Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall
  • Chelsea Wisser, The Ability Hub YXE, Vice Chair
  • Darren Gilchrist, Public
  • Christine Anaka, Public
  • Adeola Fadakinte, Public
  • Kyra Mazer, Public
  • Karthik Babu Menon, Spinal Cord Injury Saskatchewan Inc.
  • Mark Kennedy, Public, Chair
  • Robert Gourley, Public
  • Steven Schneider, Public
  • Amanda Titman, Vision Loss Rehabilitation Saskatchewan (CNIB)
  • Director, Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Stryker Calvez
  • Senior Building Code Engineer Steven Gelleta
  • Access Transit Manager Brittany Hadley
  • Senior Transportation Engineer Chelsea Lanning
  • Recreation Services Manager Michelle Wolfe
  • Committee Assistant Holly Thompson
  • Councillor Bev Dubois
  • Robin Mowat - Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
  • Building Standards Manager Roger Bradley
  • Organizational Development Consultant Thiago Prado

The Chair called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirmed roll call.

  • Moved By:C. Anaka

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.


There were declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Moved By:K. Mazer

    That the minutes of regular meeting held on January 17, 2025 of the Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee, be adopted.


This is opportunity for the Chair to provide a verbal update on his/her activities since the last meeting.

No update was provided.

To provide an opportunity for a Committee or resource member to update on issues, trends, events, etc. that pertain to the Committee’s mandate.

A verbal update was provided on the following: 

Accessibility Planning 

Director of Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Calvez advised that the Administration will be conducting a community wide consultation to gain incite on accessibility barriers.   To gather a broad range of information, an online survey will open on February 27th for individuals to provide their experiences.  Following the survey, community focus groups will be conducted.  A draft Accessibility Plan report is anticipated for August 2025.

  • Moved By:C. Anaka

    That the information be received.


This is an opportunity for the subcommittees to update the Committee.

  • Moved By:D. Gilchrist

    That the verbal updates contained in items 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 be received as information.


The subcommittee members will focus on setting meeting dates.

The subcommittee members will focus on setting meeting dates.

In accordance with the Committee’s Terms of Reference, it shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year’s accomplishments and a work plan for the upcoming year. 

This is a standing item on the agenda for the Committee, and/or any subcommittees, to provide updates regarding items on its work plan and any matters being referred to the Standing Policy Committee for consideration.

In 2025, Committee will focus on the following categories for their workplan:

  • Deafblind Services
  • Access Transit / Conventional Transit
  • Educational and Awareness
  • Civic Accessibility and Safety
  • Downtown and Bus Rapid Transit Accessibility

The Committee reviewed their work plan categories and discussed concerns related to the e-scooter and snow removal programs. 

During discussion, the Committee was advised that the City Council, at its meeting held on January 29, 2025, resolved to permit e-scooters on the right-of-way and that the vendors will be acquired through competitive procurement process.  Furthermore, members were updated on the discussion held at the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation and City Council, regarding e-scooters and their impact on sidewalk accessibility.   Committee members agreed to draft a letter to submit their concerns with the e-scooter program. 

The Committee continued discussion around the snow removal program and the experiences.  Committee members agreed that an update on the snow removal program would be beneficial to the members. 

  • Moved By:D. Gilchrist

    That a letter be drafted to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation outlining the Committees concerns that continue regarding the e-scooter program and its impact on accessibility. Furthermore, that a request be made for this information to be shared with the Administration involved in the competitive procurement process to ensure accessibility considerations are incorporated.

  • Moved By:R. Gourley

    That a letter be drafted to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation requesting information on the current snow removal program be provided and presented to the Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee.


A current Statement of Expenditures was provided for the Committee's information.

  • Moved By:C. Anaka

    That the information be received.


The meeting adjourned at 12:47 p.m.