1. That G6.1(1)(b) on page 90 of Schedule “A” to Bylaw 9700 be amended from:
“Ensure the City’s cost of servicing greenfield development is captured to the full extent authorized by the provincial and federal government.”
“Ensure the City’s cost of servicing development is captured as authorized through provincial and federal legislation, while considering a balance of factors and funding sources to address cost recovery, competitiveness, affordability and transparency.”
2. That G6.1(2)(e) on page 90 of Schedule “A” to Bylaw 9700 be amended from:
“Ensure servicing agreement fees are comprehensive in nature and capture capital and operating costs for the life of the assets, in accordance with The Planning and Development Act, 2007.”
“Ensure servicing agreement fees are comprehensive in nature in accordance with The Planning and Development Act, 2007.”
3. That I2.5 on page 107 of Schedule “A” to Bylaw 9700 be amended from:
“In addition to a strong private development community bringing new serviced land to market, the City is in the unique position of providing serviced residential, industrial, and commercial land through the Saskatoon Land Bank. The activity of both private developers and Saskatoon Land helps to provide an adequate inventory of serviced land. Serviced residential, industrial, and commercial land maintains a stable, predictable market and allows the city to continue to grow.”
“The provision of an adequate inventory of serviced residential, industrial, and commercial land helps maintain a stable, predictable, and competitive market and allows the city to continue to grow.”