Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall
  • Stevie Horn, Saskatoon Public Library, Chair
  • Daniel Ash, Public
  • Louis Aussant, Saskatchewan Association of Architects
  • Anne-Marie Cey, Broadway Business Improvement District via teleconference
  • Michelle Loi, Public
  • Taylor Morrison, Saskatchewan REALTORS Association
  • Randy Pshebylo - Riversdale BID
  • Alyshia Reesor, Saskatoon Archaeological Society
  • Lenore Swystun, Saskatoon Heritage Society via teleconference
  • John Waddington, Public
  • Stephanie Clovechok, Discover Saskatoon
  • Lloyd Moker, Sutherland Business Improvement District
  • Councillor Scott Ford
  • Heritage and Design Coordinator Kellie Grant
  • Committee Assistant Holly Thompson

The Chair called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirmed roll call.

Committee Assistant Thompson opened nominations for Vice Chair.

Lenore Swystun nominated John Waddington for Vice Chair. No further nominations were accepted.

  • Moved By:L. Swystun

    That John Waddington be appointed as Vice Chair of the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee for 2025.

  • Moved By:A. Reesor

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.


There were no declarations of conflict of interest. 

  • Moved By:M. Loi

    That the minutes of regular meeting held on January 21, 2025 of the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee be adopted.


This is opportunity for the Chair to provide a verbal update on his/her activities since the last meeting.

The Chair advised that they were in attendance at the Heritage Festival that was held on February 2nd to February 5th. 

  • Moved By:A. Reesor

    That the information be received.


To provide an opportunity for a Committee or resource member to update on issues, trends, events, etc. that pertain to the Committee’s mandate. 

A verbal update was provided on the following:

Doors Open Event

Heritage and Design Coordinator Grant advised the Committee that there are 3 buildings confirmed for the Doors Open Event.  They are the Marr Residence, Ukrainian Museum Saskatoon and the Drinkle Mall Building. 

The Administration requested to have a member of the Committee on the Doors Open Event Steering Committee. Stevie Horn agreed to serve on the steering committee.

Heritage Festival of Saskatoon

Heritage and Design Coordinator Grant advised the Committee that the event was a success.

  • Moved By:L. Aussant

    That the information be received.


To provide an opportunity for a Subcommittee to report back on referred matters.

  • Moved By:A. Reesor

    That the subcommittee update received under Item 6.3.2 be received as information.


This subcommittee was established to assist in the planning of the Municipal Heritage Awards and Doors Open Event.

No update was provided.

This subcommittee was established to explore revisions to policy including, but not limited to The Heritage Property Act or the regulations thereunder and on Policy C10-020, Civic Heritage Policy. Additionally this subcommittee will develop a scope of work to further investigate intangible heritage, and recommend an Intangible Cultural Heritage program for the City of Saskatoon.

Taylor Morrison advised that she had attended the Metis Entrepreneurship Event on Thursday, February 13th to investigate further into intangible heritage.

This subcommittee was established to support heightened awareness of the value and issues regarding preservation of Saskatoon’s historic resources and promote and publicize the heritage of Saskatoon (both intangible and tangible) and provide support to partners who tell the Saskatoon story.

No update was provided.

The Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services, at its meeting held on February 5, 2025, considered the above-noted matter and resolved in part that a copy of the report be forwarded to the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee for information.

Senior Planner Kambeitz presented the report and responded to questions of the Committee.  

The Committee discussed and advised the following key points:

  • Assistance is required to help businesses remain in the older buildings.
  • Providing incentives and abatements to property owners could encourage preservation efforts and assist in maintaining the buildings.
  • Public buy-in is essential for the success of these initiatives.
  • Attracting interest in building designation could be enhanced through abatements.
  • There is a lack of communication regarding the designation process.
  • The Committee will be included in the next steps.
  • Educating both the public and the real estate community on the sale of designated properties is important.
  • There are common misconceptions about building designation that need to be addressed.
  • There are properties that can be added to the Heritage Register. 

Development Review Manager Dawson, along with Heritage and Design Coordinator Grant responded to questions of the Committee.

The Committee thanked the Administration for their work on the matter. 

  • Moved By:M. Loi

    That the information be received.

  • Moved By:L. Swystun

    That a letter of support of Option 2 contained in the Heritage Conservation Program Strategy – Interim Options Report, dated February 5, 2024, be forwarded to City Council for when the matter is being considered.


In accordance with the Committee’s Terms of Reference, it shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year’s accomplishments.

As stated in the Terms of Reference, the Committee shall submit an annual report, in the prescribed form, outlining the previous year's accomplishments, to City Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services.

This report shall be submitted by March 31, 2024 and serve to demonstrate how the Committee remains relevant and current.

At the January 21, 2025, meeting of the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee, the Committee deferred this matter to allow time for the subcommittees to review.

A revised draft copy of the 2024 Annual Report was provided and reviewed for approval.

  • Moved By:L. Aussant

    That the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee approve its 2024 Annual Report for submission to City Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services by March 31, 2024.


In accordance with the Committees Terms of Reference, it shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year's accomplishments and a work plan for the upcoming year.

This is a standing item on the agenda for the Committee, and/or any subcommittees, to provide updates regarding items on its work plan and any matters being referred to the Standing Policy Committee for consideration. 

A revised draft copy of the 2025 Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee Work Plan was provided, along with the detailed task listing.

The Committee discussed the draft work plan and reviewed for approval.

  • Moved By:A. Reesor

    That the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee draft its Work Plan for 2025, for submission to City Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services by March 31, 2025.


The Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services, at its meeting held on February 14, 2022 considered the following item and resolved that the Administration meet with Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee to determine what portions of the Official Community Plan and Heritage Plan and Policy need addressing/prioritization.  These would be discussions only during regular Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee meetings.

This is a standing item to provide an opportunity to discuss the Heritage Plan and Policy.

The Heritage Plan and Policy can be found here.

No update was provided.

A current Statement of Expenditures was provided for the Committee's information.

  • Moved By:A. Reesor

    That the information be received.

  • Moved By:M. Loi

    That the membership fees contained in items 11.1 to 11.2 be approved for payment.


A copy of the 2025 membership renewal form is provided for the Committee's consideration.  The membership fee is $52.50 (including GST).

A copy of the 2025 membership renewal form is provided for the Committee's consideration along with the December newsletter.  The membership fee is $30.00.

The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.