Councillor Donauer - Urban Wildlife
Councillor Donauer asked about increased instances of wildlife, particularly coyotes in the City and what the City policy is, particularly when animals are acting aggressive.
General Manager, Community Services Lacroix responded with policy information, and that there is information on the City of Saskatoon website under Wildlife Management and the Urban Biological Services phone number.
Councillor Davies - Utility Bills
Councillor Davies asked about timing for utility bills reflecting different cart size prices.
General Manager, Utilities and Environment Gardiner responded that the switchover for reduced cost is July 1, 2024.
Councillor Dubois - Public Washrooms and Drinking Water
Councillor Dubois asked for an update on the public washroom and drinking water decisions that were made at the May 29, 2024, City Council Regular Business meeting.
Director of Recreation and Community Development Roberts responded that the City is working through the procurement process and the Kiwanis Park washrooms will be open for expanded hours in the meantime.
Councillor Kirton - City Council Public Speakers
Councillor Kirton asked about speakers at City Council meetings and how the order is determined for multiple speakers on multiple items.
City Clerk Tittemore responded the City Clerk's Office puts the speakers in the order that they are received and items with speakers for Regular Business are considered in numerical order.
Councillor Donauer asked that if Council was to adjust the agenda when that would take place.
City Clerk Tittemore responded that all changes to an agenda would take place publicly at the appropriate meeting through a vote of Council when the confirmation of agenda is being considered.