Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, City Hall
  • His Worship, Mayor C. Clark, in the Chair
  • Councillor C. Block
  • Councillor T. Davies
  • Councillor R. Donauer
  • Councillor B. Dubois
  • Councillor S. Gersher
  • Councillor H. Gough
  • Councillor D. Hill
  • Councillor A. Iwanchuk
  • Councillor Z. Jeffries
  • Councillor M. Loewen
  • City Manager J. Jorgenson
  • City Solicitor C. Yelland
  • General Manager, Community Services L. Lacroix
  • Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Financial Services K. Tarasoff
  • General Manager, Transportation & Construction T. Schmidt
  • General Manager, Utilities & Environment A. Gardiner
  • City Clerk J. Sproule
  • Deputy City Clerk S. Bryant

Due to technical difficulties, the National Anthem was not able to be played. Mayor Clark called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People. He confirmed attendance via teleconference.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough
    1. That the letter requesting to speak from Julia Adamson - Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc., dated September 26, 2020 be added to item 8.1.2;
    2. That the letter submitting comments from Peggy Sarjeant, Saskatoon Heritage Society, dated September 25, 2020 be added to item 8.1.6;
    3. That the following requests to speak be added to items 14.1, 14.2, and 14.3:
      • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society Inc, dated September 24, 2020;
      • Alberta Muembo, dated September 25, 2020;
      • Dennis Page, dated September 28, 2020;
      • Alison Forsberg, dated September 28, 2020;
    4. That the following items with speakers be considered following consideration of the Consent Agenda:
      • Item 8.1.2
        • Julia Adamson
      • Item 14.1
        • Ali Abukar;
        • Alberta Muembo;
        • Dennis Page
        • Alison Forsberg
      • Item 14.2
        • Ali Abukar;
        • Alberta Muembo;
        • Dennis Page
        • Alison Forsberg
      • Item 14.3
        • Ali Abukar;
        • Alberta Muembo;
        • Dennis Page
        • Alison Forsberg
    5. ​That the agenda be confirmed as amended.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

Her family is in a business that could be seen to be in conflict with the Taxi and TNC industries.

She is employed by CUPE National and ratification of the contract could be seen as a conflict of interest.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 31, 2020 and the Special Meeting of City Council held on September 16, 2020, be adopted.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

Councillor Donauer expressed appreciation to everyone involved with the recent P4G Joint Meeting that took place on September 24, 2020 with the RM of Corman Park, Town of Osler, and the Cities of Martensville, Warman and Saskatoon.

Councillors Block and Gough expressed condolences to the family and friends on the recent passing of Cathy Watts, noting her contribution in the community.

Councillor Gough noted the upgrade project at the noted location and that it is creating additional detour needs and commuting impacts.  

General Manager, Transportation and Utilities Schmidt provided an update on the project and that he would follow up with the Councillor directly.

Councillor Hill indicated that a number of parking tickets/warnings have been recently issued and asked for an update on enforcement.

General Manager, Community Services Lacroix provided an update on the broad education and awareness campaign that occurs in the Fall and that a review of the program will be undertaken.

Councillor Donauer asked what the plan is moving forward now that funding has been approved. 

General Manager, Transportation and Utilities Schmidt indicated that communications is ongoing with CN and a team has set up to look at the design.  Director of Transportation Magus indicated there is no current timeframe when the tentative project will begin construction.  Upon a follow up question from Councillor Donauer, clarification was provided regarding accessibility of the grade crossing. 

Items 8.1.2, 8.1.5, 8.2.2 and 8.3.2 were removed from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1, 8.1.3, 8.1.4, 8.1.6 to 8.1.8; 8.2.1; 8.3.1; and 8.5.1 to 8.5.2 be adopted as one motion.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Item 8.1.2 was considered next.

  • That the 2019 Annual Report and 2020 Work Plan of the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee be received as information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)

Letters requesting to speak and submitting comments from Julia Adamson, Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc., dated September 14 and September 28, 2020 were provided.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Julia Adamson spoke to this item indicating the importance of the afforestation areas. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Hill
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the letters with respect to the Business Case for Heritage Designation - Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area be received as information.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Items 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3 were considered next. 

  • That the report of the General Manager, Community Services Department dated September 14, 2020, be received as information.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)
    1. That funding of 7% of the total capital cost of the construction of 30 affordable rental units at 3002 and 3012 Louise Avenue, by K.C. Charities, estimated at $339,574, be approved;
    2. That funding of 10% of the total capital cost of the construction of 10 affordable rental units at 2942-2944 Cumberland Avenue South, by The Lighthouse Supported Living, estimated at $47,200, be approved;
    3. That funding of 7% of the total capital cost of the construction of 15 affordable rental units at 412 Avenue P South, by Central Urban Métis Federation Inc., estimated at $178,437.49, be approved;
    4. That a 5-year incremental tax abatement be approved for The Lighthouse Supported Living project, estimated to be $4,952.40; and
    5. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the necessary incentive agreements, and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the Corporate Seal.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)

A letter submitting comments from Stephanie Danyluk, dated September 14, 2020 was provided.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Hill, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services introduced the item.

  • Moved By:Councillor Hill
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That the key strategies and recommendations in the Exhibition Local Area Plan, as outlined in the report of the General Manager, Community Services Department dated September 14, 2020, be approved.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the letter from Stephanie Danyluk be forwarded to the Civic Naming Committee.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Item 8.2.2 was considered next.

A letter submitting comments from Peggy Sarjeant, Saskatoon Heritage Society, dated September 25, 2020 was provided.

  • That funding, up to a maximum of $20,000, for the repair of the roof at 304 3rd Avenue North, be approved; and that the General Manager, Community Services Department, be authorized to remit payment of the grant to the Third Avenue United Church of Saskatoon Congregation following completion of the project.

    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)
    1. That the proposed amendments to Policy No. C03-026, Provision of Civic Services, be approved; and
    2. That the City Clerk be requested to update Council Policy C03-026, Provision of Civic Services, as outlined in the report of the General Manager, Community Services Department dated September 14, 2020.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)
    1. That proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 7860, Animal Control Bylaw, 1999, as outlined in Option 1- Maximum of Four Dogs in Off-Leash Areas and Implementation of a Commercial Dog Walker Permit Process Allowing up to Eight Dogs at Approved Off-Leash Areas, and the implementation of a Commercial Dog Walking Permit process be approved; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to make the necessary amendments to Bylaw No. 7860, Animal Control Bylaw, 1999.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)
    1. That the Administration be authorized to purchase 3815 Wanuskewin Road, Parcel CC, Plan No. 102102725, Extension 1 (ISC Surface Parcel No. 203244386), comprised of approximately 20.03 acres with approximately 156,400 square feet of buildings from Norseman Group Ltd., at a purchase price of $15 million;
    2. That a leaseback agreement for eight years between the City of Saskatoon and Norseman Group Ltd. with an annual lease payment to the City of Saskatoon of $1.125 million be approved;
    3. That the Administration be authorized to purchase 3802 Arthur Rose Avenue, Lot 3, Block 280, Plan No. 102031186, (ISC Surface Parcel No. 164957653), comprised of approximately 3.81 acres from Riverbend Holdings Inc., at a purchase price of $1.799 million; and
    4. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreements and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the Corporate Seal.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Iwanchuk, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance, introduced the item.

Director of Saskatoon Land Long responded to questions.

  • Moved By:Councillor Iwanchuk
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries
    1. That the Administration be authorized to formalize a Memorandum of Understanding with the Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association to produce the Net Zero Demonstration Project, culminating in a Net Zero Demonstration Project Parade of Homes in Phase 4 of the Aspen Ridge neighbourhood; and
    2. That the Administration be authorized to temporarily amend payment term requirements in Council Policy No. C09-006, Residential Lots Sales – General Policy, to obtain a 6% deposit with a three-year payout term on lots sold for the purpose of participating in the Net Zero Demonstration Project.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Item 8.3.2 was considered next.

A letter submitting comments from Erin Akins, Chair, Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee dated September 21, 2020 was provided. 

    1. That Council Policy No. C03-003, Reserves for Future Expenditures, be amended to establish an Environmental Sustainability Reserve; and
    2. That the City Clerk be requested to amend Council Policy No. C03-003 as outlined in the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated September 8, 2020.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Gersher, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services introduced the item.

General Manager, Utilities and Environment Gardiner along with Director of Saskatoon Water Munro responded to questions.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That the information be received.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Administration report on facilities that the proponent operates as well as more specifics around where contaminated materials end up.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    The meeting recessed at 3:02 p.m. and reconvened at 3:15 p.m. via teleconference with all members of Council in attendance with the exception of Councillor Davies. 

    Item 10.1.1 was considered next.

    1. That the Administration be authorized to enter into an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Saskatchewan (Province) to acquire the former Yarrow Youth Farm property on Neault Road and the full ownership interest in Harry Bailey Aquatic Centre and adjacent parking lot as per the terms outlined within the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated September 21, 2020;
    2. That the Administration be authorized to transfer $2,538,250 (the amount offered for the Yarrow property) from the Property Realized Reserve to the Civic Building Comprehensive Maintenance Reserve to fund capital upgrades required for Harry Bailey Aquatic Centre; and
    3. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)
    1. That the payment schedule for service pricing be approved as outlined in the report of the General Manager, Utilities and Environment Department dated September 21, 2020, and Schedule 9 of the MURR Agreement be amended accordingly;
    2. That the City Solicitor prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the amended agreement under the corporate seal; and
    3. That the Administration update the previously presented report on security cameras used as a tool, to mitigate illegal dumping, and contamination of recyclables, at the City of Saskatoon operated recycling depots.  This report should be presented at the same time as the report on Recovery Park is presented prior to 2022 budget deliberations.  The report should also include reference to how the cameras would help reduce criminal activity at the depots.  The report should also be updated with costs based on the current technology of the day and how the installation of cameras would be scaled to the decision, by City Council, on how many depots are to remain operational, moving forward.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted)

General Manager, Transportation and Utilities Schmidt introduced the item. 

Councillor Davies re-entered the meeting at 3:22 p.m. during consideration of this matter.

Director of Transportation Magus responded to questions.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
    1. That the Administration be authorized to enter into a Technical Services Agreement with the City of Martensville whereby the City of Saskatoon will provide technical services to support their traffic signals as a pilot project for one year;
    2. That the Administration report back after one year with an assessment of the pilot project;
    3. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal; 
    4. That the Administration include in the one-year assessment of the pilot project, a detailed cost analysis.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

Chief Operating Officer Tarasoff introduced the item.

  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois
    1. That the Administration be authorized to sell Parcels LM and GH, Plan No. 102308082 (ISC Surface Parcel Nos. 203746327 and 203746338) in the Evergreen neighbourhood, through a public tender process with reserve bid prices;
    2. That if the parcels are not sold through the tender process, they will be placed for sale over-the-counter on a first-come, first-served basis for a period of six months;
    3. That the Administration be authorized to entertain acceptable market price offers on any parcel which remains unsold after the six-month period following the public tender closing date through the open market (standard terms) sales approach;
    4. That the Administration be authorized to administer architectural controls for this parcel; and
    5. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreements and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreements under the Corporate Seal.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Councillor Iwanchuk declared a conflict on this item. (She is employed by CUPE National and ratification of the contract could be seen as a conflict of interest.)

She excused herself from discussion and voting on the matter and left the meeting.

Director of Labour Relations McInnes introduced the item.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
    1. That the proposed changes set out in the Revision to the Collective Agreement (Appendix 1) with respect to the 2013 – 2016 Collective Agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local No. 47 be approved; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the revised contract under the Corporate Seal.
    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Councillor Iwanchuk re-entered the meeting.

City Clerk Sproule introduced the item.  Returning Officer Bastian reviewed the report and noted that an additional recommendation was being added with respect to mail-in ballots.  They responded to questions of Council.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Block
    1. That a special poll be established at each of Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon City Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, and Parkridge Centre on Election Day between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm;
    2. That a special poll be established as an advance poll at each of the personal care facilities and similar institutions set out under Attachment 1, with dates and times to be coordinated with each special poll location throughout November 2, 3, and 4, 2020 between the hours of 9:00 am and 7:00 pm;
    3. That in lieu of a homebound voting system, use of the mail-in ballot process will be encouraged for the 2020 Saskatoon civic election;
    4. That the Returning Officer be authorized to make changes or additions to dates and times that may be necessary to accommodate adjustments due to COVID-19; and
    5. That, as necessary, a mail-in ballot provision be available to voters in hospitals, personal care facilities, or similar institutions in accordance with the established mail-in ballot voting system, and the use of mail-in ballots at these locations be facilitated by delivering the ballots to the facility.
    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Councillor Gersher declared a conflict on this item. (Her family is in a business that could be seen to be in conflict with the Taxi and TNC industries.)

She excused herself from discussion and voting on the matter and left the meeting.

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. Bylaw No. 9722, The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 2), and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw No. 9722 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Davies

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9722 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk

    That Bylaw No. 9722 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (10)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Councillor Gersher re-entered the meeting.

City Solicitor Yelland reviewed the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gersher

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9723, The Traffic Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 4), and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries

    That Bylaw No. 9723 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9723 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw No. 9723 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Item 14.4 was considered next.

The City Clerk reported that Councillor Loewen provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 31, 2020.

"Whereas City Council wishes to identify and address elements of systemic racism that exist in the City of Saskatoon;

Whereas the City of Saskatoon has adopted workforce diversity targets in line with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission goals for employment equity partners in Saskatchewan, and the City wishes to improve its performance in meeting those goals;

Whereas the City of Saskatoon’s Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 states as a goal that “Our workforce is representative of the local population;” and

Whereas the demographic makeup of Saskatoon is increasingly diverse with growing numbers of racialized and Indigenous residents.

Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back on a process to collaboratively and cross-departmentally identify and address systemic barriers in the recruitment and retention of diverse employees. This should include processes and/or models that have been successfully deployed in other municipalities and other major employers in the public or private sector. This report should also comment on whether or not the existing process for self-identification represents best practices."

The following requests to speak were provided:

  • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society Inc, dated September 24, 2020;
  • Alberta Muembo, dated September 25, 2020; 
  • Dennis Page, dated September 28, 2020; and
  • Alison Forsberg, dated September 28, 2020.

Councillor Loewen moved the motions in items 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.

Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society, spoke in support of the three motions contained in Items 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.

Alberta Muembo spoke in support of the three motions contained in Items 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.

Dennis Pagespoke in support of the three motions contained in Items 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.

Alison Forsberg spoke in support of the three motions contained in Items 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    Whereas City Council wishes to identify and address elements of systemic racism that exist in the City of Saskatoon;

    Whereas the City of Saskatoon has adopted workforce diversity targets in line with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission goals for employment equity partners in Saskatchewan, and the City wishes to improve its performance in meeting those goals;

    Whereas the City of Saskatoon’s Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 states as a goal that “Our workforce is representative of the local population;” and

    Whereas the demographic makeup of Saskatoon is increasingly diverse with growing numbers of racialized and Indigenous residents.

    Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back on a process to collaboratively and cross-departmentally identify and address systemic barriers in the recruitment and retention of diverse employees. This should include processes and/or models that have been successfully deployed in other municipalities and other major employers in the public or private sector. This report should also comment on whether or not the existing process for self-identification represents best practices.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

The City Clerk reported that Councillor Loewen provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 31, 2020.

"Whereas City Council wishes to identify and address elements of systemic racism that exist in the work of the City of Saskatoon;

Whereas the City of Saskatoon recently undertook a governance review of advisory committees and controlled corporations, and through this process City Council prioritized diverse representation on advisory committees;

Therefore, be it resolved that the City Clerk’s Office seek out options to improve the reach and accessibility of efforts to invite residents to participate on Council-appointed advisory committees, boards, and commissions. These actions should have specific emphasis on underserved and underrepresented populations in the community, and should be based on advice from community organizations with linkages to underrepresented populations."

The following requests to speak were provided:

  • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society Inc, dated September 24, 2020;
  • Alberta Muembo, dated September 25, 2020; 
  • Dennis Page, dated September 28, 2020; and
  • Alison Forsberg, dated September 28, 2020.

Council heard from the following speakers with item 14.1 on this agenda.

  • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society Inc.
  • Alberta Muembo
  • Dennis Page
  • Alison Forsberg
  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    Whereas City Council wishes to identify and address elements of systemic racism that exist in the work of the City of Saskatoon;

    Whereas the City of Saskatoon recently undertook a governance review of advisory committees and controlled corporations, and through this process City Council prioritized diverse representation on advisory committees;

    Therefore, be it resolved that the City Clerk’s Office seek out options to improve the reach and accessibility of efforts to invite residents to participate on Council-appointed advisory committees, boards, and commissions. These actions should have specific emphasis on underserved and underrepresented populations in the community, and should be based on advice from community organizations with linkages to underrepresented populations.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

The City Clerk reported that Councillor Loewen provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 31, 2020.

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'Whereas City Council wishes to identify and address elements of systemic racism that exist in the work of the City of Saskatoon;

Whereas City Council recently passed the Public Engagement Policy that, among other things, seeks to: “Facilitate public participation and input to decision-making through effective and efficient consultation, involvement, collaboration and empowerment processes,” that entrenches as guiding principles: “engagement processes are designed in a way that promote and allow for adequate community contributions while building relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders” and “the importance of relationship building rooted in mutual trust and respect,” and that provides City Council with the responsibility to: “Support the increasing capacity of the organization in designing and executing useful, efficient, and innovative public participation activities over time;” and

Whereas public engagement with residents significantly influences the directions undertaken by Council and administration; and

Whereas gaps and barriers in the City’s engagement and subsequent policy-creation processes lead to the potential for inequity and unforeseen shortcomings in city policies and practices; and

Whereas there are known barriers to participating in public engagement, and these barriers are exacerbated for marginalized communities, including racialized, Indigenous, newcomer, lower-income, gender-diverse, disabled, trans, Two-Spirit, and queer persons;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back on a strategy to identify and address systemic barriers that prevent residents from accessing, taking part in, and providing feedback within public engagement conducted by the City, with a specific emphasis on underserved and underrepresented populations in the community. This strategy should be informed by best practices from other cities."

The following requests to speak were provided:

  • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society Inc, dated September 24, 2020;
  • Alberta Muembo, dated September 25, 2020; 
  • Dennis Page, dated September 28, 2020; and
  • Alison Forsberg, dated September 28, 2020.

Council heard from the following speakers with item 14.1 on this agenda.

  • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society Inc.
  • Alberta Muembo
  • Dennis Page
  • Alison Forsberg
  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    Whereas City Council wishes to identify and address elements of systemic racism that exist in the work of the City of Saskatoon;

    Whereas City Council recently passed the Public Engagement Policy that, among other things, seeks to: “Facilitate public participation and input to decision-making through effective and efficient consultation, involvement, collaboration and empowerment processes,” that entrenches as guiding principles: “engagement processes are designed in a way that promote and allow for adequate community contributions while building relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders” and “the importance of relationship building rooted in mutual trust and respect,” and that provides City Council with the responsibility to: “Support the increasing capacity of the organization in designing and executing useful, efficient, and innovative public participation activities over time;” and

    Whereas public engagement with residents significantly influences the directions undertaken by Council and administration; and

    Whereas gaps and barriers in the City’s engagement and subsequent policy-creation processes lead to the potential for inequity and unforeseen shortcomings in city policies and practices; and

    Whereas there are known barriers to participating in public engagement, and these barriers are exacerbated for marginalized communities, including racialized, Indigenous, newcomer, lower-income, gender-diverse, disabled, trans, Two-Spirit, and queer persons;

    Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back on a strategy to identify and address systemic barriers that prevent residents from accessing, taking part in, and providing feedback within public engagement conducted by the City, with a specific emphasis on underserved and underrepresented populations in the community. This strategy should be informed by best practices from other cities.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

    Item 8.1.5 was considered next.

The City Clerk reported that Councillor Jeffries provided the following Notice of Motion in accordance with section 65(1)(b) of Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committee Bylaw, 2014:

"Whereas during 2020 foxtail was a significant concern for residents of Saskatoon, especially for those in developing neighbourhoods;

Whereas foxtail seeds can be dangerous to animals when ingested;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back with a strategy for a coordinated foxtail response in the upcoming growing season. This may include working with land developers, lot owners, Parks Division, Community Standards Division, and the Fire Department to ensure that the many sources of foxtail can be dealt with proactively in 2021."

  • Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
    Seconded By:Councillor Gersher

    Whereas during 2020 foxtail was a significant concern for residents of Saskatoon, especially for those in developing neighbourhoods;

    Whereas foxtail seeds can be dangerous to animals when ingested;

    Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back with a strategy for a coordinated foxtail response in the upcoming growing season. This may include working with land developers, lot owners, Parks Division, Community Standards Division, and the Fire Department to ensure that the many sources of foxtail can be dealt with proactively in 2021.

    In Favour: (11)Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Hill, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

Councillor Jeffries gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'That Administration report back regarding water rates charged to condos with water meters that are deemed to serve more than four units as a result of irrigation use. Please include information about the history and rationale behind the policy and options to change this policy along with associated impacts.'"

Councillor Jeffries gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'Whereas some parks and playgrounds in developing neighbourhoods are being built to a higher accessibility standard than is currently mandated for new parks and playgrounds in Saskatoon.

That Administration report back about opportunities and potential policy changes to ensure that new parks and playground structures are built to a higher standard of accessibility in our city.'"

Prior to adjournment, members of Council and Administration provided comments with respect to the last Regular Business meeting, recognizing Councillor Iwanchuk, as she will not be seeking re-election.

The meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m.

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