Committee Room E, Ground Floor, City Hall
  • Tasnim Jaisee, Public, Chair
  • Daniel Ash, Public, Vice Chair
  • James Brayshaw, Public
  • Hillary Gamelin, Ministry of Social Services
  • Jess Hamm, Saskatchewan Intercultural Association
  • Jeffrey Hendren, Public
  • Chandrelle Marshall, Saskatoon Public Schools
  • Brenda Reynolds, Ministry of Corrections and Policing
  • Kole Roth, Public, via teleconference
  • Superintendent Dale Solie, Saskatoon Police Service
  • Emma Wintermute, Public
  • Ali Abukar, Saskatoon Open Door Society
  • Abbas Akram, Public
  • Dr. Jasmine Hasselback, Saskatchewan Health Authority
  • Liz Kuley, Public
  • Cornelia Laliberte, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
  • Karianne Morin, Public
  • Councillor Jasmine Parker, via teleconference
  • Director, Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Stryker Calvez
  • Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, Robin Mowat, via teleconference
  • Committee Assistant Heather Janzen

The Chair called the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirmed roll call.

This matter was deferred to the February meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.

The Committee was requested to appoint a Vice-Chair for 2025.

  • Moved By:E. Wintermute

    That Daniel Ash be appointed Vice Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee for 2025.

  • Moved By:E. Wintermute
    1. That Item 9.2 be added; and 
    2. That the agenda be confirmed as amended.


There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

  • Moved By:D. Ash

    That the minutes of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee meeting held on January 16, 2025, be approved.


This is a standing item on the agenda to provide the Chair an opportunity to update on their activities since the last meeting.

Chair Jaisee provided an update that the Subcommittees met, there are currently no vacancies for the Committee, and creating a committee land acknowledgement. The Committee discussed the possibility of creating a committee specific land acknowledgement to open the meetings. 

  • Moved By:E. Wintermute

    That the information be received.


    Item 6.2.2 was considered next. 

This is a standing item on the agenda to provide an opportunity for a Committee or Resource Member to update on issues, trends, events, etc. that pertain to the Committee's mandate.

This item was on the agenda as an opportunity for the City of Saskatoon Resource Members to introduce themselves.

Director, Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Stryker Calvez and Councillor Jasmine Parker provided an update on their roles with the Committee and their portfolios.  

  • Moved By:B. Reynolds

    That the information be received. 


    Item 6.3.1 was considered next. 



Jess Hamm provided a verbal update on Saskatchewan Intercultural Association's events for Black History Month and for International Day for the Elimination of Racism including:

  • February 28, 2025, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. a film screening of "Where Do White People Go When The Long Weekend Comes?" at the Roxy Theatre; and 
  • March 21, 2025, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Reel to Real event with a showing of Peace by Chocolate at the Roxy Theatre. 

Robin Mowat joined the meeting at 12:20 p.m.

  • Moved By:H. Gamelin

    That the information be received. 


    Item 6.2.1 was considered next. 

This is a standing item to provide an opportunity for the Subcommittee to report back on referred matters.

No update was provided. 

Emma Wintermute provided an update that the Subcommittee met on January 31, 2025, and discussed the process and timelines for the 2025 awards. She asked that Committee members share the awards information on their social media to reach further audiences. 

  • Moved By:C. Marshall

    That the information be received. 


Jess Ham provided an update that the Subcommittee met on February 6, 2025, and discussed creating a team charter, hosting a Committee training session, and changing the name of the Subcommittee. 

The Committee discussed the possibility of a whole day or half day training and if that would also include discussion of creating the team charter. The Committee also discussed the name change for the Subcommittee and noted that it would be discussed at the next Committee meeting. 

Jess Hamm excused herself from the meeting at 12:44 p.m. 

  • Moved By:Superintendent D. Solie

    That the information be received. 


Daniel Ash updated that the Subcommittee met at the end of January and discussed what they would be working on, including the Race Relations Policy, creating terms of reference for the Subcommittees and updating the composition of the Committee and renaming some of the citizen representative positions. 

  • Moved By:J. Hendren

    That the information be received. 


In accordance with the Committee's Terms of Reference, it shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year's accomplishments and a work plan for the upcoming year.

This matter was deferred to the February meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee.

Kole Roth excused himself from the meeting at 12:56 p.m.

The Committee discussed the 2025 Work Plan. 

  • Moved By:H. Gamelin

    That the matter be deferred to the next meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to be held on March 13, 2025.


This is a standing item on the agenda for the Committee, and/or any subcommittees, to provide updates regarding items on its work plan and any matters being referred to the Standing Policy Committee for consideration.

This matter was deferred to the February meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee due to time constraints.

The Sponsorship Request Application from The Stand Community Organizing Centre for their event, Mindfully Unwinding Whiteness, taking place bi-monthly in March of 2025, was provided. 

The Committee discussed the application. 

  • Moved By:J. Hendren

    That the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee deny the Sponsorship Application for funding.


A Sponsorship Request Application from Saskatoon Open Door Society for their event, Annual Diversity Awards Gala 2025, taking place February 20, 2025, was provided. 

The Committee discussed the application. 

  • Moved By:Superintendent D. Solie

    That the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee approve sponsorship in the amount of $1,000.00 to Saskatoon Open Door Society for their event Annual Diversity Awards Gala 2025, taking place February 20, 2025.


The current Statement of Expenditures was provided for the Committee's information as well as an email from the Wâhkôhtowin Project in regard to the Committee's sponsorship for Pleasant Hill Rap Opera.

The Committee discussed the email from the Wâhkôhtowin Project and went over the 2025 budget distribution. 

  • Moved By:B. Reynolds

    That the information be received.


The meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m.