Councillor Gough provided the following Notice of Motion in accordance with section 65(1)(b) of Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committee Bylaw, 2014:
"Whereas, land use adjacency between lands zoned Heavy Industrial and Residential are unique to the southwest industrial area of Saskatoon;
Whereas, this land use adjacency naturally creates nuisance conflict; and
Whereas, residents of adjacent neighbourhoods and industrial operators are seeking support from the City of Saskatoon to determine options to mitigate land use conflicts;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Administration report back at the earliest opportunity about options and estimated costs to complete a study to identify potential mitigating measures to reduce noise impacts between the South West Industrial area and the adjacent residential areas, with particular attention to the adjacent areas of Pleasant Hill, and that the option consider partnership with willing industrial operators (e.g. access to land, willingness to contribute to study costs, etc.) to ensure a comprehensive study."
A request to speak from Adam Pollock, dated July 24, 2020 is provided.