Via Teleconference Hosted in the Council Chamber, Saskatoon City Hall
  • Councillor R. Donauer, Chair
  • His Worship Mayor C. Clark
  • Councillor C. Block
  • Councillor T. Davies
  • Councillor B. Dubois
  • Councillor S. Gersher
  • Councillor H. Gough
  • Councillor Z. Jeffries
  • Councillor D. Kirton
  • Councillor M. Loewen
  • Councillor D. Hill
  • City Manager J. Jorgenson
  • Interim City Clerk M. Jordan
  • City Solicitor C. Yelland
  • City Clerk A. Tittemore
  • Committee Assistant J. Hudson

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.  Roll call was taken.  Chair Donauer welcomed the new City Clerk, Adam Tittemore.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois
    1. That the request to speak from Mwee Ka, Saskatoon Karen Community dated April 18, 2021, be added to Item 6.1;
    2. That the following be added to Item 8.1.1:
      • Request to speak and letter submitting comments from Keith Moen, NSBA dated April 16, 2021;
      • Request to speak and letter submitting comments from Brent Penner, Downtown Saskatoon BID dated April 18, 2021; 
      • Request to speak from Stephanie Clovechok, Tourism Saskatoon and Shawna Nelson, Saskatoon Destination Marketing Hotels dated April 18, 2021;
      • Request to speak from Jason Aebig, Saskatoon Chamber dated April 19, 2021;
    3. That the email from Neil Sasakamoose, Fred Sasakamoose Statue Committee dated April 16, 2021, be added to Item 8.2.3; (Note - the writer has been advised to apply for proclamation mentioned within)
    4. That the agenda items with speakers be considered following adoption of the minutes:
      • Item 6.1 - Mwee Ka
      • Item 7.1 - Prabha Mitchell
      • Item 7.2 - Andrea Lafond
      • Item 8.1.1 -
        • Tammy Sweeney and Will Lofdahl;
        • Jason Aebig
        • Stephanie Clovechok and Shawna Nelson;
        • Keith Moen;
        • Brent Penner; and
    5. That the agenda be confirmed as amended.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


Councillor Davies declared a conflict of interest with respect to item 8.2.3. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher

    That the minutes of the Governance and Priorities Committee meeting held on March 15, 2021, be adopted.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Block, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


An email from Marvin Rotrand, City Councillor - Snowdon, City of Montreal dated March 1, 2021, was provided, along with a request to speak from Mwee Ka, Saskatoon Karen Community dated April 18, 2021.

Mwee Ka was in attendance to address the Committee in support of the Rohingya people.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gough

    That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That City Council write to the Government of Canada urging that it rapidly renew its crucial humanitarian support of Rohingya refugees who have fled to Bangladesh and consider augmenting its aid for investment in underfunded areas of refugee relief such as maternal and child health care and education to Rohingya youth with a portion of future Canadian aid to explicitly target the education of girls; and
    2. That City Council urge the Government of Canada to admit Rohingya refugees under rules similar to those that allowed the resettlement Syrian refugees in 2015 and 2016.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


    Item 7.1 was considered next.

An email from Terri-Lynne Robinson on behalf of Kim Beaudin, National Vice Chief, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples dated March 1, 2021, was provided.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gough

    That the communication be forwarded to the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


Communications from Jan Simpson, National President, CUPW, dated March 23, 2021, were provided.  A booklet entitled 'Delivering Community Power' was distributed via email.

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen

    That the communication be referred to the Administration for review of partnership opportunities with respect to identified LEC projects.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A letter from Laura Zink, Director, Research Acceleration and Strategic Initiatives, dated April 7, 2021, was provided.

Councillor Gough spoke to her role as most recent appointee on the Grant Awards Committee.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher

    That the matter be referred to the In Camera session as Item 13.8.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A letter from Prabha Mitchell, CEO of WESK, received April 12, 2021, was provided.

Prabha Mitchell was in attendance to address Committee with respect to the request for the City's support. 

The Administration answered questions of Committee.

  • Moved By:Mayor Clark

    That the submission be forwarded to the Administration for report back on implications of signing the Saskatchewan Women Entrepreneurship Charter.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A request to speak from Andrea Lafond, CEO of Meewasin, dated April 6, 2021, was provided. 

Andrea Lafond provided an update to Committee, along with a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois

    That the information be received.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Kirton, Councillor Davies, Councillor Jeffries, Mayor Clark, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Gough, Councillor Block, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report from the Administration was provided, along with the following:

  • Email dated April 13, 2021 submitting a letter and request to speak on behalf of Will Lofdahl, CEO of SaskTel Centre and Tammy Sweeney, CEO of TCU Place; 
  • Letter submitting comments dated April 14, 2021 and request to speak dated April 19, 2021 from Jason Aebig, CEO, Saskatoon Chamber;
  • Request to speak and letter submitting comments from Keith Moen, NSBA dated April 16, 2021;
  • Request to speak and letter submitting comments from Brent Penner, Downtown Saskatoon BID dated April 18, 2021; and
  • Request to speak from Stephanie Clovechok, Tourism Saskatoon and Shawna Nelson, Saskatoon Destination Marketing Hotels dated April 18, 2021

City Manager Jorgenson introduced the matter.  Director of Planning & Development Anderson, Director of Technical Services Willems, and Chief Public Policy & Government Relations Officer Jordan presented the report with a complementary PowerPoint.  

Will Lofdahl, Tammy Sweeney, Stephanie Clovechok, Shawna Nelson, Keith Moen, Brent Penner, and Jason Aebig were in attendance to address Committee in support of a downtown entertainment district.

The Administration answered questions of Committee. 

The meeting recessed at 11:16 a.m. and reconvened at 11:31 a.m.

  • Moved By:Councillor Davies

    That a report be submitted to City Council recommending:

    1. That Council confirm pursuit of a Downtown Entertainment District/BRT, including the necessary transit and parking improvements, as a priority for the City of Saskatoon;
    2. That the Administration be directed to work with stakeholders and other levels of government on achieving a detailed funding plan based on the Administration’s presentation of April 19, 2021, (investigating all funding opportunities that include information on potential bonds for the arena) with the goal of constructing the entertainment district with no contributions from property taxes; and
    3. That a key objective of the entertainment district be to provide public benefit to all residents of Saskatoon.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill

  • Moved By:Councillor Loewen

    That a report be submitted to City Council recommending:

    1. That the Administration provide a report including a public process map outlining the anticipated reports and decision-making milestones related to a downtown entertainment district/BRT; and
    2. That as a component of ongoing engagement with stakeholders, the Administration lead an analysis of industry forecasts related to events and tourism that would be relevant to the planning of a downtown entertainment district/BRT.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill

  • Moved By:Mayor Clark

    That a report be submitted to City Council recommending:

    1. That the Administration report on options for incorporating Indigenous placemaking and partnerships in the development of the downtown entertainment district; and
    2. That as considerations are made for planning and design of the downtown entertainment district, the Administration report on opportunities to align these projects with the City’s High Performance Building Policy and provide leadership by pursuing carbon neutrality in the district.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Davies, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton

    That Item 8.2.3 be considered next and the Committee hear from Neil Sasakamoose. 

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report of the City Manager was provided. 

City Manager Jorgenson presented the report.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gough

    That the report of the City Manager dated April 19, 2021, be received as information. 

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Gough
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report of the Interim City Clerk was provided.

  • Moved By:Councillor Jeffries

    That the report of the Interim City Clerk dated April 19, 2021, be received as information. 

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Councillor Block, Mayor Clark, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Kirton, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report from the Administration was provided.

Chief Financial Officer Tarasoff presented the report and answered questions of Committee.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois

    That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council that a two-year Business Plan and Budget process for 2022/2023, as outlined in the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated April 19, 2021, be approved.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill

  • Moved By:Councillor Gough

    That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council that in advance of the 2024 budget planning process, Administration report about recommended multi-year budget durations going forward.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report from the Administration was provided.

Chief Financial Officer Tarasoff presented the report and answered questions of Committee.

  • Moved By:Councillor Gersher

    That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council that the following strategy be approved in principle for use of future Canada Community Building Funds:

    1. That 25% of the expected funds be held in contingency to offset the financial risk in the 2021 fiscal year;
    2. That 25% of the expected funds be transferred to the Fiscal Stabilization Reserve; and
    3. That 50% of the expected funds be transferred to the Reserve for Capital Expenditures.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Davies, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report from the Administration was provided, along with an email from Neil Sasakamoose, Fred Sasakamoose Statue Committee dated April 16, 2021.  

Councillor Davies declared a conflict of interest, as Chair of joint applicant Synergy 8 Community Builders, and excused himself from discussion and voting on the matter. 

General Manager, Community Services Division Lacroix presented the report and answered questions of Committee.

Neil Sasakamoose was in attendance to address the Committee in support of the recommendations and speak to plans for May 18, 2021, for a formal announcement and related events.

  • Moved By:Councillor Block

    That the report of the General Manager, Community Services Department, dated April 19, 2021 be forwarded to City Council recommending:

    1. That SaskTel Centre be approved as the location for a Fred Sasakamoose commemorative sculpture;
    2. That the Fred Sasakamoose commemorative sculpture be accepted into the City’s public art collection as a donation; and
    3. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the necessary donation agreement between the donor, Synergy 8 Community Builders, and the City of Saskatoon and that His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement under the Corporate Seal.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Kirton
    Absent (2)Councillor Davies, and Councillor Hill

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton

    4. That the sculpture be moved to the downtown entertainment district when the district is complete.

    In Favour (9)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Kirton, Councillor Jeffries, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (2)Councillor Davies, and Councillor Hill


    The Committee recessed at 1:01 p.m. and reconvened at 1:33 p.m. with all members present, except Councillor Hill.

    Item 6.2 was considered next. 

A report of the City Solicitor was provided.

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report and answered questions of Committee.

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois

    That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That City Council approve entering into the Political Protocol Agreement attached as Appendix 1 to the report of the City Solicitor dated April 19, 2021; and
    2. That His Worship the Mayor and the City Clerk sign the Political Commitment Protocol Agreement on behalf of the City of Saskatoon.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, Councillor Loewen, and Councillor Davies
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report of the Interim City Clerk was provided.

Interim City Clerk Jordan presented the report and answered questions of Committee.

  • Moved By:Councillor Kirton

    That consideration of a report from the returning officer be deferred to the second quarter of 2021 or such time that the Saskatoon Municipal Review Commission reports to Committee.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Councillor Block, Mayor Clark, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Kirton, Councillor Dubois, and Councillor Davies
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


A report of the City Solicitor was provided.

Don Klaassen was in attendance on behalf of Cheshire Homes.

City Solicitor Yelland presented the report and answered questions of Committee. 

  • Moved By:Councillor Dubois

    That the Governance and Priorities Committee recommend to City Council that Option 1, as outlined in the report of the City Solicitor dated April 15, 2021, be approved and the City of Saskatoon be removed as a member of Cheshire Homes (Management).

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gough, Councillor Davies, Councillor Kirton, Councillor Loewen, Councillor Gersher, and Councillor Jeffries
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


Councillor Loewen gave the following Notice of Motion:

"TAKE NOTICE that at the next regular meeting of the Governance and Priorities Committee, I will move the following motion:

'That the Administration report back regarding possible options or frameworks to consider requests for resolutions of support from GPC/Council."'

Director of Emergency Management McLeod provided an update regarding Covid-19 data in Saskatoon and the City's current response, and answered questions of Committee with General Manager, Utilities & Environment Division Gardiner and General Manager, Community Services Division Lacroix.  

  • Moved By:Councillor Gough

    That the Committee move In Camera to consider the following items.

    In Favour (10)Councillor Donauer, Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
    Absent (1)Councillor Hill


    The public meeting recessed at 2:39 p.m.

Labour Relations Information (CK 4500-4)

[In Camera - Third Party Information - Section 18 LAFOIP]

Land Negotiations Update (CK 4130-14)

[In Camera - Economic/Financial - Land - Section 17(1)(d) and (e) LAFOIP]

Resignation and Appointment - Public Art Advisory Committee (CK 175-58)

[In Camera - Consultations/Deliberations; Personal Information - Sections 16(1)(b) and (d) and 28 LAFOIP]

Agency Appointment - Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee (CK 225-70)

[In Camera - Consultations/Deliberations; Personal Information - Sections 16(1)(b) and (d) and 28 LAFOIP]

Resignation and Appointment - Municipal Planning Commission (CK 175-16)

[In Camera - Consultations/Deliberations; Personal Information - Sections 16(1)(b) and (d) and 28 LAFOIP]

Verbal Updates

Council Members - His Worship the Mayor; FCM/SUMA; Boards, Committees & Commissions; Personnel Subcommittee (if required)

City Manager

[Sections 13, 14(1), 15(1), 16(1), 17(1), 18(1), 19 and 20 LAFOIP]

Legal Matter (CK 255-5-1)

[In Camera - Solicitor/Client Privilege - Section 21 LAFOIP]

University of Saskatchewan - Request for City Councillor Representation on Research Connections Grant Awards Committee (CK 220-9)

[In Camera - Consultations/Deliberations; Personal Information - Sections 16(1)(b) and (d) and 28 LAFOIP]

The Committee convened In Camera at 3:05 p.m. with the following in attendance via teleconference: 

  • All Committee members, except Councillor Hill
  • City Manager Jorgenson
  • Chief Human Resource Officer Cameron for Item 13.1
  • For Item 13.2:
    • General Managers Lacroix, Gardiner, and Schmidt
    • CFO Tarasoff
    • Fire Chief Hackl
    • Deputy Fire Chief Ralston
    • Director of Planning & Development Anderson
    • Director of Technical Services Willems
    • Director of Saskatoon Land Long
    • Real Estate Manager Pfeil
  • Returning Officer Bastian for a portion of Item 13.6.2

City Clerk Tittemore, Interim City Clerk / Chief Public Policy and Government Relations Officer Jordan, City Solicitor Yelland, and Committee Assistant Hudson were in attendance in the Council Chamber. 

In accordance with Section 86(8) of Bylaw No. 9170, The Procedures and Committees Bylaw, 2014, a motion to extend the meeting beyond 5:30 p.m. was passed.

The meeting recessed at 5:50 p.m. and reconvened at 6:20 p.m.  Committee Assistant Hudson was excused for Item 13.7.

The Committee moved to rise and report at 10:10 p.m. and reconvened publicly immediately thereafter to reports as follows: 

Item 13.1. - Labour Relations Information (File CK 4500-4)
Chief Human Resource Officer Cameron was in attendance for the In Camera discussion.

Moved By: Councillor Jeffries

That the information be received and the report and discussion remain In Camera under Section 18 of LAFOIP.

In Favour (10): Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
Absent (1): Councillor Hill


Item 13.2. - Land Negotiations Update (File CK 4130-14)
The following were in attendance for the In Camera discussion:

  • General Managers Lacroix, Gardiner, and Schmidt
  • CFO Tarasoff
  • Fire Chief Hackl
  • Deputy Fire Chief Ralston
  • Director of Planning & Development Anderson
  • Director of Technical Services Willems
  • Director of Saskatoon Land Long
  • Real Estate Manager Pfeil

Moved By: Councillor Jeffries

That the information be received and the report and discussion remain In Camera under Section 17(1)(d) and (e) of LAFOIP.

In Favour (10): Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
Absent (1): Councillor Hill


Items 13.3., 13.4., 13.5. and 13.8 – Appointments to Committees and Commission (File CK. 225-1 x 175-1)

Moved By: Councillor Jeffries

That the recommended appointments and any further direction, as noted by the City Clerk, with respect to the following be forwarded to City Council for approval and the discussion and a portion of the submitted information remain In Camera under Sections 16(1)(b) and (d) and 28 of LAFOIP:

  • Public Art Advisory Committee
  • Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Municipal Planning Commission
  • University of Saskatchewan - Research Connections Grant Awards Committee

In Favour (10): Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
Absent (1): Councillor Hill


Item 13.6. – Verbal Updates:

13.6.1 - Council Members

Moved By: Councillor Jeffries

That the verbal updates of the Members of Council be received as information and that the discussion remain In Camera under Sections 13, 15, 16,17 18, 21 and 28 of LAFOIP.

In Favour (10): Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
Absent (1): Councillor Hill


13.6.2 - Administration
Returning Officer Bastian was in attendance for a portion of the In Camera discussion. 

Moved By: Councillor Jeffries

That the verbal updates of the City Manager be received as information and that the discussion remain In Camera under Sections 13, 15, 16,17 18, 21 and 28 of LAFOIP.

In Favour (10): Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
Absent (1): Councillor Hill


Item 13.7. - Legal Matter (File CK 255-5-1)
Committee Assistant Hudson was excused for the In Camera discussion.

Moved By: Councillor Jeffries

That the information be received and the report and discussion remain In Camera under Section 21 of LAFOIP.

In Favour (10): Mayor Clark, Councillor Block, Councillor Davies, Councillor Donauer, Councillor Dubois, Councillor Gersher, Councillor Gough, Councillor Jeffries, Councillor Kirton, and Councillor Loewen
Absent (1): Councillor Hill


The meeting adjourned at 10:19 p.m.

No Item Selected