Councillor D.Hill provided the following notice of motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on August 26, 2019.
"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council I will move the following motion:
'WHEREAS the Administration has reported that Cannabis renewal fees be significantly reduced to reflect that there is not a significant amount of work required for the license renewal;
WHEREAS the Administration has reported that there are only four (4) business sectors that pay a higher license and renewal fee; taxi brokerages, adult services, pawn shops, and food trucks and trailers;
WHEREAS the Administration, reported that they reviewed different licensing fees for individual sectors, at the request of Council, and the two businesses sectors reviewed were, motor vehicle sales and sidewalk cafes;
WHEREAS the Administration acknowledged that there was additional work required for the licensing and renewal of motor vehicle sales and sidewalk cafes, but recommended against a different licensing and renewal fee;
WHEREAS the Administration reported that the business licensing branch is independent of property tax and has no impact on the mill rate;
WHEREAS the Administration reported that a stabilization reserve exists for the business licensing operations to balance out year-end by contributing to, or drawing from the reserve to ensure that there is no mill rate impact;
WHEREAS the Administration currently has experience with a flattening of building permit fees that could be applied to the business licensing operations;
WHEREAS members of Council have expressed interest in treating all businesses equally when it comes to licensing and renewals,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Administration report on levelling the business licensing and renewals to one fee, for both processes, for all businesses, including a 4.5% contingency. The report should be based on actual business licensing and renewal costs, actual revenue, and number of businesses licensed and renewed annually. The report should also include how the stabilization reserve would be applied when required;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Administration include extensive collaboration and consultation with the business community, which would also include what the business community would like to see in annual reporting with respect to business licensing and renewal revenue and costs associated with business licensing, in addition to operation efficiencies realized with a streamlined licensing fee and renewal fee."