That $1.64M be transferred from Reserve for Capital Expenditures to the Fiscal Stabilization Reserve.
The following is a summary list of the adjustments:
That $100,000 be added to the 2023 operating budget for the Saskatoon Attainable Housing Program.
That the operating contribution to RCE be reduced by $95,000 in 2023 to fund an operating contribution for a Shelter Services Support Grant to the SPCA and that this be for one year and reversed in 2024 and returned as a contribution to RCE.
That the Saskatoon Light & Power Return on Investment decrease in 2023 ($500,000) be deferred.
That the Transit phase in for Aspen Ridge ($83,600) be deferred.
That assumptions on fuel costs be reduced by $0.10 per litre for gasoline and for diesel ($700,000).
That the contribution to the major special events reserve be reduced by $68,700.
That $245,000 for the Housing Strategy Development project be funded by RCE.
That $100,000 be allocated from the Reserve for Capital Expenditures towards the Capital Project for Heritage Program Updates.
That $60,000 be allocated from the Heritage Reserve towards the capital project for Heritage Program Updates.
That $550,000 in profits be declared from the Neighbourhood Land Development Fund; and
That $550,000 for the Saskatoon Attainable Housing Program & Reserve be funded through the Neighbourhood Land Development Fund.
That $1.64M be transferred from RCE to the Fiscal Stabilization Reserve.