WHEREAS The City of Saskatoon owns several neighbourhood parks that contain facilities owned and operated by community associations, such as outdoor rinks.
WHEREAS Bylaw No. 7767 The Recreation Facilities and Parks Usage Bylaw, 1998, governs the nature and types of activities that are permitted in City-owned parks.
WHEREAS the City enters into agreements with community associations, encourages their fundraising efforts, and provides them grants to operate their facilities.
WHEREAS Community associations have been approached by for-profit third parties about the possibility of sponsorship or naming rights on community association owned and operated facilities. In light of the challenges with the pandemic and more activities outdoors, assistance from for-profit third parties seems reasonable.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That City Council direct the Administration to report back to the appropriate Committee of Council on:
(a) the explicit or implicit limitations or restrictions that City bylaws, policies or agreements have on third party sponsorships and naming rights on such facilities; and
(b) an analysis of various options and potential recommendations that may enable community associations to sell sponsorships or naming rights, to private third parties on such facilities.
Item 14.3 was considered next.