PUBLIC AGENDADIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSIONADVISORY COMMITTEEThursday, February 13, 2025 at 12:00 P.m. - 1:00 P.m.Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City HallCommittee Members:Tasnim Jaisee, Public, ChairAli Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door SocietyAbbas Akram, PublicDaniel Ash, PublicHillary Gamelin, Ministry of Social ServicesJess Hamm, Saskatchewan Intercultural AssociationDr. Jasmine Hasselback, Saskatchewan Health AuthorityJeffrey Hendren, PublicLiz Kuley, PublicCornelia Laliberte, Greater Saskatoon Catholic SchoolsChandrelle Marshall, Saskatoon Public SchoolsKarianne Morin, PublicBrenda Reynolds, Ministry of Corrections and PolicingKole Roth, PublicSuperintendent Dale Solie, Saskatoon Police ServiceEmma Wintermute, PublicOther Attendees:Councillor J. ParkerDirector, Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Stryker CalvezDirector of Indigenous Initiatives, Melissa CoteSaskatchewan Human Rights Commission, Robin MowatOrganizational Development Consultant, Thiago Prado Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, April Sora Submissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information. Submissions will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday the week of the meeting.1.CALL TO ORDER The Chair will call the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirm roll call.1.1Appointment of Vice-Chair [CK 225-83] This matter was deferred to the February meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.The Committee is requested to appoint a Vice-Chair for 2025.RecommendationThat the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee appoint a Vice-Chair for 2025.2.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA RecommendationThat the agenda be confirmed as presented.3.DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES [CK 225-83-1] 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE_Jan16_2025 - English.pdfRecommendationThat the minutes of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee meeting held on January 16, 2025, be approved.5.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.VERBAL UPDATES 6.1Report of the Chair [CK 225-83] This is a standing item on the agenda to provide the Chair an opportunity to update on their activities since the last meeting.RecommendationThat the information be received.6.2Committee or Resource Member Update [CK 225-83] This is a standing item on the agenda to provide an opportunity for a Committee or Resource Member to update on issues, trends, events, etc. that pertain to the Committee's mandate.6.2.1Resource Member Introductions This item is on the agenda as an opportunity for the City of Saskatoon Resource Members to introduce themselves.6.2.2Jess Hamm Jess Hamm will provide a verbal update on Saskatchewan Intercultural Association's events for Black History Month and for International Day for the Elimination of Racism.6.3Subcommittee Updates [CK 225-83] This is a standing item to provide an opportunity for the Subcommittee to report back on referred matters.6.3.1Sponsorship Subcommittee 6.3.2Living in Harmony Awards Subcommittee 6.3.3Annual Planning and Retreat Subcommittee 6.3.4Policy Advisory Subcommittee 7.REFERRALS FROM COUNCIL OR STANDING POLICY COMMITTEE 8.WORK PLAN CONSIDERATION 1.Work Plan 2024.pdfIn accordance with the Committee's Terms of Reference, it shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year's accomplishments and a work plan for the upcoming year. This matter was deferred to the February meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.RecommendationThat the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee draft its Work Plan for 2025, for submission to City Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services by March 31, 2025.8.1Work Plan and Referrals to Standing Policy Committee [CK 225-83] This is a standing item on the agenda for the Committee, and/or any subcommittees, to provide updates regarding items on its work plan and any matters being referred to the Standing Policy Committee for consideration.9.EDUCATION AND AWARENESS INITIATIVES - SPONSORSHIP [CK 225-83] 9.1Mindfully Unwinding Whiteness 1.Co-Sponsorship Request Application (The Stand Comm Organizing Centre)_Redacted.pdfThis matter was deferred to the February meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee due to time constraints.The Sponsorship Request Application from The Stand Community Organizing Centre for their event, Mindfully Unwinding Whiteness, taking place bi-monthly in March of 2025, is provided. RecommendationThat the Committee provide direction.10.BUDGET - STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 2025 [CK 1704-5] 1.Budget - Feb 2025.pdf2.Email - Pleasant Hill Rap Opera - June 2 to 8, 2025_Redacted.pdfThe current Statement of Expenditures is provided for the Committee's information as well as an email from the Wâhkôhtowin Project in regard to the Committee's sponsorship for Pleasant Hill Rap Opera.RecommendationThat the information be received.11.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Co-Sponsorship Request Application (The Stand Comm Organizing Centre)_Redacted.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE_Jan16_2025 - English.pdf1.Work Plan 2024.pdf1.Budget - Feb 2025.pdf2.Email - Pleasant Hill Rap Opera - June 2 to 8, 2025_Redacted.pdf