Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall
  • Müveddet Al-Katib, Public
  • Kehan Fu, Public via teleconference at 2:40 p.m.
  • Carmen Gilmore, Public
  • James Hawn, Public
  • Sabrina Kehoe, Public
  • Ella Dawn McGeough, Public
  • Councillor Kathryn MacDonald
  • Public Art Consultant Henry Lau
  • Committee Assistant Holly Thompson

The Chair called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirmed roll call.

  • Moved By:M. Al-Katib

    That the agenda be confirmed as presented.


There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Moved By:S. Kehoe

    ​That the minutes of the Public Art Advisory Committee meeting held on January 17, 2025 be adopted.


This is a standing item on the agenda to provide an opportunity for the Chair to provide a verbal update on his/her activities since the last meeting.

Work Plan Process and Deadline

James Hawn advised the Committee that the Work Plan deadline is March 31, 2025 for submission to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services.  There are two meetings before the deadline to complete their work plan submission. 

This matter was postponed until later in the meeting as Kehan Fu was absent to speak to the matter.

Due to no quorum present, the matter was deferred to the next meeting.

A verbal update was provided by Public Art Consultant Lau on the following:

Bus Rapid Transit Project - SaskTel Building Mural

The Committee was advised that there will be a call for a large mural for the SaskTel building downtown.  The building owner will be renovating the building facade with construction occurring in spring and summer. A call to submit will follow.  The Public Art Advisory Committee will have the opportunity to adjudicate. 

  • Moved By:M. Al-Katib

    That the information be received.


This is an opportunity for the subcommittees to update the Committee.

There was no update provided.

In accordance with the Committee's Terms of Reference, it shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year’s accomplishments and a work plan for the upcoming year. 

As stated in the Terms of Reference, the Committee shall submit a work plan for the upcoming year to City Council, through the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services.

At the January 17, 2025, meeting of the Public Art Advisory Committee this matter was deferred to allow time for new members to familiarize themselves with the mandate and past initiatives.

The 2024 work plan was provided for the Committee's information.

The Chair advised the Committee as to the process the Committee can take for determining the Work Plan items.

Committee Assistant Thompson read the Committee's mandate and responded to members' questions.

The 2025 work plan was discussed and three categories were selected:

  • Public Education for Artists;
  • Public Awareness for Community; and
  • Education for the Public Art Advisory Committee members.

Carmen Gilmore excused herself from the meeting at 3:34 p.m.

Additional ideas and opportunities were discussed around education, showcasing and awareness of public art.  The Committee agreed to convene in subcommittees to develop their ideas for discussion at the next meeting.

  • Moved By:E. McGeough

    That the matter be deferred to the March 14, 2025, meeting to allow the Subcommittees time to meet and identify ideas for inclusion in the workplan.


This is a standing item on the agenda for the Committee, and/or any subcommittees, to provide updates regarding items on its work plan and any matters being referred to the Standing Policy Committee for consideration. 

An Advisory Committee may form subcommittees and working groups within its membership as necessary to address specific issues within its mandate. Subcommittees shall draw upon voting members of the Committee.

The Committee currently has three subcommittees:

  • Public Education Subcommittee - established to create materials to educate Saskatoon on the Committee. 
  • Professional Development Subcommittee - established to research professional development opportunities for members.
  • Events Subcommittee - established to assist in the planning of the future educational events and workshops. 

The Committee was requested to determine if a subcommittee was required and to appoint members to the Subcommittees for 2025.

The 2025 subcommittee membership was discussed and confirmed as follows:

  • Public Education Subcommittee - established to create materials to educate Saskatoon on the Committee.
    • Ella Dawn McGeough and Müveddet Al-Katib
  • Professional Development Subcommittee - established to research professional development opportunities for members.
    • Sabrina Kehoe and Kehan Fu
  • Awareness and Events Subcommittee - established to assist in the planning of the future educational events and workshops.
    • Ella Dawn McGeough and Müveddet Al-Katib
  • Moved By:M. Al-Katib

    That the 2025 subcommittee memberships be approved as presented.


The current Statement of Expenditures was provided by the Committee's information.

The Committee reviewed the current Statement of Expenditures.

  • Moved By:K. Fu

    That the information be received.


    Kehan Fu excused himself from the meeting. 

    Item 6.2.1 was scheduled for consideration next; however, quorum was no longer present. As a result, the meeting adjourned.

The meeting adjourned at 3:57 p.m.