Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall
  • Diane Bentley, Chair (Public)
  • Chelsea Parent, Vice Chair (Public)
  • Councillor Mairin Loewen
  • Naveed Anwar (Public)
  • Donna Fracchia (Public)
  • Kent Gauthier (Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools)
  • Stan Laba (Saskatoon Public Schools)
  • Robin Mowat (Public)
  • Greg White (Public)
  • Keira Sawatzky (Public)
  • Planning and Development Director Lesley Anderson
  • Development Review Manager Darryl Dawson
  • Committee Assistant Penny Walter

The Chair called the meeting to order.

The Committee Assistant reported that City Council, at its meeting held on November 18, 2019 adopted recommendations of its Governance and Priorities Committee that the following be appointed or re-appointed to the Municipal Planning Commission:

For 2020:

  • Councillor Loewen

To the end of 2021:

  • Diane Bentley (Public)
  • Donna Fracchia (Public)
  • Greg White (Public)
  • Stan Laba (Saskatoon Public Schools)

The following were previously appointed by City Council to the end of 2020:

  • Naveed Anwar (Public)
  • Kent Gauthier (Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools)
  • Robin Mowat (Public)
  • Chelsea Parent (Public)
  • Keira Sawatzky (Public)

Three additional members representing the public are currently being advertised for.

  • Moved By:N. Anwar

    That the information be received.

  • Moved By:N. Anwar
    1. That the following letters be added to Item 7.3:
      1. Request to Speak:
        1. Jack Labrecque, dated January 27, 2020;
      2. Submitting Comments:
        1. Mary Ann and Ron Baliski, dated January 28, 2020;
    2. That the following letters be added to Item 7.4:
      1. Requests to Speak:
        1. Lloyd Beazley, Wee Vend Inc., dated January 26, 2020;
        2. Jim Bence, Saskatchewan Hotel Hospitality Association, dated January 27, 2020;
        3. Jeff Jackson, dated January 27, 2020;
        4. Katherine Soule-Blaser, January 28, 2020;
      2. Submitting Comments:
        1. Arlene Chambers, dated January 22, 2020;
        2. Kerry Doole, dated January 23, 2020;
        3. Joshuan Epp, dated January 23, 2020;
        4. Nathan Rotman, Airbnb Canada, dated January 27, 2020;
        5. Elizabeth McCann, dated January 28, 2020; and
    3. ​That the agenda be approved as amended.

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Moved By:R. Mowat

    ​That the minutes of Regular Meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission held on December 17, 2019 be adopted.


A report of the General Manager, Community Services Department was provided.  Planner Derworiz presented the report with a PowerPoint.  It was noted that Appellant Representative, Dirk Genkens was in attendance to answer questions.  The Commission was further informed that the hours of operation would remain the same from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.

  • Moved By:G. White

    That the Municipal Planning Commission forward the January 28, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department to City Council recommending, at the time of the public hearing, the discretionary use application submitted by Zervos Tavern requesting permission for a Tavern with Brew Pub at 1605 33rd Street West, be approved, subject to the following conditions:

    1. The applicant obtain a development permit and all other relevant permits and licenses (including a building permit); and,
    2. The final plans submitted be substantially in accordance with the plans submitted in support of this Discretionary Use.

A report of the General Manager, Community Services Department was provided.  Planner Derworiz presented the report with a PowerPoint.  It was noted that the Appellant representative, Dan Rawlyk was in attendance to answer questions.  No concerns were expressed.

  • Moved By:R. Mowat

    That the Municipal Planning Commission forward the January 28, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department to City Council recommending that at the time of the public hearing, the Discretionary Use Application submitted by LINE-X requesting permission for a Recreational Vehicle and Equipment Storage Site, be approved, subject to the following conditions:

    1. The applicant obtain a development permit and all other relevant permits and licences (including a building permit);
    2. The site be screened along the north, east, and west, property lines to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; and
    3. The final plans submitted be substantially in accordance with the plans submitted in support of this Discretionary Use Application.

A report of the General Manager, Community Services Department was provided along with a letter requesting to speak from Jack Labrecque, dated January 27, 2020.

A letter submitting comments was also provided and will be joined to the file from Mary Ann and Ron Baliski, dated Janaury 28, 2020.

Planner Derworiz presented the report with a PowerPoint.

Jack Labrecque addressed the Committee on behalf of himself and neighbour who is directly impacted by the proposal.  Concerns were noted in regards to shading and limited privacy due to the proposed development.

  • Moved By:C. Parent

    That the Municipal Planning Commission forward the January 28, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department to City Council recommending that at the time of the public hearing, City Council consider the Administration’s recommendation that the proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 8770, Zoning Bylaw, pertaining to 301 Clarence Avenue North, as outlined in the January 28, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved.


A report of the General Manager, Community Services Department was provided along with the following letters requesting to speak:

  • Lloyd Beazley, dated January 26, 2020;
  • Jim Bence, Saskatchewan Hotel and Hospitality Association, dated January 27, 2020;
  • Jeff Jackson, dated January 27, 2020;
  • Katherine Soule Blaser, January 28, 2020;

The following letters submitting comments were also provided and will be joined to the file:

  • Arlene Chambers, dated January 22, 2020;
  • Kerry Doole, dated January 23, 2020;
  • Joshua Epp, dated January 23, 2020;
  • Nathan Rotman, Airbnb Canada, dated January 27, 2020; and
  • Elizabeth McCann, dated January 28, 2020.

Licensing and Permitting Manager Wilson presented the report with a PowerPoint and responded to questions of the Committee.

Lloyd Beazley provided experiences owning traditional rental and short-term properties and expressed concerns with the increase in regulations for existing short-term accommodations.  He proposed existing short-term accommodations with an active period of 7 to 29 days be considered non-conforming under the current bylaw.

Jim Bence, President and CEO, Saskatchewan Hotel and Hospitality Association addressed the Committee regarding the difficulty in monitoring and enforcement of the amount of guests and illegal situations in short-term accommodations.  Jim Bence provided his speaking notes to the Commission and a copy will be joined to the file.

Jeff Jackson addressed the Commission regarding public consultation on the matter and noted discrepancy with the discretionary use permit fees.  He recommended additional community engagement be undertaken for Options 1, 2 and 3.  Jeff Jackson provided his speaking notes to the Commission and a copy will be joined to the file.

Katherine Soule Blaser provided experiences owning a short-term rental and spoke in support of short-term accommodations as an alternative to traditional hotel properties.

Discussion followed.  The Commission expressed concerns on the following:

  • The regulation and enforcement of number of guests;
  • Short-term accommodations located in condo buildings and the influence a condo association would have with a decision to either accept or deny a short-term rental and how that would be communicated to the condo residents;
  • Condo residents safety where a short-term rental is located;
  • The impacts of short-term accommodations on the affordable housing and long-term rental market in the City; and
  • Formal inspections for fire and health regulations for short-term accommodation properties.

The Commission was further informed on the following:

  • The focus of the public consultation process included short-term accommodations and only provided the discretionary use application fee for an example.  After the consultation, concerns were noted and Administration advised of the application fee increase;
  • The proposed short-term accommodation regulations do not contain regulations for illegal activities because this type of activity is governed by another bylaw;
  • The Saskatoon Police Service was consulted on this report and had no concerns;
  • There would be no opportunity for grandfathering or non-confirming uses in regards to short-term accommodations;
  • There will only be formal inspections for fire and health regulations in proposed short-term accommodation properties where a building permit has been initiated; and
  • The City does not currently require any business to produce proof of insurance.

S. Laba excused himself from the meeting at 1:01 p.m. during discussion of the matter.

R. Mowat excused himself from the meeting at 1:11 p.m. during discussion of the matter.

  • Moved By:D. Fracchia

    That Municipal Planning Commission forward the January 28, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department to City Council recommending

    1. That at the time of public hearing, City Council consider Administration’s recommendation that the proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 8770, the Zoning Bylaw, and to Bylaw No. 8075, the Business License Bylaw, as outlined in Option 3 - License Exemption for Small-Scale Homestays; License required for Short-Term Rental Properties and in the proposed development standards, be approved; and
    2. That the Administration provide an additional report on the maximum number of guests, parking requirements, potential illegal activities, enforcement of the bylaw and a business license review with regard to all aspects of short-term accommodations.
  • Moved By:D. Fracchia

    That the item be deferred to the next meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission due to time constraints.


The meeting adjourned at 1:49 p.m.

No Item Selected