NOTICE OF HEARINGOPEN TO THE PUBLICDEVELOPMENT APPEALS BOARDTuesday, April 01, 2025 at 4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall(Please contact the City Clerk's Office at 306.975.3240 for further information).1.CALL TO ORDER 2.APPEAL HEARINGS 2.1Appeal 9-2025 - Development Permit Denial - 1202/1204 College Drive 1.009 - A1 - Notice of Appeal - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf2.009 - A2 - Appellant Supplementary Material - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf3.009 - A3 - Appellant Additional Documents - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf4.009 - R1 - Development Permit Denial - 1202 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf5.009 - R2 - Site Photographs - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf6.009 - R3 - Architectural Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf7.009 - R4 - Civil Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf8.009 - R5 - Electrial Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf9.009 - R6 - Mechanical Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf10.009 - R7 - Structural Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf11.009 - R8 - Location Plan and Site Plan - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf12.009 - B1 - Hearing Notice - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf2.2Appeal 10-2025 - Development Permit Denial - 633 Guelph Crescent 1.010 - A1 - Notice of Appeal - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf2.010 - R1 - Development Permit Denial - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf3.010 - R2 - Location Plan and Site Plan - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf4.010 - B1 - Hearing Notice - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf5.010 - B2 - Notification Email - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf3.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.009 - A1 - Notice of Appeal - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf2.009 - A2 - Appellant Supplementary Material - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf3.009 - A3 - Appellant Additional Documents - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf4.009 - R1 - Development Permit Denial - 1202 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf5.009 - R2 - Site Photographs - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf6.009 - R3 - Architectural Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf7.009 - R4 - Civil Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf8.009 - R5 - Electrial Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf9.009 - R6 - Mechanical Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf10.009 - R7 - Structural Drawings - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf11.009 - R8 - Location Plan and Site Plan - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf12.009 - B1 - Hearing Notice - 1202 and 1204 College Drive - 2025.pdf1.010 - A1 - Notice of Appeal - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf2.010 - R1 - Development Permit Denial - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf3.010 - R2 - Location Plan and Site Plan - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf4.010 - B1 - Hearing Notice - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf5.010 - B2 - Notification Email - 633 Guelph Crescent - 2025.pdf