Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, Saskatoon City Hall
  • His Worship, Mayor C. Clark, in the Chair
  • Councillor C. Block
  • Councillor T. Davies
  • Councillor R. Donauer
  • Councillor B. Dubois
  • Councillor S. Gersher
  • Councillor H. Gough
  • Councillor D. Hill
  • Councillor Z. Jeffries
  • Councillor D. Kirton
  • Councillor M. Loewen
  • City Manager J. Jorgenson
  • City Solicitor C. Yelland
  • General Manager, Community Services L. Lacroix
  • Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Financial Services K. Tarasoff
  • General Manager, Transportation & Construction T. Schmidt
  • General Manager, Utilities & Environment A. Gardiner
  • A/City Clerk S. Sliva
  • Deputy City Clerk S. Bryant

Mayor Clark confirmed attendance via teleconference. The National Anthem was played and Mayor Clark called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People.   

  • Moved By:Councillor Hill
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough
    1. That the following letters be added to item 8.4.1:
      1. Submitting Comments
        • Jason Hanson​, dated December 17, 2020 
        • Erin Edwards - Saskatoon Cycles, dated December 21, 2020;
    2. That Urgent Business item 16.2 - 2020 Contract Negotiations (2019-2023) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 319, be added to the agenda;
    3. That Urgent Business item 16.3 - January 2021 Electrical Rate Change – Federal Carbon Charge, be added to the agenda; and
    4. That the agenda be confirmed as amended.
    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gersher

    ​That the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on November 30, 2020, be adopted.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

Mayor Clark recognized the accomplishments of the following community members who recently passed away on the dates listed and expressed condolences to the families on behalf of City Council.

December 1, 2020 - Thelma Pepper, renowned photographer and artist

December 8, 2020 - Don Kerr, Professor Emeritus, historian and playwright

December 12, 2020 - Bob Korol, CEO of TCU Place

December 14, 2020 - Marj Orchard, recent retiree of the City of Saskatoon

Items 8.1.3, 8.3.1, 8.4.1 and 8.5.3 were removed from the Consent Agenda.

  • Moved By:Councillor Hill
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    ​That the Committee recommendations contained in Items 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.4, 8.1.5; 8.2.1, 8.2.2; 8.4.2; 8.5.1 and 8.5.2 be adopted as one motion.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • That the 2019 Annual Report and 2020 Work Plan of the Public Art Advisory Committee be received as information.

    1. That adjustments to the 2020 Parks and Recreation Levy rate, as outlined in the December 8, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved; and
    2. That the 2020 Community Centre Levy rates for each developing neighbourhood, as outlined in the December 8, 2020 report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, be approved.
    1. That an adjustment be approved to the 2020 Prepaid Service Rates, as submitted under Appendix 1 of the Report of the General Manager, Transportation and Construction dated December 8, 2020; and
    2. That the Preliminary 2021 rates be set at the 2020 rates, and adjusted in late 2021 based on actual 2021 contract costs.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Hill introduced the item as Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services.

Director of Planning and Development Anderson responded to questions of Council around timelines and process.  She further clarified that the public hearing will be related to amending the heritage designation of the site.

  • Moved By:Councillor Hill
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer
    1. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare an amendment to Bylaw No. 8232, The Knox United Church Heritage Designation Bylaw, 2003, with such amendment limited to amending the legal land description to reflect the approved subdivision; and
    2. That the General Manager, Community Services Department, be requested to prepare the required notices for advertising the proposed bylaw amendment.
    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
    1. That the Administration be authorized to transfer a portion of Block X, Plan 102038150 (ISC Surface Parcel No. 202844886) in the Evergreen neighbourhood to Saskatoon Water for use as a water reservoir to service northeast Saskatoon; and
    2. That the Administration be authorized to transfer $4,486,000 from Project 2219 - NE Sector Reservoir into the Evergreen Neighbourhood Land Development Fund.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
    1. That the term of the Funding Agreement with SREDA be amended to end December 31, 2021;
    2. That the payment to SREDA be amended to add 2021 at $885,500; and
    3. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the amending agreement.
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Gersher introduced the item as Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Environment Utilities and Corporate Services.

General Manager, Utilities and Environment Gardiner answered questions with respect to budget implications.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That the Capital Project 2330 – St. Paul’s Hospital Combined Heat & Power Plant for a total estimated cost of $3,079,200 (including taxes) be cancelled.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
    1. That the Administration be authorized to enter into a Technical Services Agreement with the City of Warman whereby the City of Saskatoon will provide technical services to support their traffic signals as a pilot project for one year;
    2. That the Administration report back after one year with an assessment of the pilot project; and
    3. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the appropriate agreement and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.

The following letters submitting comments were provided:

  • Jason Hanson​, dated December 17, 2020; and
  • Erin Edwards - Saskatoon Cycles, dated December 21, 2020.

This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

Councillor Dubois introduced the item as Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation. 

Director of Transportation Magus responded to questions of Council around monitoring, evaluation and funding of the project.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the Dudley Street Neighbourhood Bikeway be approved in principle.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • That the deferral request of the Saskatoon Municipal Review Commission, as outlined in the attachment to this report, be granted.

  • That City Council appoint Mike Jordan as the Interim City Clerk for the City of Saskatoon, effective January 1, 2021, until such time as a new City Clerk has been appointed.


This item was removed from the Consent Agenda.

A/City Clerk Sliva indicated that Doug Zolinski, recommended for appointment to the Remai Modern Board of Directors, had withdrawn his application and that the appointments to the SREDA Board of Directors requires further review based on the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaw.  City Solicitor Yelland confirmed the requirements of the SREDA Articles of Incorporation in terms of number of board members allowed.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen
    1. That the appointment of Doug Zolinski to the Remai Board of Directors and the appointments to the SREDA Board of Directors be referred back to the Governance & Priorities Committee; and
    2. That the recommended appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees and any further direction, as noted by the Acting City Clerk and attached to the report, be approved, as amended.
    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Gersher
    1. That the appropriate amendments be made to Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 2014, to allow the ability to appoint the Deputy Mayor to chair the Governance and Priorities Committee; and
    2. That the City Solicitor make the necessary amendments and bring back the bylaw.
    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

An information report was provided.

General Manager, Transportation & Construction Schmidt presented the report and responded to questions regarding signage. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That the information be received.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

An information report was provided.

General Manager, Community Services Lacroix presented the report and together with Director of Parks Crilly responded to questions of Council.

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That the information be received.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That Administration move ahead with funding for a one-time clearing of secondary paths in city parks and that that clearing take place as soon as possible.

    In Favour: (10)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Against: (1)Councillor Hill
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
    CARRIED (10 to 1)

An information report was provided.

Saskatoon Fire Department Chief Hackl presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That the information be received.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9732, The Cemeteries Amendment Bylaw, 2020, and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Bylaw No. 9732 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9732 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries

    That Bylaw No. 9732 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.


    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report. 

General Manager, Community Services Lacroix responded to questions regarding licensing fees.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9729, The Animal Control Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 2), and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Donauer

    That Bylaw No. 9729 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9729 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Bylaw No. 9729 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9730, The Private Crossings Over Ditches Bylaw, 2020, and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Loewen

    That Bylaw No. 9730 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Jeffries

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9730 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois

    That Bylaw No. 9730 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

The A/City Clerk reported that Councillor Donauer provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on November 30, 2020.

"That the Administration please report on the ability to develop a response to extreme or unusual snow events that shut down the city and create a safety issue for our residents, and the potential cost. The intent is to have a plan for city-wide snow clearing and/or removal after extreme events, to determine in advance what the trigger is for such action, and to address funding such as a reserve specifically for extreme events."

  • Moved By:Councillor Donauer
    Seconded By:Councillor Block

    That the Administration please report on the ability to develop a response to extreme or unusual snow events that shut down the city and create a safety issue for our residents, and the potential cost. The intent is to have a plan for city-wide snow clearing and/or removal after extreme events, to determine in advance what the trigger is for such action, and to address funding such as a reserve specifically for extreme events.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

The A/City Clerk reported that Councillor Kirton provided the following Notice of Motion at the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on November 30, 2020.

"With concerns about a lack of engagement many residents in Saskatoon have with the City, could Administration (or Leadership Team Governance Subcommittee) report on the creation of a task force or committee to seek ways in which the operations and governance of the city become more accessible to the public. This committee should comprise of representatives from the administration, city council, citizens, and media."

Councillor Kirton advised he was withdrawing his intent to put forward the motion. 

Councillor Loewen gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'Whereas City Council is regularly presented with land use issues where residents have concerns about the adequacy of our public engagement and information sharing practices; and

Whereas challenges persist in communicating clearly about land matters, re-zonings, etc.;

That the Administration report back about:

  1. Work currently underway in this area, including any recent/related changes, and potential options for future improvements in public engagement practices on land use matters, including but not limited to the application of plain language principles, increasing the scope of potential public engagement practices, an assessment of best practices from other communities; and
  2. Options for partnering with stakeholders to ensure prospective homeowners and/or residents understand the potential for changes in Saskatoon neighbourhoods.'"

Councillor Kirton gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'Could the Administration report on any community engagement outcomes resulting from recent governance and policy changes to community engagement practices with specific attention to early results from the implementation of the Public Engagement Policy. Where possible, please include any lessons learned and policy changes and opportunities for further improvement.'"

Councillor Kirton gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move the following motion:

'Could the Administration provide the total cost of repairing and replacing the curb extensions that have been destroyed or otherwise displaced during the snow removal process.'"

Marketing and Communications Manager Nunweiler provided a verbal update regarding public engagement during the festive season.

Director of Labour Relations McInnes presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher
    Seconded By:Councillor Dubois
    1. That the proposed changes set out in the Revision to the Collective Agreement (Appendix 1) with respect to the 2017-2018 Collective Agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local No. 319 be approved; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the revised contract under the Corporate Seal.
    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

General Manager, Utilities & Environment Gardiner presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to introduce Bylaw No. 9734,  The Electric Light and Power Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 2), and give same its FIRST reading.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gersher

    That Bylaw No. 9734 now be read a SECOND time.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That permission be granted to have Bylaw No. 9734 read a third time at this meeting.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That Bylaw No. 9734 now be read a THIRD time, that the bylaw be passed and the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign same and attach the corporate seal thereto.

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded
  • Moved By:Councillor Block
    Seconded By:Councillor Gough

    That the proposed January 1, 2021 rate changes be approved for Saskatoon Light & Power’s rates, as outlined in this report; and

    In Favour: (11)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Hill, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor C. Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Vote Type: Majority (Voted), Recorded

The meeting adjourned at 3:24 p.m.

No Item Selected