Council Chamber, City Hall
Committee Members:
  • Councillor B. Dubois, Chair, 
  • Councillor D. Kirton, Vice Chair, 
  • Councillor R. Donauer, 
  • Councillor S. Gersher, 
  • Councillor D. Hill, 
  • and His Worship Mayor C. Clark (Ex-Officio) 

Submissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information. Submissions will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday the week of the meeting.

The Chair will call the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirm roll call.

  • Recommendation

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 6, 2024, of the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation, be adopted.


This item has attachments. 
The Standing Policy Committee on Transportation, at its meeting held on February 6, 2024, considered the above-noted matter and resolved that this matter be deferred to the March 5, 2024, Standing Policy Committee on Transportation meeting.  The Saskatoon Freeway Functional Planning Study – Phase 2 Functional Design Report should be made available as supplementary information to the report presented on February 6, 2024. 
The following are provided:
  • Report of the Transportation and Construction Division, dated March 5, 2024
  • Correspondence received at the February 6, 2024 meeting:
    • Submitting Comments
      • Ryan Bradshaw, dated February 3, 2024;
      • Vladimir Kricsfalusy, dated February 3, 2024;
      • Karen Bolstad, dated February 3, 2024;
      • Kathryn Green, dated February 3, 2024;
      • Marilyn Wilson, dated February 3, 2024;
      • Eryn Tomlinson, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Robert Kavanagh, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Carol Kavanagh, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Hannah Pilat, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Mike Winter, Walking Saskatoon, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Meghan Mickelson, Swale Watchers, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Nancy Allan, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Janet McVittie, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Marnie Deighton, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Karen Farmer, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Scott Broad, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Jan Norris, dated February 4, 2024;
      • Kathlin Simpkins, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Christy Morrissey, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Linda Tweddell, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Mary Carroll Chubb, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Ron Jansen, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Sylvia McCorkindale, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Julia Adamson, Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Kimberly Lebel, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Judith Howsam, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Diane Cross, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Joshua Erikson, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Dale Godson, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Lois Plumer, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Sarah Godson, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Mercy Harris, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Sara Bryson, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Daniel Ronis, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Patricia Albers, dated February 5, 2024;
      • David Forbes, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Stewart Coles, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Fiona Boulet, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Joanne Blythe, Wild About Saskatoon, dated February 5, 2024;
      • John Greer, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Bonnie Lawrence, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Mary Rogoz, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Max Baijius, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Gladys McCarthy, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Brooke Sykes, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Darcy Maatman, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Erin Watson, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Sheila Catto, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Janice Solem, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Rick McCorkindale, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Claire Bullaro, dated February 5, 2024;
      • John Krowina, dated February 5, 2024; 
      • Richard Kerbes, dated February 5, 2024;
  • Presentation provided at the February 6, 2024 meeting;
  • Letters received following the February 6, 2024 meeting:
    • Submitting Comments
      • Donnalea Johnson, dated February 5, 2024;
      • Erika Quiring, dated February 20, 2024;
      • Andrea DesRoches, dated February 20, 2024;
      • Brooke Maatman, dated February 20, 2024;
      • Ellen Hunks, dated February 20, 2024;
      • Stephanie Siemens, dated February 21, 2024;
      • Jessica Hoehn, dated February 21, 2024;
      • Melanie Cole, dated February 201 2024;
      • Susan Lowndes, dated February 21, 2024;
      • Berold Baijius, dated February 21, 2024;
      • Sally Postlethwaithe, dated February 20, 2024;
      • Rachel Broussard, dated February 21, 2024;
      • Ramona Friesen, dated February 22, 2024;
      • Deanna Winder, dated February 22, 2024;
      • Kaley Evans, dated February 22, 2024;
      • Gordon Holtslander, Saskatoon Cycles, dated February 23 and 27, 2024;
      • Callen Diedrichs, dated February 23, 2024;
      • Blaine Caughlin, dated February 24, 2024;
      • Katie Salmers, dated February 25, 2024;
      • Michael Fitzsimmons, Typha Environmental Research and Consulting, dated February 26, 2024;
      • Paul Sopuck, dated February 26, 2024;
      • John Penner, dated February 26, 2024;
      • Robert Kavanagh, dated February 26, 2024;
      • Thelma Howard, dated February 27, 2024.
  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation recommend to City Council:

    That City Council endorse the Saskatoon Freeway Functional Planning Study – Phase 2 Functional Design Report and supporting appendices (Option 2).

A report of the Community Services Division is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation recommend to City Council:

    1. That the Administration be delegated the authority to grant vending rights in conjunction with outdoor special events on public property;
    2. That the proposed amendments to Council Policy C09-013, Use of Sidewalks, Boulevards and Parking Stalls – Vending, be approved as outlined in this report;
    3. That the City Clerk be instructed to update Council Policy C09-013, Use of Sidewalks, Boulevards and Parking Stalls – Vending, as outlined in this report; and
    4. That the City Solicitor be instructed to make the required amendments to Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 2014, as outlined in this report.

A report of the Community Services Division is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation recommend to City Council:

    1. That the proposed amendments to Bylaw No. 7200, The Traffic Bylaw, 1991, as outlined in this report, be approved; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to make the necessary amendments to Bylaw No. 7200, The Traffic Bylaw, 1991.

A report of the Community Services Division is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation recommend to City Council that the City Solicitor be requested to prepared amendments to Bylaw No. 9651, The Vehicles for Hire Bylaw, 2019, to:

    1. Renew the terms for the existing 21 temporary wheelchair accessible taxis until June 30, 2032;
    2. Implement Option 1, to discontinue the Enterprise Taxi Licence Program and grant an additional 14 temporary wheelchair accessible taxi licences to taxi brokerages proportionate to fleet size, for terms from May 1, 2024 until June 30, 2032, as outlined in this report.

A report of the Corporate Financial Services is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation recommend to City Council that the direction provided at the March 26, 2018 regular meeting of City Council which resolved, “That additional billboards on public right-of-way not be installed due to public safety reasons” be rescinded.

  • Recommendation

    That the reports contained in Items 7.3.1 to 7.3.3 be received as information.

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