Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, City Hall

  • Recommendation
    1. That the letter requesting to speak from Bryan Kosteroski, Friends of the Bowl Foundation, dated June 26, 2020 be added to item 10.3.1; 
    2. That Appendix 10 - Backgrounder - Property Tax and Utility Fee Deferrals be added to item 11.3.1;
    3. That the following letters be added to item 11.3.1
      • Requesting to Speak
        • Jennifer Henshaw, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, dated June 29, 2020;
      • Submitting Comments
        • Ahsan Kamboh, dated June 28, 2020;
        • Danielle Bruce, Dunmac General Contractors Ltd, dated June 29, 2020;
    4. That the following items with speakers be considered following consideration of the Consent Agenda:
      • 10.3.2 - Brian Kosteroski
      • 11.3.1
        • Nick Purich, Saskatoon Airport Authority
        • Steph Clovechuk, Tourism Saskatoon
        • Todd Brandt, Tourism Saskatoon
        • DeeAnn Mercier - Broadway BID
    5. That the agenda be confirmed as amended.

This is a standing item on the agenda in order to provide Council Members an opportunity to provide any public acknowledgements. 

  • Recommendation

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1 to 8.1.3; 8.2.1; 8.3.1 to 8.3.2; 8.4.1; and 8.5.1 to 8.5.3 be adopted as one motion.

  • Recommendation

    That Administration continue to explore and formalize a partnership agreement with the Saskatoon Food Council and a collective of community groups for the use and repurpose of the former Riversdale Lawn Bowling site in Victoria Park.

  • Recommendation
    1. That the Board of Directors for the Friends of the Bowl Foundation Inc., as noted in the June 15, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved;
    2. That the City of Saskatoon, being a member of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Bowl Foundation Inc., appoint Andrew Roberts or his designate, as its proxy to vote on its behalf at the virtual Annual General Meeting of the members of the Friends of the Bowl Foundation Inc., to be held on July 15, 2020, or at any adjournment(s) thereof; and
    3. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to executive the appropriate documents under the Corporate Seal as prepared by the City Solicitor.
  • Recommendation
    1. That the list of prioritized transportation projects be approved in principle;
    2. That the information within the report of the General Manager, Transportation and Construction dated June 1, 2020, be included in the next multi-year budget cycle; and
    3. That the Administration include the interchange project at Marquis Drive and Idylwyld Drive on the list, with a note that it is currently under review, and rank appropriately.
  • Recommendation
    1. That the Leadership Team Governance Subcommittee review the following other agencies, boards and commissions established by City Council:
      1. Albert Community Centre Management Board;
      2. Marr Residence Management Board;
      3. Social Services Subcommittee;
      4. Municipal Planning Commission; and
      5. All of the Appeal Boards identified in this report and appendices; and
    2. That the Leadership Team Governance Subcommittee report further on:
      1. Recommended changes to the Terms of Reference, including mandates and composition of the other agencies, boards and committees; and
      2. Bylaw and policy amendments required to implement any changes.
  • Recommendation
    1. That the projects listed in the Table 1 – MEEP Project Plan be approved for application to the Municipal Economic Enhancement Program;
    2. That $15.00 million be reallocated from the Paved Roadway Infrastructure Reserve and held to offset potential future reductions to reserves;
    3. That the correspondence from the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce be referred to the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners;
    4. That the City, in conjunction with the Chamber and the other parties’ signatory to their letter and the Safe Community Action Alliance, write to the province to invite the relevant provincial Ministries, including but not limited to, Health and Social Services, to work together on a solutions based pilot project / task force to address issues of mental health, addictions, and housing in Downtown Saskatoon; and
    5. That City Council ask the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners to report on its Downtown/Riversdale policing strategy, and how it is measuring results.
  • Recommendation

    That June Bold be appointed to the Development Appeals Board to the end of 2020.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation

    That the reallocation of funds between capital projects and reserve accounts, as indicated below, be approved:

    1. That $414,000 from the Electrical Distribution Extension Reserve and $36,000 from the Electrical Distribution Replacement Reserve be allocated to Capital Project 1353-06, Equipment Upgrade and Replacement;
    2. That $115,000 from the Electrical Distribution Extension Reserve and $385,000 from the Electrical Distribution Replacement Reserve be allocated to Capital Project 1305-01, Feeder Upgrades/Replacement;
    3. That $722,000 from the Electrical Distribution Extension Reserve and $1,178,000 from the Electrical Distribution Replacement Reserve be allocated to Capital Project 1308-01, 15kV Conversions – Intermediate Substations;
    4. That $265,000 from the Electrical Distribution Extension Reserve and $265,000 from the Electrical Distribution Replacement Reserve be allocated to Capital Project 736-01, Customer Upgrade and Extensions; and
    5. That $130,000 from the Electrical Distribution Extension Reserve and $870,000 from the Electrical Distribution Replacement Reserve be allocated to Capital Project 1282-01, Steel Pole Mitigation.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation

    That consideration of a report from Administration, with respect to the Vehicle for Hire Bylaw Engagement Review, be deferred to the February 2021 meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation.

Approval Report

A letter requesting to speak is provided from Bryan Kosteroski, Friends of Bowl Foundation, dated June 26, 2020.

  • Recommendation
    1. That the request by the Friends of the Bowl Foundation to access additional funds through their previously approved interim financing agreement, with the condition as outlined in this report be approved; and
    2. That the City Solicitor’s Office bring forward the necessary amendment to Bylaw No. 9530, The Friends of the Bowl Foundation Inc. Loan Authorization Bylaw, 2018 and be authorized to prepare the appropriate agreement to facilitate this request, and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation

    That the Administration issue credits and/or refunds to property tax customers to correct an over-billing caused by using an incorrect property tax rate for the Library portion, as outlined in the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated June 29, 2020.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation
    1. That the Administration administer a survey to the members of the Governance and Priorities Committee to prioritize the shortlisted projects for consideration of funding from the MEEP Reallocation Pool confirmed by the Committee at its meeting on June 22, 2020; and
    2. That the summarized survey results be submitted with the Administration’s report to be considered by the Committee at its meeting on July 20, 2020.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation
    1. That the Administration be directed to apply for a grant opportunity from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ MAMP for the Corporate Maturity Assessment and Implementation of Corporate Asset Management System; and
    2. That the City of Saskatoon (City) initiate a capital project committed to conducting the activities proposed in the application to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, if approved for the grant funding.


Approval Report

  • Recommendation

    That City Council consider Bylaw No. 9710, The Animal Control Amendment Bylaw, 2020, and Bylaw No. 9711, The Dangerous Animals Amendment Bylaw, 2020.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation

    That City Council consider Bylaw No. 9709, The Traffic Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 2).


Letters are provided from the following:

Request to Speak

  • Nick Purich - Saskatoon Airport Authority, dated June 8, 2020, includes presentation;
  • Steph Clovechuk  - Tourism Saskatoon, dated June, 24, 2020; 
  • Todd Brandt  - Tourism Saskatoon, dated June 25, 2020; and 
  • DeeAnn Mercier - Broadway Business Improvement District, dated June 24, 2020.

Submitting Comments

  • Ahsan Kamboh, dated June 28, 2020; and
  • Danielle Bruce, Dunmac General Contractors Ltd, dated June 29, 2020.

Appendix 10 - Backgrounder:  Property Tax and Utility Fee Deferrals was added to this item.

Information Report provided by the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners

  • Recommendation

    That the information be received.

Councillor Loewen provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on May 25, 2020.

"That Section 13 of the draft Bicycle Bylaw No. 9705, be removed."

Councillor Donauer provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on May 25, 2020.

"That the speed limit on Marquis Drive from Idylwyld to Hwy 16 be increased from 50 km/hr to 60 km/hr."

Councillor Gough provided the following Notice of Motion in accordance with section 65(1)(b) of Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committee Bylaw, 2014:

"Whereas, social inequities are persistent in our community and global and local conversations around racial justice, policing, and safety have amplified calls for solutions;

Whereas, the City of Saskatoon’s strategic plan recognizes that the well-being of citizens is a shared responsibility and names a safe community as one of our City’s goals;

Whereas, in line with that goal a social development strategy is being prepared; and

Whereas it is widely recognized that no one order of government nor any one human service agency can successfully address social issues on its own;

Be it resolved that concurrent with the next reporting to Committee/Council on the City’s Social Development plan, the Administration bring forward consideration of:

  1. what resources would be required to develop a community-wide Community Safety and Wellbeing Strategy for Saskatoon;
  2. what opportunities exist to develop this work in partnership with community and key stakeholders recognizing the social planning work already being undertaken by multiple agencies and partnerships; and
  3. potential options for the ongoing stewardship and resourcing of that plan".
  • Recommendation

    That City Council move In Camera to consider the following item.

Personnel Matter

[In Camera - Labour/Personnel Matter - Section 16(1)(c) and (d) LAFOIP]

No Item Selected