via teleconference, hosted from Council Chamber, Saskatoon City Hall

  • Recommendation
    1. That the following letters be added to Item 4.1
      • Submitting Comments:
        1. Michael Mourre, dated February 4, 2022; and
        2. Marilyn Trumier, dated February 6, 2022.
    2. That the agenda be adopted as amended.

A report from Saskatoon Fire is provided. The following letters are provided:

    • Submitting Comments:
      1. Michael Mourre, dated February 4, 2022; and
      2. Marilyn Trumier, dated February 6, 2022.
  • Recommendation
    1. That City Council remove the Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination or Negative Test Requirements for City of Saskatoon facilities, as approved at its October 8, 2021, Special Meeting, when the Government of Saskatchewan rescinds the “Public Health Order Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination or Negative Test.” and
    2. That upon the rescission of the existing “Public Health Order Mandatory Isolation and Face Covering” by the Government of Saskatchewan, City Council continue the requirement, as approved at its August 30, 2021, Regular Business Meeting, that all persons accessing all City facilities, not including Saskatoon Transit, wear a face mask in the manner and form as directed under the rescinded public health order.
    3. That the Administration report back monthly to GPC starting in March 2022, with a written COVID update that includes a recommendation on whether or not to continue the requirement of face masking for all persons accessing all City facilities.