Councillor Hill - Shaw Centre
Councillor Hill asked about the electronic timing system at the Shaw Centre, it if can be replaced ahead of schedule and if it will meet the standards for the upcoming international competition.
General Manager, Community Services Anger responded that they have been in communication with the swim clubs and Sport Development Swim Canada and have confirmed the electronic timing system is sufficient. She also noted it is too tight of a timeframe and will not be replaced ahead of the competition.
Councillor Dubois - Public Washrooms and Drinking Water
Councillor Dubois asked for an update on the public washroom and drinking water decisions that were made at the May 29, 2024, City Council Regular Business meeting.
Director of Emergency Management Organization Goulden-McLeod responded that the water distribution has started and is distributed to community partners to hand out. For the washrooms, the trailer has been purchased and anticipated to open in August.
Councillor Dubois also asked about the washrooms at the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan site.
Director of Recreation and Community Development Roberts responded that they are open to the public but they are experiencing challenges with vandalism.
Councillor Hill - Kinsmen Park
Councillor Hill asked if the security at Kinsmen Park has been increased to alleviate reported inappropriate behaviour within the park.
Director of Recreation and Community Development Roberts responded that they have not received any reports of activity and will follow up with the onsite staff.