via teleconference, hosted from Council Chamber, Saskatoon City Hall
  • Commissioner J. Custead, Chair
  • Commissioner Mayor C. Clark
  • Commissioner H. Gough
  • Commissioner S. Greyeyes
  • Commissioner K. Healy
  • Commissioner Z. Jeffries
  • Commissioner B. Penner
  • Chief T. Cooper
  • Deputy Chief R. Huisman
  • Deputy Chief M. Yuzdepski
  • SPS Solicitor A. Smith
  • SPS Finance Director E. Warwick
  • SPS Director of Public Relations and Strategic Communications A. Edwards
  • BPC Solicitor S. Edmondson
  • BPC Executive Director L. Nyirfa
  • Secretary J. Hudson, in the Chamber

The Secretary called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis People.  Roll call was taken.

The Board was requested to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2022.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Penner

    That Commissioner Jo Custead be appointed Chair of the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners for 2022.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner

  • Moved By:Commissioner Greyeyes

    That Commissioner Kearney Healy be appointed Vice-Chair of the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners for 2022.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner


    Commissioner Custead assumed the Chair.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Healy

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Penner, Commissioner Healy, and Commissioner Jeffries

  • Moved By:Commissioner Jeffries

    That the minutes of the public Board of Police Commissioners meeting held on December 16, 2021, be adopted.

    For (7)Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner


Chair Custead thanked those involved in delivering greetings on behalf of the Board to the platoons working over the holiday season.

Chief Cooper spoke to the following, and answered questions of the Board:

  • overview of year end stats - dispatched calls (formal report to come)
  • impacts of ongoing pandemic - SPS response to calls regarding violation of public health order; vaccination rate, infections and business continuity plan
  • policing recruitment - please share
  • letter from Rochelle Dubois regarding lack of progress on investigation into the death of her daughter Baeleigh; SPS met with her to hear concerns and facilitate better communication and support going forward
  • Moved By:Commissioner Greyeyes

    That the information be received.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner


Commissioner Healy acknowledged the following in support of a culture of community safety:

  • work of the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society in supporting Indigenous Youth
  • plans for a world-class basketball facility at River Landing (agreement between City of Saskatoon, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities (Jumpstart) and Hoist the Hoops)

An email from Graham MacDonald dated January 3, 2022, was provided. 

Chief Cooper spoke to the communication and answered questions of the Board.

Chair Custead noted an upcoming CAPG webinar on the Thin Blue Line.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Gough
    1. That the information be received; and
    2. That SPS Administration be requested to report back on the use of symbols in addition to supplied uniforms, and in particular the Service’s response to the use of Thin Blue Line patches in Saskatoon.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner


A report of the Chief of Police dated December 21, 2021, was provided.

Chief Cooper introduced the matter.  Deputy Chief Yuzdepski presented the report with a complementary PowerPoint.  Both responded to questions of the Board.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Healy

    That the report of the Chief of Police dated December 21, 2021, be received as information.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner


A report of the Chief of Police dated December 15, 2021, was provided.

Chief Cooper presented the report.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Penner

    That the report of the Chief of Police dated December 15, 2021, be received as information and a copy submitted to the Saskatchewan Police Commission by the Board outlining the net operating budget for 2022.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Jeffries, Commissioner Healy, and Commissioner Penner


A report of the Chief of Police dated December 15, 2021, was provided.

Chief Cooper presented the report.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Penner

    That the report of the Chief of Police dated December 15, 2021, be received as information and a copy submitted to the Saskatchewan Police Commission by the Board outlining the net capital budget for 2022.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Jeffries, Commissioner Healy, and Commissioner Penner


A report of the Board's Executive Director dated January 13, 2022, was provided.

Executive Director Nyirfa presented the report.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Jeffries

    That the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners 2021 Strategic Plan Status Report be approved as presented and posted to the Board's website for public information.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner



At the December 16, 2021 meeting, Commissioner Healy provided the following notice of motion in accordance with Governance Policy No. 12.24:

“Please take notice that I will move the following motion on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at the regular public meeting of the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners:

'Whereas the Parliament of Canada is considering proposed Bill C247 which requests amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada, which would introduce the concept of Controlling and Coercive Conduct as part of Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence response.

Whereas the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) resolved earlier this year to support the proposed Bill C247.

Whereas CACP offered important concepts to strengthen the intent and scope of Bill C247, especially at CACP's Third and Fourth Whereas (above and quoted below).

"Bill C-247 amends the Criminal Code to create an offence of engaging in controlling or coercive conduct that has a significant impact on the person towards whom the conduct is directed, including fear of violence, a decline in their physical or mental health, and a substantial adverse effect on their day-to-day activities..."

"coercive control includes repetitive tactics of all forms of abuse (emotional, financial, physical, sexual, spiritual) to isolate, humiliate, intimidate, exploit, dominate, and cause fear to victims. It is repetitive and continuous with cumulative effects over time..."

Whereas in March of 2016 the CACP and The Canadian Observatory on the Criminal Justice's Response To Intimate Partner Violence stated strongly that Justices response needs to be multi-sectoral and focused on protecting and empowering the victims.

Whereas these offences  cause " ... a  SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE effect on their day-to-day activities..." CACP above (emphasis added). And that includes an increased fear for personal safety in public spaces including our downtown even though the actual danger is closer to home for many, especially women.

Whereas Bill C247 speaks to s. 264.01 (see above), practically, Peace Bonds, s. 810 and in common law, have been a useful tool in these cases, providing frequently a more effective response.

Be it resolved that the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners support the intent of Bill C247 presently being considered by the Parliament of Canada,

That we ask that the CACP's insights as quoted above (the 3rd Whereas in this motion) be incorporated into the final version and that the Parliamentary Committee consider complementary changes to s. 810 (Peace Bonds).

That we send a letter of support and this petition to the private Member Of Parliament who is sponsoring this Bill, MP Garrison and to his Parliamentary committee, and to the Minister Of Justice, and to the 3 Saskatoon Members of Parliament, and to the CACP, and to the Canadian Association of Police Board Governance.'"

It was noted that Bill C-247 received First Reading in the House of Commons during the last session of parliament and was reintroduced as Bill C-202 in the current session.

  • Moved By:Commissioner Healy
    1. That the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners support the intent of Bill C-202 presently being considered by the Parliament of Canada;
    2. That the Board ask that the CACP's insights as quoted above (the 3rd Whereas in this motion) be incorporated into the final version and that the Parliamentary Committee consider complementary changes to s. 810 (Peace Bonds); and
    3. That the Board send a letter of support and this petition to the private Member Of Parliament who is sponsoring this Bill, MP Garrison and to his Parliamentary committee, and to the Minister Of Justice, and to the 3 Saskatoon Members of Parliament, and to the CACP, and to the Canadian Association of Police Board Governance.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Jeffries, Commissioner Healy, and Commissioner Penner

  • Moved By:Commissioner Gough

    That the Board move In Camera to consider matters exempt to the public under its Governance Policy No. 12.4, Section 10(2) of The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Bylaw No. 7531, Section 27(15) of The Police Act, 1990, and Section 8.1(f) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations.

    For (7)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Healy, Commissioner Jeffries, and Commissioner Penner


    The public meeting recessed at 2:49 p.m.

The Board convened In Camera at 3:00 p.m. with the following in attendance:

  • All Board members
  • SPS Administration
  • Board Solicitor Edmondson
  • Board Executive Director Nyirfa
  • Marno McInnes, Director of Labour Relations, for a personnel matter
  • Secretary Hudson, in the Chamber

SPS Administration left the meeting at 4:11 p.m., followed shortly thereafter by Board Solicitor Edmondson and Board Executive Director Nyirfa.

Commissioner Jeffries left the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

The Board completed its In Camera session at 5:06 p.m. and reconvened publicly to rise and report, as follows:

  • Moved By:Commissioner Healy
    1. That the Board sign the revised Essential Services Agreement;
    2. That the Board renew its contract with Leanne Nyirfa as Executive Director for a one-year term as discussed and noted by the Secretary; and
    3. That the information be received and the submitted correspondence and reports and discussion remain In Camera under Governance Policy No. 12.3 and Section 10(2) of The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Bylaw No. 7531, and Section 21 of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    For (6)Commissioner Custead, Commissioner Mayor Clark, Commissioner Gough, Commissioner Greyeyes, Commissioner Healy, and Commissioner Penner


The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.