Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall
Committee Members:
  • Angela Spence, Public, Chair
  • Robin Steeg, Public, Vice Chair
  • Diane Bentley, Public
  • Manvi Ghai, Public
  • Darren Hill, Saskatchewan Health Authority
  • Ian Judd-Henrey, Public
  • Danielle Kehler, Public
  • Erica Maier, Meewasin Valley Authority
  • Terry Neefs, Public
  • Palash Sanyal, Public
  • Colleen Steele, Public
  • Siobhan Takala, Public
Other Attendees:
  • Councillor Kathryn MacDonald
  • Metering & Sustainable Electricity Manager, Jose Cheruvallath
  • Director of Building Standards, Kara Fagnou
  • Environment Projects and Protection Manager, Dan Gauthier
  • Senior Planner, Planning & Development, Lars Ketilson
  • Senior Transportation Engineer, Justine Marcoux
  • Director of Sustainability, Jeanna South

Submissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information. Submissions will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday the week of the meeting.

The Chair will call the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirm roll call.

  • Recommendation

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee meeting held on January 24, 2025, be approved. 

A letter requesting support from Candace Savage, Wild About Saskatoon, dated January 27, 2025, is provided. 

  • Recommendation

    That the Committee provide direction. 

This is a standing item on the agenda to provide the Chair an opportunity to update on their activities since the last meeting.

Chair Spence will provide a verbal update. 

  • Recommendation

    That the information be received. 

This is a standing item on the agenda to provide an opportunity for a Committee or Resource member to update on issues, trends, events, etc. that pertain to the Committee's mandate.

This is a standing item to provide an opportunity for the Subcommittee to report back on referred matters.

The Education Subcommittee will provide a verbal update.

  • Recommendation

    That the information be received. 

The Water Conservation and Quality Management Subcommittee will provide a verbal update. 

  • Recommendation

    That the information be received. 

This is a standing item on the agenda for the Committee, and/or any Subcommittee, to provide updates regarding items on its Work Plan and any matters being referred to the Standing Policy Committee for consideration.

As stated in the Terms of Reference, the Committee shall submit a work plan for the upcoming year to City Council, through the Standing Policy Committee on Environment Utilities and Corporate Services.

The draft 2025 Work Plan is provided and will be discussed at the meeting. 

  • Recommendation

    That the Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee approve its Work Plan for 2025, for submission to City Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services by March 31, 2025.

The current Statement of Expenditures is provided for the Committee's information. 

  • Recommendation

    That the information be received.