Council Chamber, City Hall
Committee Members:
  • Councillor Z. Jeffries, Chair, 
  • Councillor R. Pearce, Vice Chair, 
  • Councillor R. Donauer, 
  • Councillor B. Dubois, 
  • Councillor S. Ford, 
  • and Her Worship, Mayor C. Block (Ex-Officio) 

Submissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information. Submissions will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday the week of the meeting.

The Chair will call the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirm roll call.

  • Recommendation

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of regular meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance held on January 15, 2025, be adopted.

A report of the Corporate Financial Services Division is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Finance recommend to City Council:

    1. That if the application for the Short-Term Rental Enforcement Fund is approved, City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement under the Corporate Seal; and
    2. That if required, the Senior Financial Business Partner be granted delegated authority to sign and submit progress reports and financial claims related to the program.

A report of the Corporate Financial Services Division is provided.

  • Recommendation

    That the Standing Policy Committee on Finance recommend to City Council that the City Solicitor be instructed to take the necessary actions under provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act with respect to properties with 2024 tax liens.

  • Recommendation

    ​That the following items be considered In Camera.

[In Camera - Audits and Tests, Section 19 of LAFOIP]

Audit Matter


[In Camera - Audits and Tests, Section 19 of LAFOIP]