Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, Saskatoon City Hall

  • Recommendation

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.

  • Recommendation

    That the Mayor write a letter on behalf of City Council to the Premier of Saskatchewan, the Minister of Health, and any relevant ministers requesting that the Chief Medical Health Officer for Saskatchewan issue a Public Health Order for Saskatoon that imposes the following:

    • A limit of 150 person maximum capacity at an event facilities, casinos, bingo halls, theatres, art galleries, libraries and recreational facilities, or 1/3 of the current capacity, whichever is less, to ensure that physical distancing can be maintained.
    • A limit of 15 people at private gatherings, including household gatherings.
    • A limit of 150 people at public indoor gatherings and private indoor gatherings or 1/3 of the current capacity, whichever is less, to ensure that physical distancing can be maintained.
    • A limit of 150 people at public outdoor gatherings with physical distancing in place.
    • If an event or facility has in place the requirement for a proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to the event, that the event be exempted from these gathering restrictions. 
    • The current province-wide masking mandate remain in place.

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