PUBLIC MINUTESSTANDING POLICY COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT,UTILITIES AND CORPORATE SERVICESTuesday, February 04, 2025 at 9:30 A.m. - 1:00 P.m.Council Chamber, City HallPRESENT:Councillor J. Parker, ChairCouncillor K. MacDonald, Vice ChairCouncillor T. Davies, at 9:32 a.m.Councillor H. KelleherCouncillor S. TimonHer Worship, Mayor C. Block (Ex-Officio)ALSO PRESENT:A/General Manager, Utilities & Environment R. MunroDeputy City Solicitor B. BleakneyDeputy City Clerk S. BryantCommittee Assistant M. Lasby1.CALL TO ORDER The Chair called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People. Roll call was taken.2.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Moved By:Councillor TimonThat the agenda be confirmed as presented. In Favour: (5)Mayor Block, Councillor Kelleher, Councillor MacDonald, Councillor Parker, and Councillor TimonAbsent (1)Councillor DaviesCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY3.DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST There were no declarations of conflict of interest.4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - EUCSP_Jan14_2025 - English.pdfMoved By:Councillor MacDonaldThat the minutes of regular meeting of the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services held on January 14, 2025, be adopted.In Favour: (5)Mayor Block, Councillor Kelleher, Councillor MacDonald, Councillor Parker, and Councillor TimonAbsent (1)Councillor DaviesCARRIED UNANIMOUSLYCouncillor Davies entered the meeting at 9:32 a.m.5.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.ADMINISTRATION AND LEGISLATIVE REPORTS 6.1Decision Reports 6.2Approval Reports 6.3Information Reports Moved By:Councillor KelleherThat the reports contained in items 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 be received as information.In Favour: (6)Councillor Davies, Mayor Block, Councillor Kelleher, Councillor MacDonald, Councillor Parker, and Councillor TimonCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY6.3.1Multi-Unit Garbage - Service Review and Next Steps [EUCS2025-0201] 1.Admin Report - Multi-Unit Garbage - Service Review and Next Steps.pdf2.Append 1 - Multi-Unit Garbage Background and Service Review.pdfA report of the Utilities and Environment Division was provided and introduced by Acting General Manager, Utilities and Environment Munro. Environmental Operations Manager Storey reviewed the report with a slideshow, and along with Education and Environmental Performance Manager Burns, responded to questions of Committee.6.3.2Multi-Unit Organics – Pilot Findings and Next Steps [EUCS2025-0202] 1.Admin Report - Multi-Unit Organics - Pilot Findings and Next Steps .pdf2.Append 1 - Solid Waste Overview 2025.pdf3.Append 2 - Multi-Unit Organics Pilot Engagement Report.pdf4.Append 3 - Multi-Unit Organics Pilot Study Findings.pdf5.Append 4 - Guiding Principles.pdfA report of the Utilities and Environment Division was provided and introduced by Acting General Manager, Utilities and Environment Munro. Education and Environmental Performance Manager Burns reviewed the report with a slideshow and responded to questions of Committee.7.MOTIONS (notice previously given) 8.URGENT BUSINESS 9.GIVING NOTICE 10.REQUESTS TO SPEAK (new matters) 11.COMMUNICATIONS (requiring the direction of the Committee) 12.IN CAMERA SESSION (if required) 13.ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:04 a.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - EUCSP_Jan14_2025 - English.pdf1.Admin Report - Multi-Unit Garbage - Service Review and Next Steps.pdf2.Append 1 - Multi-Unit Garbage Background and Service Review.pdf1.Admin Report - Multi-Unit Organics - Pilot Findings and Next Steps .pdf2.Append 1 - Solid Waste Overview 2025.pdf3.Append 2 - Multi-Unit Organics Pilot Engagement Report.pdf4.Append 3 - Multi-Unit Organics Pilot Study Findings.pdf5.Append 4 - Guiding Principles.pdf