Senior Planner Kambeitz presented the report and responded to questions of the Committee.
The Committee discussed and advised the following key points:
- Assistance is required to help businesses remain in the older buildings.
- Providing incentives and abatements to property owners could encourage preservation efforts and assist in maintaining the buildings.
- Public buy-in is essential for the success of these initiatives.
- Attracting interest in building designation could be enhanced through abatements.
- There is a lack of communication regarding the designation process.
- The Committee will be included in the next steps.
- Educating both the public and the real estate community on the sale of designated properties is important.
- There are common misconceptions about building designation that need to be addressed.
- There are properties that can be added to the Heritage Register.
Development Review Manager Dawson, along with Heritage and Design Coordinator Grant responded to questions of the Committee.
The Committee thanked the Administration for their work on the matter.