AGENDAREGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF CITY COUNCILWednesday, July 26, 2023 9:30 A.m. - 5:00 P.m.Council Chamber, City HallSubmissions providing comments and/or requesting to speak will be accepted for public meetings using the online form at If your submission includes a request to speak, you will be contacted by a representative from the City Clerk’s Office with further information. Submissions will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday the week of the meeting.1.NATIONAL ANTHEM AND CALL TO ORDER The Chair will call the meeting to order on Treaty 6 Territory and the Traditional Homeland of the Métis People and confirm roll call. 2.CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA RecommendationThat the agenda be confirmed as presented.3.DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING_Jun28_2023 - English.pdfRecommendationThat the minutes of the Regular Business Meeting of City Council held on June 28, 2023, be approved.5.PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 5.1In Remembrance of Lise Fortier 5.2Council Members This is a standing item on the agenda in order to provide Council Members an opportunity to provide any public acknowledgements. 6.QUESTION PERIOD 7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8.CONSENT AGENDA 8.1Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities & Corporate Services 8.2Standing Policy Committee Transportation 8.3Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development & Community Services 8.4Standing Policy Committee on Finance 8.5Governance and Priorities Committee 9.COMMITTEE REPORTS (not on Consent Agenda) 9.1Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities & Corporate Services 9.2Standing Policy Committee Transportation 9.3Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development & Community Services 9.4Standing Policy Committee on Finance 9.5Governance and Priorities Committee 10.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 10.1Transportation & Construction 10.2Utilities & Environment 10.2.1Multi Unit Residential Recycling Contract Renewal [GPC2023-0103] 1.Admin Report - Multi-Unit Residential Recycling Contract Renewal.pdf2.Append 1 - Schedule E - Schedule 5 Payment Terms.pdf3.Append 2 - Schedule H - Schedule 9 Corporate Recycling Services.pdfRecommendationThat City Council approves the six-year renewal and proposed contract amendments for the Multi-Unit Residential Recycling (MURR) program with Cosmopolitan Industries, set to expire December 31st, 2023.10.3Community Services 10.4Saskatoon Fire 10.5Corporate Financial Services 10.6Strategy & Transformation 10.7Human Resources 10.8Public Policy & Government Relations 11.LEGISLATIVE REPORTS 11.1Office of the City Clerk 11.2Office of the City Solicitor 11.2.1Various Bylaw Amendments to Update References from the Queen to the King - Proposed Bylaw Nos. 9909, 9910, 9911, 9912 [CC2023-0201] 1.Admin Report - Various Bylaw Amendments to Update References from the Queen to the King.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw No. 9909.pdf3.Appendix 2 - Bylaw No. 9910.pdf4.Appendix 3 - Bylaw No. 9911.pdf5.Appendix 4 - Bylaw No. 9912.pdfRecommendationThat City Council consider: Bylaw No. 9909, The City of Saskatoon Fire and Protective Services Department Superannuation Plan Amendment Bylaw, 2023; Bylaw No. 9910, The Dangerous Animals Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 2);Bylaw No. 9911, The Municipal Wards Commission Amendment Bylaw, 2023; andBylaw No. 9912, The Saskatoon Licence Appeal Board Amendment Bylaw, 2023.11.2.2The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 3) - Proposed Bylaw No. 9908 [TS2023-0602] 1.Admin Report - The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw 2023, (No. 3).pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw No. 9908, The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 3).pdfRecommendationThat City Council consider: Bylaw No. 9908, The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 3).11.2.3The Waste Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 2) - Proposed Bylaw No. 9914 [EUCS2023-0603] 1.Admin report - The Waste Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 2).pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw No. 9914, The Waste Amendment Bylaw 2023 (No. 2).pdfRecommendationThat City Council consider Bylaw No. 9914, The Waste Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 2).12.OTHER REPORTS 13.INQUIRIES 14.MOTIONS (NOTICE PREVIOUSLY GIVEN) 14.1Councillor R. Donauer - City Auditor - Ability to Assess Potential Value for the City of Saskatoon to Utilize SUMA's Group Purchasing Program [CC2023-0605] Councillor Donauer provided the following Notice of Motion at City Council's Regular Business Meeting held on June 28, 2023."TAKE NOTICE that at the next Regular Business Meeting of City Council, I will move:That the City Auditor report back on the ability to assess the potential value for the City of Saskatoon utilizing SUMA’s group purchasing program, Kinetic GPO. The report would inform Council on the Auditor’s 2023 and 2024 work plans, and whether this is work that could be implemented either this year, or in the upcoming year."15.URGENT BUSINESS 16.GIVING NOTICE 17.IN CAMERA SESSION (OPTIONAL) 18.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING_Jun28_2023 - English.pdf1.Admin Report - Various Bylaw Amendments to Update References from the Queen to the King.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw No. 9909.pdf3.Appendix 2 - Bylaw No. 9910.pdf4.Appendix 3 - Bylaw No. 9911.pdf5.Appendix 4 - Bylaw No. 9912.pdf1.Admin Report - The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw 2023, (No. 3).pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw No. 9908, The Vehicles for Hire Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 3).pdf1.Admin report - The Waste Amendment Bylaw, 2023 (No. 2).pdf2.Appendix 1 - Bylaw No. 9914, The Waste Amendment Bylaw 2023 (No. 2).pdf1.Admin Report - Multi-Unit Residential Recycling Contract Renewal.pdf2.Append 1 - Schedule E - Schedule 5 Payment Terms.pdf3.Append 2 - Schedule H - Schedule 9 Corporate Recycling Services.pdf