After deliberation and population of the Capital Prioritization List, Administration answered questions of Council, and spoke to implications of reducing budgets.
Votes on Capital Prioritization List:
Moved By:Councillor Loewen
Seconded By:Councillor Block
Growth Plan Implementation and Corridor Planning / Infill Development as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Loewen
Seconded By:Councillor Dubois
Cottony Ash Psyllid / Pest Management Reserve as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gersher
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
City-Wide Solar Strategy as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gersher
Seconded By:Councillor Block
Curbside Organics Bin Purchase as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk
Utility Solar Scale Solar Energy Project Implementation Parcel M - allocate funding of $500,000 to the project
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Davies |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Dubois
Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk
Sidewalk Asset Management as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Donauer
Seconded By:Councillor Dubois
Regional Planning (P4G) Requirements as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Block, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gough, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Davies |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Iwanchuk
Seconded By:Councillor Block
Arena & Convention Centre Business Case Development as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing Program as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Block
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
Waste Reduction - Industrial, Commercial, Institutional (ICI) and Multi-Unit - allocate total funding of $700,000 to the project
In Favour: (7) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (3) | Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Iwanchuk |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Loewen
Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries
High Performance Civic Building Policy – New Building Phase I - allocate funding of $75,000 to the project
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Dubois
Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
Parks Asset Management Plan - increase funding allocation by $200,000 for a total of $450,000
In Favour: (4) | Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Iwanchuk |
Against: (6) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Loewen
Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
Parks Asset Management Plan as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Block
Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
Community Electrical Vehicle (EV) Adoption Strategy and Charging Infrastructure as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gersher
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
Triple Bottom Line Implementation Support as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Block
Zoning Bylaw Update as presented in Item 6.14.1- Table 1
In Favour: (4) | Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (6) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Iwanchuk, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
Seconded By:Councillor Block
Zoning Bylaw Update reduced to $375,000 for 2020 and 2021
In Favour: (7) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (3) | Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Iwanchuk |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
The following motion was deemed irrelevant as it was a lesser amount; therefore, was not voted on.
Moved By:Councillor Dubois
Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
Zoning Bylaw Update reduced to $340,000 for 2020 and 2021
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
The meeting recessed at 3:00 p.m. and reconvened at 3:16 p.m.
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
Research Grant Program as presented in Item 6.14.1 - Table 1
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Davies |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
Central Avenue Streetscaping Project (added per Agenda Item reduced to $500,000
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Gersher |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Iwanchuk
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
Decorative Lighting Replacement Program (added per Agenda Item as presented - increase $200,000
In Favour: (8) | Councillor Block, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Gersher |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Block
Seconded By:Councillor Davies
Proposed Downtown Stimulus Strategy (added per Agenda Item 6.14.7) as presented - increase $150,000
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Gersher |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Dubois
Intelligent Transportation System (added per Agenda Item reduced to $180,000
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gersher
Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
Green Infrastructure Implementation (added per Agenda Item as presented - $150,000 in 2020 and 2021
In Favour: (7) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (3) | Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Iwanchuk |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk
That the Item Growth Plan Implementation and Corridor Planning / Infill Development as presented, be reconsidered
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Jeffries
Seconded By:Councillor Block
Growth Plan Implementation and Corridor Planning / Infill Development reduced to $2,000,000 for 2020 and $800,000 for 2021
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Gersher |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Additional Operating Budget Options (Item 6.14.9)
Moved By:Councillor Davies
Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk
That $25,000 for the Game Plan Phase-In (Optimist Hill) within the Recreation and Culture Business Line be added for the years 2020 and 20201 to the Budget Options List for consideration.
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Gersher, and Councillor Gough |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
The above motion by Councillor Davies, seconded by Councillor Iwanchuk, was subsequently WITHDRAWN in light of information provided by the Administration.
Moved By:Councillor Donauer
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
That $25,000 for the Culture Plan Implementation within the Recreation and Culture Business Line be added to the Operating Budget Options List for consideration. (2020 base)
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
That $100,000 in 2020 and $100,000 in 2021 for the Attainable Housing Phase-In within the Urban Planning and Development Business Line be added to the Operating Budget Options List for consideration.
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
That $8,800 for Anti-Racism Initiatives within the Community Support Business Line be added to the Operating Budget Options List for consideration.
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
That $100,000 in 2020 and $100,000 in 2021 for Urban Forestry and Pest Management Reserve Increased Contribution within the Environmental Health Business Line be added to the Operating Budget Options List for consideration.
In Favour: (6) | Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (4) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Dubois
Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk
That $175,000 in 2020 for Rosewood Transit Service Area Expansion within the Transportation Business Line be added to the Operating Budget Options List for consideration.
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gersher
Seconded By:Councillor Gough
That $175,000 in 2021 for Brighton Transit Service Area Expansion within the Transportation Business Line be added to the Operating Budget Options List for consideration.
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Block
Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
- That a sustainability reserve be established;
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Block
Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
2. That a green loan model be used to fund the new sustainability reserve on a go-forward basis, excluding projects that are currently underway;
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Block
Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
3. That that Administration report back to the Governance and Priorities Committee in Q1 on the impact and timeline of directing carbon tax rebates to the sustainability reserve.
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Following deliberation and population of the Operating Options List -
Votes on Operating Budget Options List (in order of largest amount to smallest amount:
Low Emissions Community Plan Funding Options (added per Agenda Item 6.14.6) - $610,000
In Favour: (2) | Councillor Block, and Councillor Gersher |
Against: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
Low Emissions Community Plan Funding Options - $250,000
In Favour: (7) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (3) | Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Iwanchuk |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Corporate Asset Management Plan Phase-In - Bridges (added per Agenda Item 6.14.5) as presented - $330,000 in 2020, $440,000 in 2021
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Block, and Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Corporate Asset Management Plan Phase-In - Parks (added per Agenda Item 6.14.5) as presented - $250,000 in 2020, $350,000 in 2021
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Block |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
Corporate Asset Management Plan Phase-In - Sidewalks (added per Agenda Item 6.14.5) increased to $250,000 in 2020
In Favour: (5) | Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (5) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Iwanchuk, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Corporate Asset Management Plan Phase-In - Sidewalks (added per Agenda Item 6.14.5) as presented - $175,000 in 2020, $250,000 in 2021
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Rosewood Transit Service Area Expansion (added per additional motion above under Item 6.14.9) as presented - $175,000 in 2020
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Donauer |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Dubois
Seconded By:Councillor Iwanchuk
That the Administration report back before the 2021 budget process on service options and costs for expanding transit service in Rosewood.
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Gough
Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
Attainable Housing Phase-In (added per above motion under Item 6.14.9) reduced to $50,000 in 2020 and $50,000 in 2021
In Favour: (2) | Councillor Gersher, and Councillor Gough |
Against: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Urban Forestry and Pest Management Reserve Increased Contribution (added per above motion under Item 6.14.9) as presented - $100,000
In Favour: (3) | Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (7) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Iwanchuk, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Stand-Alone Funding Agreement with Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Services (added per Agenda Item 6.14.2) as presented - $69,400
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Jeffries |
Against: (2) | Councillor Davies, and Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Dust Suppression - Beef Research Road (added per Agenda Item 6.14.8) as presented - $34,000
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Game Plan Phase-In (Optimist Hill) (added per above motion under Item 6.14.9) - WITHDRAWN
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Gersher |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Moved By:Councillor Loewen
Seconded By:Councillor Davies
- That in lieu of a direct contribution, support the project through the phase-in of a game plan ($25,000 in 2020); and
- That the Administration report back to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development, and Community Services on how the funding relationship would be structured.
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Gersher |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Culture Plan Implementation (added per above motion under Item 6.14.9) as presented - $25,000
In Favour: (8) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (2) | Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Gersher |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Stand-Alone Funding Agreement with Wanuskewin Heritage Park (added per Agenda Item 6.14.2) as presented - $14,700
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (1) | Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Anti-Racism Initiatives (added per above motion under Item 6.14.9) as presented - $8,800
In Favour: (9) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Jeffries |
Against: (1) | Councillor Dubois |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Municipal Planning Commission Operating Increase (added per Agenda Item 6.14.3) as presented - $2,000
In Favour: (6) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Iwanchuk, and Councillor Loewen |
Against: (4) | Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, and Councillor Jeffries |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
Brighton Transit Service Area Expansion (added per above motion under Item 6.14.9) as presented - $175,000 in 2021
In Favour: (10) | Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Iwanchuk, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen |
Absent (1) | Councillor Hill |
vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
As per earlier resolution, Item 6.1.2 was considered next.