Councillor Jeffries and Councillor Hill declared a conflict of interest on this item and Item 6.1.11 due to operating a rental unit that is impacted by changes in the text amendments. They excused themselves from the discussion and voting on the matter.
Mayor Clark introduced the matter and a motion to consider first reading of Bylaw No.9978 was passed.
Christine Gutmann, Senior Project Planner, Community Services Division, reviewed the proposed Official Community Plan amendment with slides and expressed the Division's support.
Kreg Harley, Chair, Municipal Planning Commission, expressed the Commission's support of the Official Community Plan Amendment. He responded to questions of Council.
Council heard from the following speaker on this matter:
- Karen Kobussen, Strong Towns YXE, and responded to questions of Council;
- Douglas Tompson and responded to questions of Council;
- Cameron Choquette, Saskatchewan Landlord Association, and responded to questions of Council;
- Nicole Burgess, Saskatoon and Region Home Builders' Association, and responded to questions of Council;
- Jonathan Nailer and responded to questions of Council;
- Andrew Wagner;
- Derek Cameron; and
- Bob Reid.
Adam Tittemore, City Clerk, Christine Gutmann, Senior Project Planner, Community Services Division, Lesley Anderson, Director of Planning and Development, Community Services Division and Cindy Yelland, City Solicitor, City Solicitor's Office, responded to questions of Council.
Councillor Davies excused himself from the meeting at 8:49 p.m.