AGENDAPUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF CITY COUNCILMonday, December 21, 2020 6:00 P.m. - 11:00 P.m.Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, Saskatoon City HallSubmissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA RecommendationThat the agenda be approved as presented.3.DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - PUBLIC HEARING MEETING_Nov30_2020 - English.pdfRecommendationThat the minutes of the Public Hearing meeting of City Council held on November 30, 2020 be approved.5.PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS 6.1Land Use, etc. 6.1.1Discretionary Use Application – Boarding House – 343 Avenue R South [File No. CK. 4355-020-015] 1.Admin Report - DUA - Boarding House - 343 Avenue R South .pdf2.Append 1 - Location Map - 343 Avenue R South.pdf3.Append 2 - Proposed Site Plan - 343 Avenue R South.pdf4.MPC Letter - DUA - Boarding House 343 Ave R S.pdfThe following documents are provided: Report of the General Manager, Community Services, dated November 24, 2020; and Letter from the Municipal Planning Commission, dated December 14, 2020. The City Planner has advised that notification posters have been sent to all adjacent landowners within 75 metres of the site.RecommendationThat the Discretionary Use Application submitted by Bluebell BD Enterprise Ltd. requesting approval to develop a Boarding House for up to 14 boarders at any one time at 343 Avenue R South, be approved subject to the following conditions: The applicant obtain a Development Permit and all other relevant permits and licences (including a Building Permit); and The final plans submitted be substantially in accordance with the plans submitted in the support of this Discretionary Use Application. 6.1.2Discretionary Use Application – Residential Care Home Type II – 308 110th Street West [File No. CK. 4355-020-016] 1.Admin Report - DUA - Residential Care Home Type II - 308 110th Street West.pdf2.Append 1 - Location Map - 308 110th Street West.pdf3.Append 2 - Proposed Site Plan - 308 110th Street West.pdf4.MPC Letter - DUA - Residentual Care Home - 308 110th St W.pdf5.7.2 - MPC - - Communication - Eve Wright_Redacted(1).pdf6.7.2 - MPC - - Communication - J K Allan_Redacted.pdfThe following documents are provided: Report of the General Manager, Community Services, dated November 24, 2020; Letter from the Municipal Planning Commission, dated December 14, 2020; Letters submitting comments: Eve Wright, dated November 23, 2020 J.K. Allan, dated November 23, 2020. The City Planner has advised that notification posters have been sent to all adjacent landowners within 75 metres of the site.RecommendationThat the Discretionary Use Application submitted by D&S Homes requesting approval to develop a Residential Care Home Type II for up to 15 residents at any one time, at 308 110th Street West, be approved subject to the following conditions: The applicant obtain a Development Permit and all other relevant permits and licences (including a Building Permit); and The final plans submitted be substantially in accordance with the plans submitted in the support of this Discretionary Use Application. 6.1.3Concept Plan Amendment Application – Kensington Neighbourhood [File No. CK. 4110-44] 1.Admin Report - Concept Plan Amendment Application - Kensington Neighbourhood .pdf2.Append 1 - Kensington Concept Plan Map Amendment.pdf3.Append 2 - Kensington Land Use Statistics Table (1).pdf4.Append 3 - Community Engagement Summary.pdf5.MPC Letter - Concept Plan Amendment - Kensington.pdf6.Public Notice - Kensington- Proposed Concept Plan Amendment - December 5 and 7, 2020.pdfThe following documents are provided: Report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, dated November 24, 2020; Letter from the Municipal Planning Commission, dated December 14, 2020; and Notice that appeared in the local press on December 5 and 7, 2020. RecommendationThat the proposed amendment to the Kensington Neighbourhood Concept Plan, as outlined in the December 21, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services, be approved.6.1.4Proposed Amendment to Concept Plan – Cornish Road and Willis Way [File No. CK. 4351-020-012] 1.Admin Report - Proposed Amendment to Zoning Agreement - Cornish Road and Willis Way.pdf2.Append 1 - Existing Zoning Agreement - Cornish Road and Willis Way.pdf3.Append 2 - Proposed Rezoning from M3 by Agreement to M2 - Cornish Road and Willis Way.pdf4.Append 3 - Proposed Concept Plan Amendment.pdf5.MPC Letter - Amendment Concept Plan and Rezoning Cornish Rd.pdf6.Public Notice - Stonebridge Neighbourhood Concept Plan- Proposed Amendment - Dec 5 and 7, 2020.pdfThe following documents are provided: Report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, dated November 24, 2020; Letter from the Municipal Planning Commission, dated December 14, 2020; and Notice that appeared in the local press on December 5 and 7, 2020. RecommendationThat the proposed amendment to the Stonebridge Concept Plan, as outlined in the November 24, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved.6.1.5Proposed Rezoning From M3 by Agreement to M2 – Cornish Road and Willis Way [File No. CK. 4351-020-012] 1.Bylaw No. 9731.pdf2.Zoning Notice - Zoning Bylaw - Bylaw 9731 - Dec 5 and 7, 2020.pdfThe following documents are provided: Proposed Bylaw No. 9731; Report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, dated November 24, 2020 (See Item 6.1.4); Letter from the Municipal Planning Commission, dated December 14, 2020 (See Item 6.1.4); and Notice that appeared in the local press on December 5 and 7, 2020. RecommendationThat City Council consider Bylaw No. 9731.6.2Public Notice Matters 6.2.1The Procedures and Committees Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 3) [File No. CK 255-2] 1.Admin Report - The Procedures and Committees Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 3).pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw 9733, The Procedures and Committees Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 3).pdf3.Public Notice - Bylaw 9733 - December 12 14 2020.pdfThe following documents are provided: Report of the City Solicitor dated December 21, 2020; and Notice that appeared in the local press on December 12 and 14, 2020. RecommendationThat City Council consider Bylaw No. 9733, The Procedures and Committees Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 3).7.PROCLAMATIONS AND FLAG RAISINGS 1.Proclamation and Flag Raising List - November 2020.pdfA list of flag raising and proclamation requests received for the month of November 2020 is provided.RecommendationThat the information be received.8.URGENT BUSINESS 9.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Admin Report - DUA - Boarding House - 343 Avenue R South .pdf2.Append 1 - Location Map - 343 Avenue R South.pdf3.Append 2 - Proposed Site Plan - 343 Avenue R South.pdf4.MPC Letter - DUA - Boarding House 343 Ave R S.pdf1.Admin Report - DUA - Residential Care Home Type II - 308 110th Street West.pdf2.Append 1 - Location Map - 308 110th Street West.pdf3.Append 2 - Proposed Site Plan - 308 110th Street West.pdf4.MPC Letter - DUA - Residentual Care Home - 308 110th St W.pdf5.7.2 - MPC - - Communication - Eve Wright_Redacted(1).pdf6.7.2 - MPC - - Communication - J K Allan_Redacted.pdf1.Admin Report - Concept Plan Amendment Application - Kensington Neighbourhood .pdf2.Append 1 - Kensington Concept Plan Map Amendment.pdf3.Append 2 - Kensington Land Use Statistics Table (1).pdf4.Append 3 - Community Engagement Summary.pdf5.MPC Letter - Concept Plan Amendment - Kensington.pdf6.Public Notice - Kensington- Proposed Concept Plan Amendment - December 5 and 7, 2020.pdf1.Admin Report - Proposed Amendment to Zoning Agreement - Cornish Road and Willis Way.pdf2.Append 1 - Existing Zoning Agreement - Cornish Road and Willis Way.pdf3.Append 2 - Proposed Rezoning from M3 by Agreement to M2 - Cornish Road and Willis Way.pdf4.Append 3 - Proposed Concept Plan Amendment.pdf5.MPC Letter - Amendment Concept Plan and Rezoning Cornish Rd.pdf6.Public Notice - Stonebridge Neighbourhood Concept Plan- Proposed Amendment - Dec 5 and 7, 2020.pdf1.Admin Report - The Procedures and Committees Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 3).pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw 9733, The Procedures and Committees Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 3).pdf3.Public Notice - Bylaw 9733 - December 12 14 2020.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - PUBLIC HEARING MEETING_Nov30_2020 - English.pdf1.Proclamation and Flag Raising List - November 2020.pdf1.Bylaw No. 9731.pdf2.Zoning Notice - Zoning Bylaw - Bylaw 9731 - Dec 5 and 7, 2020.pdf