located at 330 Stodola Court, be approved; and the Director of Corporate Revenue be requested to remove the sanitary sewer charge from water meter numbers 60119638 and 60119639, effective July 16, 2019.

  • Councillor Gersher declared a conflict on this item. (She is a current Net Metering Program customer.)
  • Recommendation

    That when any changes are made to go-forward rates, customers with approved applications be considered existing net metering customers for the purposes of grandfathering.

A request to speak from Randy Pshebylo, Riversdale Business Improvement District, dated November 18, 2019, is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That Option 1 in the report of the General Manager, Transportation & Construction Department dated November 4, 2019, be adopted.

The following letters were provided:

Submitting Comments

  1. Margi Corbett, dated November 5, 2019
  2. Robert Kavanagh, dated November 14, 2019;
  3. Gail Stevens, dated November 14, 2019; and
  4. Jan Shadick, Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, dated November 15, 2019.
  • Recommendation

    That the Administration provide a report with an analysis from an engineering perspective on the feasibility of raising the speed limit on McOrmond Drive between Wanuskewin Road and Fedoruk Drive and on Central Avenue between Fedoruk Drive and McOrmond Drive. If available please include data on:

    1. traffic infractions; and
    2. wildlife deaths, with a comparison to other roads surrounding the city.
  • Recommendation

    That the Northeast Swale working group be included in the consultation.

  • Recommendation

    That the matter be referred to the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee for feedback.

  • Recommendation

    That the City Solicitor be directed to prepare bylaws to repeal:

    1. Bylaw No. 5257, The Local Improvement Procedure Bylaw;
    2. Bylaw No. 4486, A bylaw of The City of Saskatoon to adopt Section 3 of The Lord’s Day (Saskatchewan) Act;
    3. Bylaw No. 5631, A bylaw of the City of Saskatoon to provide for the regulation of Planned Unit Developments; and
    4. Bylaw No. 5048, A Bylaw to appoint The Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Saskatoon Branch) as Poundkeeper for The City of Saskatoon.
  • Recommendation

    That the recommended appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees and any further direction, as noted by the City Clerk and attached to this report as amended, be approved.

  • Recommendation
    1. That City Council implement Option 2, as described in the report of the City Manager dated November 12, 2019;
    2. That The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 2014 be amended such that debate for items in the public session for the Governance and Priorities Committee of City Council be limited to five minutes per member; and
    3. That the Administration report back on the process for the flow of the agenda items in comparable cities.
  • Recommendation

    Board of Directors of Controlled Corporations (Appendix 2):

    1.  That it set a range for Board size of 6 to 15 Directors for each Controlled Corporation;

    2.  That two City Councillors be appointed to the Board of each Controlled Corporation;

    3.  That the Corporate Bylaws be amended to codify that a Director who also serves as a member of Council has the ability to report to City Council and the Governance and Priorities Committee In Camera;

    4.  That each Controlled Corporation adopt meeting procedures within 60 days of this resolution being passed by City Council; and

    6.  That the City Clerk’s Office conduct mandatory Board Orientation with each of the Controlled Corporations on an annual basis.


    Directors of the Controlled Corporations (Appendix 3):

    That the appointment policy be maintained to reflect two-year appointments to a maximum of six consecutive years.


    Committees of the Boards (Appendix 4)

    1. That an Audit Committee be required to be established and that the Corporate Bylaws of the Controlled Corporations be amended to clarify that committees shall be advisory in nature only and that all decisions must be made by the Boards; and
    2. That the determination of committee composition be left up to the Boards.

    Management of the Controlled Corporations (Appendix 5)

    1. That the Governance Subcommittee update the Directors’ Code of Conduct and the Directors’ Anti-Harassment Policy and that the new policies be provided to the Controlled Corporations for adoption;
    2. That the Governance Subcommittee draft Financial/Transparency policies, a Respectful and Harassment-Free Workplace Policy, a Drug and Alcohol Policy, an Employee Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy, and any other policies as required, in consultation with the Controlled Corporations and that the new policies be provided to the Controlled Corporations for adoption;
    3. That the Governance Subcommittee develop a list of other policies for consideration by the Controlled Corporation Boards;
    4. That services be provided to the Controlled Corporations only upon request and that Service Agreements be entered into for the provision of those services;
    5. That a uniform CEO Recruitment Policy be drafted by the Governance Subcommittee and provided to the Controlled Corporations for adoption;
    6. That the Corporate Bylaws of the Controlled Corporations be amended to require the establishment of a CEO Recruitment/Performance Committee for each Controlled Corporation;
    7. That a City Councillor be appointed to the CEO Recruitment/Performance Committee for each Controlled Corporation;
    8. That the City Solicitor negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with each Controlled Corporation and bring each back to City Council for approval; and
    9. That the City Solicitor negotiate an Operating Agreement with each Controlled Corporation and bring each back to City Council for approval.
  • Recommendation

    Board of Directors of Controlled Corporations (Appendix 2):

    5.  That it limit meetings to occur within Saskatoon census metropolitan area; and

  • Recommendation

    1.  That  Bylaw No. 6884, The Bicycle Bylaw be amended as based on the policy framework provided in this report;

  • Recommendation

    That the bylaw be amended to allow for a one-metre buffer for cyclists when overtaking pedestrians.

  • Recommendation

    That the Administration report back on maintaining section 13 in the Bylaw (want bicycles to remain in the bicycle lane when one is available).

  • Recommendation

    That the Administration report back on limiting cyclists riding on sidewalks in BID areas and the industrial area.


  • Recommendation
  • Recommendation

    2.  That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate amendment to Bylaw No. 6884, The Bicycle Bylaw.

  • Recommendation

    That the matter be referred to the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee for information.

  • Recommendation

    That the report of the Interim Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer be received as information.

  • Recommendation

    That the information be received.

  • Recommendation

    That Item 17.1 be brought forward and considered publicly.

  • Recommendation

    That Councillor Gough be nominated for appointment to the Research Connections Grant Awards Committee.

  • Recommendation
    1. That the proposed changes set out in the Revision to the Collective Agreement (Attachment 1) with respect to the 2013-2017 Collective Agreement with the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local No. 615 be approved; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the revised contract under the Corporate Seal.
  • Recommendation

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9657, The Saskatoon Municipal Review Commission Amendment Bylaw, 2019 (No.2) and give same its FIRST reading.

  • Recommendation

    That Bylaw No.9657 now be read a SECOND time.

  • Recommendation

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No.9657 read a third time at this meeting.

  • Recommendation

    That Bylaw No.9657 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

  • Recommendation

    That item 17.1 be considered In Camera.

The City Clerk reported that the Governance & Priorities Committee, at its meeting held on November 12, 2019, considered a nomination request for City Councillor representation on the Research Grant Awards Committee and resolved: 

  • That the Administration be requested to provide additional information and Terms of Reference with respect to the Councillor appointment; and
  • That the submitted documentation be provided publicly.

A letter dated November 1, 2019 from Laura Zink, Director, Strategic Research Initiatives, University of Saskatchewan was provided.

No Item Selected