Mayor Clark introduced the matter and a motion to consider first reading of Bylaw No. 9785 was passed.
Adam Tittemore, City Clerk, reviewed meeting process.
Darryl Dawson, Development Review Section Manager, Community Services Division, outlined the process for consideration of the matters pertaining to the Willows neighbourhood, indicating that this matter is to be considered first in order to allow for the concept plan amendment and subsequent zoning bylaw text amendment to proceed.
Leanne Delong, Senior Planner, Community Services Division, reviewed aspects of the application and responded to questions of Council.
Diane Bentley, Chair, Municipal Planning Commission, expressed the Commission's support of the Official Community Plan Amendment noting the vote was not unanimous.
Due to the response to COVID-19, there was no attendance by members of the public. A number of requests to speak were provided as noted above.
Brad Zurevinski, Dream Development, displayed a map of the area and spoke regarding the project asking for Council's support. He responded to questions of Council.
The meeting recessed at 8:39 p.m. and reconvened at 8:50 p.m. with all members of Council in attendance.
Council heard from the following speakers:
Glen MacKay, a lawyer with Leland Kimpinski, representing 401 and 408 Cartwright Street properties, spoke in opposition to the proposed development and responded to questions of Council.
W. Kirk Ready provided a PowerPoint and spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Sharon Yuzdepski spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Kelvin Dereski spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Dale Ward provided a PowerPoint and spoke in a opposition to the proposed development.
Connie Cuff spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Kerry Hataley, representing Woodbridge I & II Condos, provided a PowerPoint and spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Bob Cram provided a PowerPoint and spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Soledade Pedras provided a PowerPoint and spoke in opposition to the proposed development.
Brad Zurevinski provided closing comments and responded to further questions of Council.
The hearing adjourned at 11:03 p.m. and reconvened on November 23, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. All members of City Council were in attendance.
Leanne Delong responded to further questions of Council.