Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall

  • Recommendation

    ​That the agenda be confirmed as presented.

  • Recommendation

    ​That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 26, 2019, be adopted.

This is a standing item on the agenda in order to provide Council Members an opportunity to provide any public acknowledgements.

  • Recommendation

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1; 8.2.1 to 8.2.2; 8.3.1 to 8.3.4; 8.4.1; and 8.5.1 to 8.5.11 be adopted as one motion.

  • Recommendation
    1. That the Downtown BID be granted an exception to the Board composition requirements contained in Bylaw 6710 on a temporary basis to permit Shaunna Leyte, a nominee of a business outside of the District (within River Landing) to remain on the Board; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be instructed to make the appropriate Bylaw amendments.
  • Recommendation
    1. That the Administration be authorized to purchase 2011 1st Avenue North for a price of $740,000 to be funded from the Property Realized Reserve; and
    2. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.
  • Recommendation

    That a budget adjustment transfer of $500,000, from Capital Project #1618 – Sanitary Trunks to Capital Project #1615 – Water Distribution, be approved. Funds being transferred will be allocated through the Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Reserve, resulting in a net zero impact to the reserve.

The following letters are provided:

Submitting Comments

  • Tracy Shepherd, dated September 10, 2019; and
  • Russ Ebernal, dated September 11, 2019.
  • Recommendation
    1. That Option 1: Core Acceptable Materials be approved for the curbside residential recycling program;
    2. That the continuation of the Glass Recycling Partnership with SARCAN Recycle be approved; and
    3. That the Administration report back to the appropriate Committee with information on the structure of the new program, rationale of any changes to the program, communications plan, and a summary of how the program’s success will be measured.
  • Recommendation

    That Mr. Mike Velonas be appointed as the Meewasin Valley Authority representative on the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee to the end of 2020.

  • Recommendation

    That the appointment of Mr. Mark Wolff to the Downtown Saskatoon Business Improvement District Board of Management, be approved.

The letter and information package from Saskatoon Public Library is provided electronically due to size.

  • Recommendation

    That the matter be referred to the Saskatoon Public Library Board requesting a report:

    1. based on the proposal and the programming design, on the impact to branch libraries, what services (if any) will be duplicated by the new library and its programming, and if the library will be competing with any component of private sector such as room rentals; and
    2. on the comparison of the proposal in relation to having some administration and housing of collection in other areas of the city that are less expensive.
  • Recommendation

    That the 2020 appointments of Deputy Mayor as described in the September 23, 2019 report of the City Clerk, be approved.

  • Recommendation

    That The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 2014 be amended:

    1. to allow for the changes to Schedules C – Public Council Committee Meeting Agenda and D - In Camera Council Committee Meeting Agenda, as outlined in the September 23, 2019 report of the City Clerk;
    2. to allow for removal of the words “In an emergency” in Sections 18 and 91, and including parameters around remote attendance at meetings, as outlined in the September 23, 2019 report of the City Clerk; and
    3. such that requests to speak to matters not on a Council or Committee Agenda pertaining to an appeal to an independent tribunal contain the same provision as Communications to Council or Committee for matters pertaining to an appeal to an independent tribunal, and further include an exclusion to matters before the Courts in both communications to Council and Committee and requests to speak to Council and Committee.
  • Recommendation
    1. That City Council approve entering into a protocol agreement as contained in Appendix 1 of ; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor sign the agreement on behalf of City Council at a date agreeable to the Mayor and the Saskatoon Tribal Council.
  • Recommendation
    1. That the Administration be directed to draft a comprehensive protocol policy addressing flag raising and proclamations, including establishing detailed criteria for determining which applications can be accepted;
    2. That the approval of flag raising and proclamation requests be delegated to the City Clerk’s Office with an appeal mechanism to the Governance and Priorities Committee; and
    3. That the City Solicitor make any necessary amendments to Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 2014.
  • Recommendation
    1. That all members of City Council be reappointed to the Governance and Priorities Committee to November 16, 2020; and
    2. That members of Council be reappointed to the Standing Policy Committees to November 16, 2020 as follows:
      • Environment, Utilities & Corporate Services – Councillors Davies, Gersher, Gough, Hill, and Loewen
      • Transportation – Councillors Block, Donauer, Dubois, Gersher, and Jeffries
      • Planning, Development & Community Services – Councillors Davies, Gough, Hill, Iwanchuk, and Jeffries
      • Finance – Councillors Block, Donauer, Dubois, Iwanchuk, Loewen
  • Recommendation

    That Mayor Clark and Councillors Iwanchuk, Donauer and Dubois be reappointed to the Personnel Subcommittee for 2020.

Approval Report

  • Recommendation

    That City Council consider:

    1. Bylaw No. 9646, The Adult Services Licensing Amendment Bylaw, 2019;
    2. Bylaw No. 9647, The Mobile Home Amendment Bylaw, 2019;
    3. Bylaw No. 9648, The Private Crossings Amendment Bylaw, 2019;
    4. Bylaw No. 9649, The Traffic Amendment Bylaw, 2019 (No. 2); and
    5. Bylaw No. 9650, The Trailer Camps Amendment Bylaw, 2019.

Approval Report

Public Notice provided.

  • Recommendation

    That City Council consider Bylaw No. 9645, The Cannabis Business License Amendment Bylaw, 2019 (No.2).

Approval Report

  • Recommendation
    1. That City Council approve the proposed Municipal Services and Compatibility Agreement attached as Appendix 1; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement.

Councillor B. Dubois provided the following notice of motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 26, 2019.

"Whereas the City of Saskatoon has adopted a target to divert 70% of the waste from the landfill by 2023;

Whereas organics materials consume approximately 32% of the City’s waste that ends up in the landfill;

Whereas after lengthy discussion and debate, on March 25, 2019, Saskatoon City Council agreed to implement a comprehensive residential curbside organics program by 2023;

Whereas, at the same meeting, City Council also agreed to phase-in funding for the waste and organics program by dedicating a one percent property tax increase in each year over the next four years;

Whereas the City of Saskatoon has limited financial resources to fund projects, programs, and services;

Whereas City Council’s goal is to provide affordable programs and services while keeping property tax increases to a minimum;

Whereas the City of Saskatoon has several competing priorities that require funding in the 2020 and 2021 budget;

Whereas at its July 29, 2019 Saskatoon City Council agreed to allocate $10 million in one-time funding from the federal Gas Tax Fund to the organics program;

Now, therefore, Be it Resolved that the proposed funding phase-in for the comprehensive residential curbside organics program be reduced to the following:

  • an amount equivalent to a 0.75% property tax increase in 2020; and
  • an amount equivalent to a 0.75% property tax increase in 2021.

Be it Further Resolved that this revised funding plan be implemented for the City’s 2020 and 2021 Business Plan and Budget.

Be it Further Resolved that the one-time increase in federal Gas Tax Fund be used for eligible capital projects that exclude waste diversion and organics."

Councillor D.Hill provided the following notice of motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 26, 2019.

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council I will move the following motion:

WHEREAS the federal Gas Tax Fund is valuable and predictable municipal infrastructure funding program that helps the City of Saskatoon invest in projects that improve mobility, support cleaner air, and enhance quality of life;

WHEREAS municipalities in Canada are responsible for 60 percent of Canada’s infrastructure, but have access to only 10 cents of every tax dollar generated;

WHEREAS the Gas Tax Fund, established in 2005, is a predictable, reliable, permanent per capita municipal infrastructure transfer payment that flows directly from the Government of Canada to municipalities;

WHEREAS in its 2019 Budget, the Government of Canada announced a one-time doubling of the Gas Tax Fund, increasing the program to $4.3 billion in 2019.

WHEREAS in 2019, the City of Saskatoon will receive a total of approximately $28 million in 2019 from the Gas Tax Fund;

WHEREAS the Federation of Canada Municipalities have adopted an advocacy position that calls on all federal political parties to permanently double the Gas Tax Fund, including a 3.5 annual escalator;

WHEREAS by 2030, it is estimated that the City of Saskatoon would receive over $40 million per year if FCM’s position is adopted;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Saskatoon City Council advocate to all Saskatoon candidates running for all political parties in the 2019 federal election, that they commit to permanently doubling the federal Gas Tax Fund, including a 3.5% annual escalator;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Council direct His Worship the Mayor to prepare a questionnaire on permanently doubling the federal Gas Tax Fund that would be submitted to all 2019 federal election candidates in Saskatoon Constituencies and all party leaders seeking to form the next government.”

Councillor D.Hill provided the following notice of motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 26, 2019.

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council I will move the following motion:

'WHEREAS the Administration has reported that Cannabis renewal fees be significantly reduced to reflect that there is not a significant amount of work required for the license renewal;

WHEREAS the Administration has reported that there are only four (4) business sectors that pay a higher license and renewal fee; taxi brokerages, adult services, pawn shops, and food trucks and trailers;

WHEREAS the Administration, reported that they reviewed different licensing fees for individual sectors, at the request of Council, and the two businesses sectors reviewed were, motor vehicle sales and sidewalk cafes;

WHEREAS the Administration acknowledged that there was additional work required for the licensing and renewal of motor vehicle sales and sidewalk cafes, but recommended against a different licensing and renewal fee;

WHEREAS the Administration reported that the business licensing branch is independent of property tax and has no impact on the mill rate;

WHEREAS the Administration reported that a stabilization reserve exists for the business licensing operations to balance out year-end by contributing to, or drawing from the reserve to ensure that there is no mill rate impact;

WHEREAS the Administration currently has experience with a flattening of building permit fees that could be applied to the business licensing operations;

WHEREAS members of Council have expressed interest in treating all businesses equally when it comes to licensing and renewals,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Administration report on levelling the business licensing and renewals to one fee, for both processes, for all businesses, including a 4.5% contingency. The report should be based on actual business licensing and renewal costs, actual revenue, and number of businesses licensed and renewed annually. The report should also include how the stabilization reserve would be applied when required;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Administration include extensive collaboration and consultation with the business community, which would also include what the business community would like to see in annual reporting with respect to business licensing and renewal revenue and costs associated with business licensing, in addition to operation efficiencies realized with a streamlined licensing fee and renewal fee."

No Item Selected