Council Chamber, City Hall

Submissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information. Submissions will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday the week of the meeting.

The Chair will call the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirm roll call. 

  • Recommendation
    1. That the items with speakers be considered immediately following consideration of the Consent Agenda;
      • 10.3.2
        • Andrea Calow, Second Art Dancewear;
        • Angela Bishop, Camponi Housing Corporation/SaskNative Rentals Inc.;
        • Mark Arcand, Saskatoon Tribal Council; and   
    2. ​That the agenda be confirmed as presented.
  • Recommendation

    ​That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 28, 2024, be approved.

This is a standing item on the agenda in order to provide Council Members an opportunity to provide any public acknowledgements. 

  • Recommendation

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1 to 8.1.2; 8.2.1 to 8.2.2; 8.3.1 to 8.3.2; 8.4.1 to 8.4.3; and 8.5.1 to 8.5.4 be adopted as one motion.

  • Recommendation
    1. That Appendix 1 be adopted as City of Saskatoon Advanced Metering Infrastructure Participation Policy;
    2. That the City Clerk’s Office be requested to introduce City Council Policy No. CXX; and
    3. That the City Solicitor’s Office be requested to amend Bylaw No. 2685, the Electric Light and Power Bylaw, 1940; and Bylaw No. 7567, the Waterworks Bylaw, 1996, as outlined in the report of the Corporate Financial Services Division dated September 3, 2024.
  • Recommendation
    1. That $176,861.50 from the Civic Vehicles and Equipment Replacement Reserve be allocated to Capital Project P.01361 – V&E Fuel Stations;
    2. That $111,447.39 from the Transportation and Construction Corporate Capital Reserve be allocated to Capital Project P.02259 – PW Satellite Yards;
    3. That $593,298.66 from the Traffic Safety Reserve be allocated to Capital Project P.02281 – Neighbourhood Traffic Reviews and Traffic Safety; and
    4. That $249,858.19 from the Traffic Safety Reserve be allocated to Capital Project P.02282 – Roadside Safety Improvements.
  • Recommendation

    That the Mayor write a letter to the Minister of SGI for further discussion on the suggestions offered by Administration on the updates to the SGI driver handbook.

Additional information, Appendix 4, is provided. 

  • Recommendation
    1. That the total funding for the Affordable Housing Incentives (2024) of $13,284,000.00 be allocated towards 18 projects for the development of 492 new affordable rental units, as outlined in Appendix 1, be approved;
    2. That five-year incremental tax abatements for 17 projects, including the development of 496 new affordable rental units, estimated at a total of $3,028,155.15, as outlined in Appendix 1, be approved;
    3. That Corporate Revenue be requested to submit an application under the Provincial Government’s Education Property Tax Exemption/Abatement Program seeking approval for a five-year tax abatement, equivalent to 100% of the incremental Education property taxes, for the development of affordable housing units at 803 Hart Road; and
    4. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreements that his Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the Corporate Seal.
  • Recommendation
    1. That the City of Saskatoon proceed with Option 1 – Continue Status Quo and in 2026 explore alternative payment processors that offer surcharging; and
    2. That the report referenced in Option 1 also include information about using credit cards as an option for payments made to the City where credit cards are not currently accepted including the possibility of recovering the credit card fees on those new payments options.
  • Recommendation
    1. That $15.0 million in profits be declared from the Neighbourhood Land Development Fund;
    2. That 10.0 million in profits from the Neighbourhood Land Development Fund be allocated to the Capital Project P.02407 Chief Mistawasis Bridge and Traffic Bridge Replacement Project; and
    3. That $5.0 million in profits from the Neighbourhood Land Development Fund by allocated to the Property Realized Reserve for future land acquisitions.
  • Recommendation

    That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate bylaw amendments to the Landfill Replacement Reserve within Bylaw No. 6744, the Capital Reserve Bylaw, 1993, as outlined in the report of the Corporate Financial Services Division dated September 4, 2024.

  • Recommendation
    1. That Saskatoon’s City Centre and District Plan be approved as the guiding framework for Administration to prepare future budget and implementation requests for City Council consideration; and
    2. That the Administration create a business plan option for the implementation of Saskatoon’s City Centre and District Plan for consideration during the 2026/2027 Business Plan and Budget deliberations.
  • Recommendation
  • Recommendation

    That Superintendent Dale Solie, Saskatoon Police Service, be appointed as an agency representative for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to the end of 2026.

  • Recommendation
  • Recommendation

    That Katharine Grier be appointed as a citizen representative to the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners to the end of 2026, effective immediately.

  • Recommendation

    That the following be appointed to the 33rd Street Business Improvement District Board of Directors:

    • Mike Erman, Glitch Gift & Novelties;
    • Mike Bartlett, The Gras Shop; and
    • Kathryn McDonald, the Cheese List.

The following letters are provided:

Requesting to Speak

  1. Andrea Calow, Second Art Dancewear, dated September 6, 2024;
  2. Angela Bishop, Camponi Housing Corporation/SaskNative Rentals Inc., dated September 12, 2024; and 
  3. Mark Arcand, Saskatoon Tribal Council, dated September 12, 2024.

Submitting Comments 

  1. Randi-Lee Loshack, Rise Dance Company, dated September 7, 2024;
  2. Diane Reaser, dated September 9, 2024;
  3. Caroline Brost, dated September 9, 2024;
  4. Dawson Block, dated September 11, 2024;
  5. Phil Meister, dated September 11, 2024;
  6. Derek Danchak, dated September 11, 2024;
  7. Bruce Buckwold, Buckwold Properties, dated September 12, 2024; and 
  8.  Alissa Jardine, dated September 15, 2024. 
  • Recommendation
    1. Administration to issue the development permit for 210 Pacific Avenue for the purpose of providing an Emergency Residential Shelter as a temporary use for up to 18 months, as outlined in this report;
    2. That the City of Saskatoon enter into a lease agreement with the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, for 210 Pacific Avenue, for the purpose of providing a temporary Emergency Residential Shelter, based on the terms outlined in this report;
    3. That a Capital Project be established, for up to $250,000, for the required upgrades/renovations, for 210 Pacific Avenue, with the funding to be provided by the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation;
    4. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreements and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the Corporate Seal; and
    5. That all proper officers of the City of Saskatoon take the appropriate action to carry the noted changes into effect.
  • Recommendation
    1. That Capital Project P.10093, Natural Areas Protection and Health be increased by $50,000 funded from the ClimateWest Adaptation in Action Program;
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement from ClimateWest under the Corporate Seal; and
    3. That if required, the Senior Financial Business Partner be granted delegated authority to sign and submit progress reports and financial claims related to the project.

A report is forthcoming. 

  • Recommendation
    1. That City Council approve the proposed content of the Municipal Services and Compatibility Agreement; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement.
  • Recommendation
    1. That City Council approve the proposed content of the Municipal Services and Compatibility Agreement; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement.

Councillor Gough provided the following Notice of Motion at City Council's Regular Business Meeting held on August 28, 2024. 

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move:

Whereas Saskatchewan Polytechnic is consolidating its Saskatoon operations near the University of Saskatchewan campus, vacating the current main campus site on Idylwyld Drive North; and

Whereas this institution is a major driver of land use, transportation, employment, and commercial and community activity in the immediate area;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report to the appropriate Standing Policy Committee regarding the best mechanism to engage in land use and other planning for the area around the current Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus on Idylwyld, outlining the resources necessary and a proposed timeline for this work."

In accordance with Section 65 of The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 9170, TAKE NOTICE that Councillor Block provided the following Notice of Motion: 

"That the Administration report back with options for the installation of a sidewalk infill segment on the West side of the 500 block of Eastlake Avenue in coordination with the proposed development at 555 Eastlake,  if technical constraints prevent private construction of the proposed public walkway."

No Item Selected