Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, Saskatoon City Hall
  • His Worship, Mayor C. Clark, in the Chair
  • Councillor C. Block
  • Councillor T. Davies
  • Councillor R. Donauer
  • Councillor B. Dubois
  • Councillor S. Gersher
  • Councillor H. Gough
  • Councillor D. Hill
  • Councillor Z. Jeffries
  • Councillor D. Kirton
  • Councillor M. Loewen
  • City Manager J. Jorgenson
  • City Solicitor C. Yelland
  • General Manager, Community Services L. Lacroix
  • Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Financial Services K. Tarasoff
  • General Manager, Transportation & Construction T. Schmidt
  • General Manager, Utilities & Environment A. Gardiner
  • Deputy City Clerk S. Bryant
  • Interim City Clerk M. Jordan

The National Anthem was played and Mayor Clark called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People.  Roll call was taken to determine attendance via teleconference.

  • Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
    1. That the letter requesting to speak from Chris Guerette, Saskatoon and Region Home Builders Association dated February 22, 2021, be added to item 8.3.2;
    2. That the letter submitting comments from Dale Gallant, dated February 21, 2021 be added to item 8.4.1;
    3. That the letter submitting comments from Keith Moen, North Saskatoon Business Association, dated February 22, 2021, be added to item 8.5.2;
    4. That the following letters be added to item 8.5.3:
      • Submitting comments
        • Karon Shmon, dated February 18, 2021;
        • Honor Kever, dated February 20, 2021;
        • Stephanie Clovechok - Tourism Saskatoon, dated February 22, 2021;
    5. That the following letters be added to item 10.1.1:
      • Request to Speak
        • Jasmin Parker - Nutana Community Association, dated February 17, 2021;
      • Submitting comments
        • Murray Gross, Jane's Walk Festival Saskatoon Inc, dated February 19, 2021;
        • Kira Judge, Saskatoon Cycles, dated February 20, 2021;
        • Kira Judge, 14th Street Parklet Steering Group, dated February 20, 2021;
        • Candace Savage, dated February 21, 2021;
        • Darren Widenmaier, dated February 22, 2021;
    6. That the following letters be added to item 10.3.1:
      • Request to Speak 
        • Adam Pollock - dated February 21, 2021, includes presentation;
      • Submitting comments
        • Candice Norton, dated February 18, 2021
        • Tom Gode - SOS Trees Coalition, dated February 19, 2021;
        • Margaret Hearn, dated February 20, 2021;
        • Anna Hopkins, dated February 21, 2021;
        • Michael Nemeth, dated February 21, 2021; 
    7. That item 10.8.1 be considered with item 5.1; 
    8. That the report Canada Healthy Communities Initiative Project Application be added as Urgent Business Item 16.1;
    9. That the following items with speakers be considered following consideration of the Consent Agenda:
      • Item 8.3.2 - Chris Guerette
      • Item 8.2.4 - Alex Fallon;​
      • Item 8.3.2 - John Paul Wasan
      • Item 10.1.1 - Jasmin Parker
      • Item 10.3.1
        • Brent Hills and Stan Laba;
        • Adam Pollock; and
    10. That the agenda be confirmed as amended.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

Her family is involved in a business that could be seen to be in conflict with the Taxi and TNC industries.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    ​That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on January 25, 2021, be adopted.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

Pursuant to earlier resolution, item 10.8.1 was brought forward and considered with this item.  Public Policy and Government Relations Officer Jordan presented the report.   

Patricia McCarney, President and CEO, World Council on City Data, provided information on the World Council on Cities Data Certification via PowerPoint and congratulated the City of Saskatoon for being awarded the WCCD ISO 37120 Platinum Certification.  

Councillor Kirton expressed condolences to the family of the Late Bill Jones, recognizing his accomplishments as a community builder. 

Mayor Clark recognized Black History Month and expressed appreciation to the organizers for the recent Truly Alive Foundation gathering.  

Councillor Block requested an update to when further reporting is anticipated regarding the research to support growth in infill neighbourhoods.

General Manager, Community Services Lacroix indicated that reporting is expected end of Q2 or early part of Q3 of 2021 for initial phase.  She clarified a follow up question regarding interim reporting.

Items 8.1.2, 8.2.4, 8.3.2, 8.4.1 and 8.5.3 were removed from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1; 8.2.1 to 8.2.3, 8.2.5, 8.2.6; 8.3.1; and 8.5.1, 8.5.2, 8.5.4 and 8.5.5 be adopted as one motion.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    Item 8.4.1 was considered next.

  • That City Council pass a resolution in support of the Moms Stop the Harm – Overdoes Crisis as outlined in the submission.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Davies, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services, introduced the item.

  • Moved By:Councillor Davies
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That the Marr Residence 2020 Annual Report be received as information.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    Item 8.5.3 was considered next.

  • That the City Solicitor be instructed to take the necessary action under provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act with respect to properties with 2020 tax liens.

    1. That the 2021 budget submissions from the Downtown Saskatoon Business Improvement District, Broadway Business Improvement District, Riversdale Business Improvement District, Sutherland Business Improvement District, and 33rd Street Business Improvement District be approved; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the 2021 Business Improvement District Levy Bylaws for submission to City Council for consideration at the same meeting that the Mill Rate Bylaws are presented.
    1. That the Administration be authorized to purchase 123 Auditorium Avenue (Lot 45, Block 6, Plan 00SA15145, Extension 0, ISC Surface Parcel No. 20285873) from Auditorium Holdings Inc. at a purchase price of $1,290,000;
    2. That the Property Realized Reserve be used as the interim source of funding until such time as redevelopment of the site is ready to proceed at which time the Property Realized Reserve will be repaid by the project; and
    3. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.

A request to speak dated January 13, 2021 from Alex Fallon, President and Chief Executive Officer, SREDA was provided.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.   

Councillor Donauer, Vice Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance introduced the item.  

Alex Fallon presented SREDAs 2020 highlights and 2021 targets.

  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois
    1. That a bonus payment of $112,500 to SREDA be approved; and
    2. That SREDA’s 2021 Key Performance Indicators and Targets be approved.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    Item 8.3.2 was considered next.

    1. That there not be a phase-in of changes in property tax due to reassessment for the residential property class;
    2. That the tax impact of the 2021 provincial reassessment for the commercial property class be phased in equally over a two-year period, with 50% in 2021 and 50% in 2022; and
    3. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the 2021 Property Tax Phase-in Plan Bylaw for submission to City Council for consideration at the same meeting that the Mill Rate Bylaws are presented.
    1. That an appeal contingency of $30,000 be added to the property tax levy for the residential property class for 2021;
    2. That an appeal contingency of $50,000 be added to the property tax levy for the multi-residential property sub-class for 2021; and
    3. That an appeal contingency of $1,000,000 be added to the property tax levy for the commercial/industrial property class for 2021.

The following letters were provided:

Submission from the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee providing feedback as requested by the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services.

Requests to Speak

  • John Paul Wasan, Vice Chair, Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee (SEAC), dated February 17, 2021; and
  • Chris Guerette - Saskatoon and Region Home Builders' Association, dated February 22, 2021.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Gersher, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services, introduced the item.

John Paul Wasan provided an overview of the SEAC submission.

Chris Guerette expressed the Association's support of the program.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
    1. The Home Energy Loan Program design elements as set out in Table 1, Home Energy Loan Program – Base Design Elements in All Options, plus Option 2: Administration fee waived for income-qualified residents, be authorized for implementation in accordance with The Cities Act;
    2. The City Solicitor be directed to develop a bylaw to establish the Home Energy Loan Program;
    3. Capital Project P1956 – Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Program be increased by $352,750, funded from the existing FCM grant of $102,750 and $250,000 from the Environmental Sustainability Reserve;
    4. Internal borrowing in the amount of $2,500,000 be allocated, subject to public notice and an intent to borrow report, for capital loans for the participants of the Home Energy Loan Program; and
    5. The Administration complete an application for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Community Efficiency Financing program, which if approved, would be utilized for the Home Energy Loan Program set out in this report, including up to $10,000,000 of borrowing for loan capital from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (borrowing will be subject to public notice and an intent to borrow report).
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    6.  That the Administration engage the Saskatoon Homebuilders' Association and report back on the possibility of introducing a Qualified Contractor List or the requirement for a 3rd party warranty.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    Item 10.1.1 was considered next.

A letter submitting comments from Dale Gallant, dated February 21, 2021, was provided.

  • Councillor Gersher declared a conflict on this item. (Her family is involved in a business that could be seen to be in conflict with the Taxi and TNC industries.)

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councilor Gersher excused herself from discussion and voting on this matter and left the teleconference.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare an amendment to the Vehicles for Hire Bylaw in order to implement Option 9, to align maximum vehicle age, as outlined in the report of the General Manager, Community Services dated February 1, 2021.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    Item 8.2.4 was considered next.

  • That the appointments to the Sutherland Business Improvement District Board of Management for 2021, be approved as submitted.

A letter submitting comments from Keith Moen, North Saskatoon Business Association, dated February 22, 2021 was provided.

  • That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. that it support the VIDO proposal;
    2. that the City’s financial contribution to the project not exceed $250,000;
    3. that such support is conditional on the project receiving federal and provincial support; and
    4. that the Administration negotiate the terms of conditions of the financial support including the funding source, the duration of payment, and report back to City Council at the appropriate time.

The following letters were provided:

Submitting comments

  • Karon Shmon, dated February 18, 2021; 
  • Honor Kever, dated February 20, 2021; and
  • Stephanie Clovechok - Tourism Saskatoon, dated February 22, 2021.

Mayor Clark introduced the item.  

Director of Recreation and Sport Andrews responded to questions of Council.

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Gersher

    That the meeting be extended beyond 5:00 pm. to 5:30 p.m. or until this item is completed, whichever is first.  

    In Favour: (5)Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Against: (6)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Hill
    DEFEATED (5 to 6)

    The meeting recessed at 5:07 p.m. and reconvened on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 3:55 p.m. following completion of the Public Hearing meeting.  All members of Council were in attendance with the exception of Councillor Hill.

    Consideration of this matter continued.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough
    1. That the final report from HTFC Planning & Design, and their partners Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture and Colliers International, for the Permanent Outdoor Festival Site feasibility study, be received as information;
    2. That the Concept Plan for the Permanent Outdoor Festival Site be approved;
    3. That Supply Chain Management tender Phase One development of the Permanent Outdoor Festival Site;
    4. That the Administration report back to the appropriate committee on options to expand community engagement, to include homeowners in the downtown who live near Friendship Park; and
    5. That the Administration report back to the appropriate committee on options to expand community engagement, to include input from Indigenous organizations.
    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill
  • Moved By:Councillor Gough
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    6.  That the correspondence from Tourism Saskatoon be referred to the administration for a report back to the appropriate committee.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

    Item 9.5.1 was considered next.

  • That the report of the Interim City Clerk dated February 16, 2021, be received as information.

  • That Olivia Swerhone-Wick be appointed to the Marr Residence Management Board to the end of 2022.

  • That Bob Gilewicz be appointed to the Board of Revision and License Appeals Board for 2021.

  • That Dr. Bhavinkumar Patel be appointed to the City Mortgage Appeals Board and Access Transit Appeals Board to the end of 2022.

  • That City Council support Councillor Randy Donauer in serving as the Saskatoon/Regina executive representative/vice president on the Municipalities of Saskatchewan Board.

Mayor Clark introduced the matter.

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    1.  That the Corporate Bylaws and Policy No. C01-003, Appointments to Civic Boards, Commissions, Authorities and Committees be amended to allow each Controlled Corporation to have a maximum of two non-resident members;

    In Favour: (9)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Against: (1)Councillor Dubois
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill
    CARRIED (9 to 1)
  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    2.  That the appointments of Directors continue to be made by City Council in its sole discretion and the Corporate Bylaws of the Controlled Corporations be amended to make this clear, and that the Board Recruitment Process remain status quo; and

    3.  That the City Solicitor be requested to bring back the draft bylaws to Council for consideration.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

    Item 10.4.1 was considered next.

The Standing Policy Committee on Transportation, at its meeting held on February 1, 2021, referred this matter directly to City Council for consideration.

Communications from the following are provided:

  • Requesting to Speak
    • Jasmin Parker, Nutana Community Association, dated February 17, 2021;
  • Submitting Comments
    • Norma Briskar, dated January 28, 2021;
    • Jan Norris, dated January 31, 2021;
    • Murray Gross, Jane's Walk Festival Saskatoon Inc, dated February 19, 2021;
    • Kira Judge, Saskatoon Cycles, dated February 20, 2021;
    • Kira Judge, 14th Street Parklet Steering Group, dated February 20, 2021;
    • Candace Savage, dated February 21, 2021; and
    • Darren Widenmaier, dated February 22, 2021.

General Manager, Transportation and Construction Schmidt introduced the item.  Director of Transportation Magus and Brian Patterson, Urban Systems, reviewed the project with a PowerPoint.

Jasmine Parker spoke regarding the use of the space created by the closure of the intersection at 14th Street and Temperance.

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Kirton

    That the 14th Street East Bikeway, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Improvement Project be approved in principle.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
  • Moved By:Councillor Gough
    Seconded By:Councillor Block
    1. That the 14th Street Bikeway plan be amended to establish the planned bike lanes along the existing south curb in the closed intersection at the south end of the space of 14th Street between Temperance Street and Lansdowne Avenue.
    2. That City Council endorse the establishment of a parklet at the intersection of Temperance and 14th Streets.
    3. That the Administration report back to the appropriate Committee in time for the next budget cycle following engagement with the 14th Street Parklet Steering Group, and the stakeholder working group established by the Transportation department on the process to create this parklet in line with planning already initiated, including:
      • High level parklet planning with design features that preserve, protect, and enhance the natural space
      • Consideration of safety, as well as the character of the quiet neighbourhood
      • Consideration of all capital and operating costs
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    The meeting recessed at 3:08 p.m. and reconvened at 3:20 p.m. with all members in attendance.  Item 10.3.1 was considered next.

The following letters were provided:

Requests to Speak

  • Brent Hills, Deputy Director and Mr. Stan Laba, Superintendent of Facilities, Saskatoon Public Schools, dated February 17, 2021; and
  • Adam Pollock - dated February 21, 2021, includes presentation.

Submitting Comments

  • Murray Gross, dated February 6, 2021; 
  • Donna Leszko, dated February 15, 2021;
  • Candice Norton, dated February 19, 2021:
  • Tom Gode - SOS Trees Coalition, dated February 19, 2021
  • Margaret Hearn, dated February 20, 2021;
  • Anna Hopkins, dated February 21, 2021; and
  • Michael Nemeth, dated February 21, 2021.

General Manager, Community Services Lacroix presented the report.  

Representatives from the Saskatoon Public School Board spoke regarding the consultation process and responded to questions of Council.

Adam Pollock provided a PowerPoint outlining alternative options.  

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    1.  That the Saskatoon Public School Division be given permission to conduct a site validation study of Optimist Park as a potential location for the consolidated city centre school.

  • In Amendment

    Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That the motion be amended to include the addition of:

    "among potential sites in the West Industrial area."

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
  • Vote on Main Motion as Amended

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
  • Moved By:Councillor Gough
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    2.  That the Administration engage the Saskatoon Public School Division in exploration of vacant or underutilized lands in the West Industrial area as potential locations for the consolidated city centre school including but not limited to those identified in the report;

    3.  That the Administration report back as soon as possible to the appropriate committee about opportunities to leverage civic resources to support this consideration including but not limited to land acquisition, and site remediation recognizing the alignment of this consideration and development with local plans such as the West Industrial LAP and the Junction Study.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen

    The final resolution is as follows:

    1. That the Saskatoon Public School Division be given permission to conduct a site validation study of Optimist Park as a potential location among potential sites in the West Industrial area for the consolidated city centre school .
    2. That the Administration engage the Saskatoon Public School Division in exploration of vacant or underutilized lands in the West Industrial area as potential locations for the consolidated city centre school including but not limited to those identified in the report;
    3. That the Administration report back as soon as possible to the appropriate committee about opportunities to leverage civic resources to support this consideration including but not limited to land acquisition, and site remediation recognizing the alignment of this consideration and development with local plans such as the West Industrial LAP and the Junction Study.

    Item 8.1.2 was considered next.

Director of Emergency Planning, Emergency Management presented the report and responded to questions of Council.

  • Moved By:Councillor Davies
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the information be received.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

    Item 11.2.1 was considered next.

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9748, The Interpretation Bylaw, 2021 and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill
  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That Bylaw No. 9748 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill
  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9748 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill
  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries

    That Bylaw No. 9748 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

The Interim City Clerk reported that Councillor Kirton provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on January 25, 2021.

"That Administration be directed to report on the collision history on Circle Drive between College Drive and Attridge Drive, and include options, and the feasibility of each option, to prevent median crossover head on collisions on this section of roadway."

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That Administration be directed to report on the collision history on Circle Drive between College Drive and Attridge Drive, and include options, and the feasibility of each option, to prevent median crossover head on collisions on this section of roadway.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

The Interim City Clerk reported that Councillor Block provided the following Notice of Motion in accordance with section 65(1)(b) of Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committee Bylaw, 2014:

"Whereas River Landing was previously contained within the boundaries of the Downtown and Riversdale Business Improvement Districts;

Whereas City Council considered the governance structure of River Landing at its Regular Business Meeting on March 17, 2008 and resolved to establish a civic-owned non-profit corporation;

Whereas River Landing has been developed since 2008 and this development can be used to inform the decision as to the appropriate governance structure;

Whereas a request has been received from the Downtown Business Improvement District to reincorporate the eastern portion of River Landing; and

Whereas the Administration no longer supports the creation of a separate governing organization for River Landing;

Therefore be it resolved that:

  1. Council rescind the following motion passed at the March 17, 2008 meeting of City Council:

“1)       that, for the operations and maintenance of River Landing, City Council approve: the establishment of a civic-owned non-profit corporation, similar to that for TCU Place;” and

2) Should Council support the rescission of the March 17, 2008 motion, the Administration pursue the appropriate steps to reincorporate River Landing into the Downtown and Riversdale Business Improvement Districts, including consultation and engagement with affected property owners and area businesses, bringing forward reporting at the appropriate time to pursue necessary bylaw amendments."

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    Whereas River Landing was previously contained within the boundaries of the Downtown and Riversdale Business Improvement Districts;

    Whereas City Council considered the governance structure of River Landing at its Regular Business Meeting on March 17, 2008 and resolved to establish a civic-owned non-profit corporation;

    Whereas River Landing has been developed since 2008 and this development can be used to inform the decision as to the appropriate governance structure;

    Whereas a request has been received from the Downtown Business Improvement District to reincorporate the eastern portion of River Landing; and

    Whereas the Administration no longer supports the creation of a separate governing organization for River Landing;

    Therefore be it resolved that:

    1.  Council rescind the following motion passed at the March 17, 2008 meeting of City Council:

    “1)  that, for the operations and maintenance of River Landing, City Council approve: the establishment of a civic-owned non-profit corporation, similar to that for TCU Place;” 

    2.  Should Council support the rescission of the March 17, 2008 motion, the Administration pursue the appropriate steps to reincorporate River Landing into the Downtown and Riversdale Business Improvement Districts, including consultation and engagement with affected property owners and area businesses, bringing forward reporting at the appropriate time to pursue necessary bylaw amendments."

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

Councillor Kirton gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'Whereas the potential for roadway access from the Parkridge neighbourhood to the Blairmore Suburban Centre has been raised on several occasions in the past.

Whereas the City of Saskatoon, through its development arm Saskatoon Land, is the developer of the Parkridge extension project and is currently marketing available lots for the sale and construction of new homes.

Be it resolved that the Administration, through its development arm Saskatoon Land, be directed to investigate a potential roadway connection from Fortosky Crescent in Parkridge to Hart Road in the Blairmore Suburban Centre.  That the scope of the investigation include public engagement and information sharing with the general community, procurement of a transportation consultant to provide a Traffic Impact Assessment on the potential roadway connection, and the potential submission of a concept plan amendment to the Parkridge neighbourhood concept plan.

Be it resolved, that the Administration report back on the results of the investigation to the appropriate Standing Policy Committee no later than 3rd quarter of 2021.'"

Chief Financial Officer Tarasoff presented the report and along with Director of Transportation Magus responded to questions of Council.

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the Touchless Accessible Pedestrian Pushbuttons project be approved for application to the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent: (1)Councillor Hill

The Regular Business Meeting adjourned on February 23, 2021 at 4:48 p.m.

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