Councillor Loewen entered the meeting at 3:03 p.m.
The Chair advised that the Glasgow Street Traffic Review that the six speakers have requested to speak on in item 6.3. is not a matter on today’s agenda. He further advised that the best venue to speak on this matter would be at the Public Hearing scheduled on June 25 as Council will be voting on a bylaw at that time. As a matter of process in order to protect the integrity of the Public Hearing, the Committee will not be able to debate or ask questions. He outlined the order of the speakers and queried them individually asking if they still wish to address the committee.
Mr. Regier indicated he is still interested in speaking but noted if the order is changed the process may be expedited as the other speakers have more information and he may not need to speak. The first speaker should be Eugene Buettner.
Mr. Blayne Hoffman indicated he was there to ask committee to change the recommendation going to the Public Hearing on June 25. Councillor Jeffries indicated that could not occur with the matter being a matter for a public hearing. He agreed that Mr. Buettner address Committee first.
Ms. Angela Strand indicated it was acceptable for Mr. Buettner to address Committee first.
Mr. Paul Favreau indicated it was acceptable for Mr. Buettner to address Committee first.
Ms. Dorothy Lukkien indicated it was acceptable for Mr. Buettner to address Committee first.