Mayor Clark introduced the matter and a motion to consider first reading of Bylaws No. 9898, 9899, and 9900 was passed.
Paula Kotasek-Toth, Senior Planner, Community Services Division, reviewed the proposed zoning bylaw amendments and expressed the Division's support. Together with Lesley Anderson, Director of Planning and Development, they responded to questions of Council.
The meeting recessed at 7:37 p.m. and reconvened at 7:48 p.m. will all members of City Council in attendance, with the exception of Councillors Block and Hill.
Kreg Harley, Chair, Municipal Planning Commission, expressed the Commission's support of the zoning bylaw amendments.
City Council heard from the following speakers:
- Nicole Burgess, Saskatoon & Region Home Builders' Association
- Robin Mowat, Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
- Bertrand Bartake
- Totie Daplas, North Prairie Development
A motion to extend the public hearing meeting after 9:00 p.m. to complete Item 6.1.4 and 7 was passed.